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carasdad 01-30-2013 12:19 AM

Hank....1981-2003 here. So hey..that means we are no longer 'Fleet Reserve' we are fully retired instead. Shouldn't we get a notification of that? I have not..
@ terrilee I am sorry as well... times then were horrible for service members..but then..even today we have groups that spit on troops...hold up signs that say "The only good soldier is a dead one"...and many that protest at military funerals. All while living in the comforts of their free society..which was brought to them courtesy of men such as your hubby. The audacity of such behaviour makes me irate. They have freedom because of those they condemn..yet they don't have to balls to join and be a part of their freedom. It is similar to those with armed body guards..preaching to us that we have no rights to firearms or self protection. *Steps off his Soap Box*.. :)

terrilee 01-30-2013 12:20 AM

we were in from '75-'86

and hankers thanks you
but you knew all that, lol
but i understand you alot better now then 2 yrs or more ago when we met

im sure he'd like you alot, except ur a Fing squid :shrug:

love ya bud

terrilee 01-30-2013 12:25 AM


Originally Posted by carasdad (Post 515466)
Hank....1981-2003 here. So hey..that means we are no longer 'Fleet Reserve' we are fully retired instead. Shouldn't we get a notification of that? I have not..
@ terrilee I am sorry as well... times then were horrible for service members..but then..even today we have groups that spit on troops...hold up signs that say "The only good soldier is a dead one"...and many that protest at military funerals. All while living in the comforts of their free society..which was brought to them courtesy of men such as your hubby. The audacity of such behaviour makes me irate. They have freedom because of those they condemn..yet they don't have to balls to join and be a part of their freedom. It is similar to those with armed body guards..preaching to us that we have no rights to firearms or self protection. *Steps off his Soap Box*.. :)

@cara tyvm

become a PGR Patriot Guard Rider,
except as PGR you are NOT allowed to beat 'em up or u'll get kicked out

there was one ride i was on, i almost, almost so Fing close got kicked off
but the other guys held me back and covered my mouth.
as PGR your just supposed to stand there and take it BUT the main purpose to block the view and movement of them sickos, so the family can have some peace . And to ride in honor for their sacrifice

inuyasha 01-30-2013 12:58 AM


Originally Posted by terrilee (Post 515467)
we were in from '75-'86

and hankers thanks you
but you knew all that, lol
but i understand you alot better now then 2 yrs or more ago when we met

im sure he'd like you alot, except ur a Fing squid:shrug:

love ya bud

Hi Terri
Maybe so :shrug: But i was was of that rare breed that faced their enemy personally not just from shipboard
Your familiar with these im quite sure
CH C by inuyasha50, on Flickr
Take care and ride safely dear friend
Yours Hank

terrilee 01-30-2013 09:20 AM

im sure he would say this......
well we will take 3-4 points off , cause your a squid,
but since you have that coin? we will give u 99 points
well come join us, let me buy you a drink, wanna come over the
house for dinner? etc etc

there is really something VERY unique among all
spec ops groups. they know, they know what each team is capable of.

not saying NON spec ops people arent brave, great soldiers, sailors etc
but spec ops are spec ops.
i dont have to explain this to you
i still have his challenge coin.

imnts2 01-30-2013 09:20 AM

All of you were more or less dam lucky. So was I. Vietnam and Korea and Japan and the closest I came to getting scared was an ofd duty South Vietnamese soldier pulled a pin at the end of the alley I lived on in Saigon and blew himself apart. In fact so lucky I have been half ashamed till recently.

Yes, it is nice that a few civilians act like they think we are not dirt. But I noticed that the sales clerks at Lowes no longer say anything about it, when I show my ID and ask for the 10% discount. They used to thank us for our service.

But pay attention to the US governement. Pay attention to how our damaged brotheres are treated. A friend who had his knees permanently damaged from a bad chute landing is still waiting for surgery and I have no doubt it will not come before he goes on Medicare and thus gets off VA's budget. The VA is underfunded. It always has been and always will be. Your retirement with not keep up with the real changes in the cost of things you buy Hank, . I could go on, but I think we all know the drill. Look at the homeless and the suiside and unemployed statistices. Frankly, as a businessman, I hate the fact that I often cannot find a younger vet that I can trust with with my customers.

I think it is a serious problem. I am a bit worried about it. But those of you as young as Hank perhaps need to worry more.


inuyasha 01-30-2013 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by imnts2 (Post 515519)
All of you were more or less dam lucky. So was I. Vietnam and Korea and Japan and the closest I came to getting scared was an ofd duty South Vietnamese soldier pulled a pin at the end of the alley I lived on in Saigon and blew himself apart. In fact so lucky I have been half ashamed till recently.

Yes, it is nice that a few civilians act like they think we are not dirt. But I noticed that the sales clerks at Lowes no longer say anything about it, when I show my ID and ask for the 10% discount. They used to thank us for our service.

But pay attention to the US governement. Pay attention to how our damaged brotheres are treated. A friend who had his knees permanently damaged from a bad chute landing is still waiting for surgery and I have no doubt it will not come before he goes on Medicare and thus gets off VA's budget. The VA is underfunded. It always has been and always will be. Your retirement with not keep up with the real changes in the cost of things you buy Hank, . I could go on, but I think we all know the drill. Look at the homeless and the suiside and unemployed statistices. Frankly, as a businessman, I hate the fact that I often cannot find a younger vet that I can trust with with my customers.

I think it is a serious problem. I am a bit worried about it. But those of you as young as Hank perhaps need to worry more.


Hi Lloyd
I hope that is correct as its been a while my friend and my memory is not as good as it was in days gone bye
How ya been i hope all is going well
Not to worry my friend, over the full span of my career ive managed to save quite a bit and have made wise investments which have paid off nicely, so even in the event of my pension being lost i would still be well off
I appreciate the concern and thank you from the bottom of my heart
Take care and ride safely dear friend
Yours Hank

spandi 01-30-2013 09:50 AM

Hank would be a good moderator, Lemmy?.... Not so much.

carasdad 01-30-2013 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by inuyasha (Post 515475)
Hi Terri
Maybe so :shrug: But i was was of that rare breed that faced their enemy personally not just from shipboard
Your familiar with these im quite sure
CH C by inuyasha50, on Flickr
Take care and ride safely dear friend
Yours Hank

Hank awesome..did not know that about you my friend. Many think we Navy are just ship bound. Not so...many of us are 'Ground Pounders" 2nd Battalion 6th Marines...3rd Battalion 6th Marines...3rd Battalion 4th marines...8th Combat Engineers and my final a fave duty... 2nd Force Recon.Did one stint on the USS John C Stennis CVN74..precommed that ship. Worst 3 years of my grass or dirt for cover in case of incoming fire...and walking on steel decks is hard on the feet and knees.Not to mention all night flight ops with F18..F14's and Helo's launching during your 2-3 hours allotted sleep at night. Also we trained with 101st Airborne...and one SEAL Team that taught us cover,concealment,Land NAV and Night Ops. Parachuted 3 times with 101st Airborne.. Ok let me rephrase that with honesty... Was PUSHED out of a plane 3 times with 101st Airborne wearing a Parachute.(All wise Squids know you don't jump out of a perfectly good airplane..that is for emergency purposes only!) 2nd Force Recon...our snipers were ONE HARDY group... departing our unit at night and spent 3-4 days no food or water(except what they found edible) on their bellies in the prone position the whole time..never standing up! Training with the SEALS was about pranksters!! Sneak in at night..capture our night watchmen..confiscate ammo and unguarded weapons and ammo..disable our vehicles and destroy our food supply(But hell MRE's are already destroyed..some real nasty constipate you for a week food as you know) One day will send you a pic of my Ghillie suit a 2nd Class SEAL taught me to make....took 3 weeks in the field to make it. My most prized possession... from my service. With cover scent while deer hunting they have walked within 10 feet of me...were a bit jittery and nervous...yet clueless...>D When it comes to Special Forces..I can no longer watch old episodes of Macgyver...pfft too fake and a mere Amateur he was Sir...:lmao:

inuyasha 01-30-2013 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by spandi (Post 515530)
Hank would be a good moderator, Lemmy?.... Not so much.

Why thank you very much my friend, its most appreciated
Lemmy has a soft side too dont ya know, well kinda soft
Take care and ride safely dear friend
Yours Hank

spandi 01-30-2013 10:22 AM

Thanks Hank....I figured you'd "catch it"

P.S. I'd love to see a movie where Lemmy plays a summer camp counselor.

scootnwinn 01-30-2013 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by inuyasha (Post 515533)
Why thank you very much my friend, its most appreciated
Lemmy has a soft side too dont ya know, well kinda soft
Take care and ride safely dear friend
Yours Hank

Yes kinda soft. Someone as hardcore as Lemmy is even soft in a hard way. I imagine the members list would dwindle as he moderated. The only one who may be worse is Henry Rollins. That guy knows how to yell and be insulting. Absolutely too hardcore for moderation.. Hope he isn't on here or he may come and get me for saying something :no:

spandi 01-30-2013 10:39 AM

I remember reading an article years ago in Kerrang (British Metal Mag) when he was being interviewed, he was wearing a tiny button and when the reporter leaned over to examine it, it read: "nosey f***er aren't you?" Typical Lemmy.

inuyasha 01-30-2013 10:40 AM


Originally Posted by scootnwinn (Post 515542)
Yes kinda soft. Someone as hardcore as Lemmy is even soft in a hard way. I imagine the members list would dwindle as he moderated. The only one who may be worse is Henry Rollins. That guy knows how to yell and be insulting. Absolutely too hardcore for moderation.. Hope he isn't on here or he may come and get me for saying something :no:

Hi Rob
Hate to prove you wrong but thats the act not the true man
Take care and ride safely
Yours Hank

carasdad 01-30-2013 10:51 AM


Originally Posted by imnts2 (Post 515519)
All of you were more or less dam lucky. So was I. Vietnam and Korea and Japan and the closest I came to getting scared was an ofd duty South Vietnamese soldier pulled a pin at the end of the alley I lived on in Saigon and blew himself apart. In fact so lucky I have been half ashamed till recently.

Yes, it is nice that a few civilians act like they think we are not dirt. But I noticed that the sales clerks at Lowes no longer say anything about it, when I show my ID and ask for the 10% discount. They used to thank us for our service.

But pay attention to the US governement. Pay attention to how our damaged brotheres are treated. A friend who had his knees permanently damaged from a bad chute landing is still waiting for surgery and I have no doubt it will not come before he goes on Medicare and thus gets off VA's budget. The VA is underfunded. It always has been and always will be. Your retirement with not keep up with the real changes in the cost of things you buy Hank, . I could go on, but I think we all know the drill. Look at the homeless and the suiside and unemployed statistices. Frankly, as a businessman, I hate the fact that I often cannot find a younger vet that I can trust with with my customers.

I think it is a serious problem. I am a bit worried about it. But those of you as young as Hank perhaps need to worry more.


Lloyd...what you say my the sad truth. The VA does not compensate me for my service connected issues. For one...I was not given a Purple Heart for the AK bullet to my back right side...taking out a portion of my kidney and the Adrenal Cortex. Reason being for the above was a civilian lady that did it. THEREFORE it is NOT considered "Due to enemy engagement" Seems the Gov will do anything to save money due spend on themselves.>:( Just as you mentioned..I often think in terms of the near future in that on a whim they will suspend and cancel our currently received retirement pensions. While just as they do now...can serve one term in Congress and get a 100% retirement pension. We must do 20 years to get 50% and 30 years to get 75%...and now that seems threatened. Glad you did ok in uncle did not fair so well...because as he says... "There...just as work in my civilian job...I never knew who my enemy was" He was the victim of some sort of trap..where when stepping on the trigger mechanism..4 sharpened Bambo spears spring up and catch you in the chest. Wow..and I thought IED's in Iraq were Barabaric..:no:
Lloyd...I can tell by your writings and enjoy them VERY much...that you can take a man out of the military..but you shall never take the military out of such man. I keep a Journal on my PC of all my thoughts and is very therapeutic for me. Here it is my friend--> Observations on life by Glenn #6470: Fear is not is just a product of thoughts we create in or minds..... Danger is very real....but fear is a choice....
Lloyd...thank you for your service..and the traditional "Welcome home brother" is in order...:tup:

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