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BigGuy 01-30-2013 04:00 PM

The green vests are awesome! Bright and glowing to me!


scootnwinn 01-30-2013 04:03 PM

Sweet! my jacket is Hi-Viz green nice to know I'm being seen. I'm looking at a Hi-Viz Helmet next... If my wife lets me >D

spandi 01-30-2013 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by BigGuy (Post 515660)
Yes Sir! The NTSB requires that reflective vests are ORANGE for exactly this reason! Same with all construction signs. They used to be yellow and red years ago.

The only signs that haven't changed in the US to accommodate color blindness are Interstate and Stop/Wrong Way signs. Interstate signs are no problem because they are green with white letters, but Stop signs are different. They are all red with white letters, and while the red washes out silver for me, the white letters are still glaring, especially at night!

But really, the color of your scooter doesn't matter... if you buy a red one, it looks just like a silver one to me -- a green one is a yellowish color, etc. It's not like they disappear! :-)


Oh good. For a minute there I thought I had to replace my green safety vests (3) that light up too.:yay::yay::yay:

50cc 01-30-2013 04:32 PM

Another good example and in a very cute video:

carasdad 01-30-2013 04:56 PM

From 30+ years in the Medical field...I will say that yes about 10% of the population is Red/Green color blind. This rarely if EVER occurs in females. Now I will interject a bit of my Native American teachings that are Wildlife Biology supported. In nature you will notice most female animals are well camouflaged decorated in earth tones..this helps them blend in and guard their offspring....while the male of the species is very colorful. For example Pheasant,Ducks,Partridge,Hawks,Eagles,Song birds and the list goes on...with the exception of Deer,Bear,Felines and a few others whose offspring are born with an earth blending color for protection. In the case of Bears, Felines and several others..they need not be of an earth blending color for they are the very predators at the top of the food chain. The males of most species need not complete color vision as they themselves are the brightly colored ones...whose colors and mating ritual is what attracts the female for breeding purposes. While at a greater risk by being so colorful it does not upset the balance of nature as one male can mate with several females producing plenty of broods of offspring.(Gee sounds like something we see on the Maury Povich show huh?) Should his bright colors keep him from concealment and an easy target for does not matter for another male can replace him in the reproductive cycle. Oddly human males are not of bright colors...but then again we are also at the top of the predator/food chain. How does this apply to the OP and all other posts on it...not really sure. I am just a plethora of trivial crap as my gf tells me. But that is because I do my best to view things from another perspective..satisfy my curiosity and try my best to understand the nature of animals and humans. Hence my name..Yayiima benatigee...meaning in touch with nature or blends with nature. There will be no homework for tonight's biology lesson..however you will now be more aware of...the colors of human and animal nature.:nod:

scootnwinn 01-30-2013 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by carasdad (Post 515676)
How does this apply to the OP and all other posts on it...not really sure. I am just a plethora of trivial crap as my gf tells me.

The whole thing was interesting but that ^^^ is my favorite part you make me laugh dude.

carasdad 01-30-2013 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by scootnwinn (Post 515681)
The whole thing was interesting but that ^^^ is my favorite part you make me laugh dude.

Dude is fine with me.>D More stupid trivia...there is slang word for dude..but cannot be spoken in the presence of the elder crowd. Set in their ways and rightfully that they do not want the language...( as they say in their words not me...they do not want the language contaminated with slang words such as the English language is)....
But dude is ok with me...slang for it is Hiyakibee (hi a kib bee) in case you want to mess with the older crowd at the Casinos in the U.P. of Michigan..:lmao:

Payneib 01-30-2013 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by carasdad (Post 515676)
The males of most species need not complete color vision as they themselves are the brightly colored ones...whose colors and mating ritual is what attracts the female for breeding purposes.

With no qualifications in biology above high school, and from the safety of my sofa, many thousands of miles away, I'm going to throw in something contradictory to that! Lol

As modern science is well aware of now, humans evolved from primates, including baboons who are very usefull for this discussion. In baboons red buttocks on a female indicates to a male that she is ready to breed. One theory suggests that the "arse end advertising" of the baboon reproductive cycle has been inherited by modern man, in that the shape of a woman's body (curve of the shoulders, cleavage, shape of the knee etc) is designed to replicate a nice bum.

Moving on from that, you can see how any male baboon (looking for a red arse in a green jungle) with red/green colour blindness would have failed to mate, and thus any descendants in the evolutionary tree, would have excellent colour differentiating vision.

I personally would suggest that red/green colour blindness is caused by a random configuration of genes, activated by the "Y" chromosome, hence only ever in males.

But that is purely an (un)educated guess: I'm an engineer, not scientist! Lol If you've got anymore pearls of wisdom, keep them coming, that was very interesting!

carasdad 01-30-2013 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by Payneib (Post 515687)
With no qualifications in biology above high school, and from the safety of my sofa, many thousands of miles away, I'm going to throw in something contradictory to that! Lol

As modern science is well aware of now, humans evolved from primates, including baboons who are very usefull for this discussion. In baboons red buttocks on a female indicates to a male that she is ready to breed. One theory suggests that the "arse end advertising" of the baboon reproductive cycle has been inherited by modern man, in that the shape of a woman's body (curve of the shoulders, cleavage, shape of the knee etc) is designed to replicate a nice bum.

Moving on from that, you can see how any male baboon (looking for a red arse in a green jungle) with red/green colour blindness would have failed to mate, and thus any descendants in the evolutionary tree, would have excellent colour differentiating vision.

I personally would suggest that red/green colour blindness is caused by a random configuration of genes, activated by the "Y" chromosome, hence only ever in males.

But that is purely an (un)educated guess: I'm an engineer, not scientist! Lol If you've got anymore pearls of wisdom, keep them coming, that was very interesting!

Thank you.I have many more. In regards to the Baboon what you say is true. But as you know we live in a very diverse and ever changing world. Therefore things are changing as we speak. Is it not odd how we only think of and mention Evolution in its past tense? Meanwhile Evolution is moving forward every day around us..yet we are too blind and stuck in our own paradigm to even see it. Evolution is not Historical by any means...for change never is the way of our earth and nature itself as well. A good example...and I always like to use my people as an example in this. My ancestors lived in huts made of grass..mud..sticks and clay with dirt floors for the children to play on. They ate raw or poorly cooked meats as well as freshly harvested fruits and vegetables that were not washed or cleansed with soap...or the chemicals producers use today to basically sterilize the produce. They had an immune system similar that of modern day Dogs,Wolves,Coyote,Fox,wild Felines and birds of prey. Not denouncing soap and water of course..but over the past 50 years we have become a Germaphobe paranoid society. We use sanitary wipes for cart handles at Wal Mart, keep gel sanitizer in our purses or throughout the house and we give Antibiotics for even the mildest of viral maladies i.e. the common cold. These are designed for bacteria..and the bacteria(part of evolution still going on oblivious to us for we think of it in past tense only) The bacteria is evolving and due to our Germaphone paranoia...what have we done? We have suppressed our immune systems to the point the 1950's the Flu made us sick..we stayed ran its course..we developed a stronger immunity to it(more evolution) However today..the common flu is fatal to the young and elderly in that we must get Flu shots to avoid it. Know what? It is all our fault. We brought his on. Over the Centuries evolution advanced to defeat each new strain by strengthening our immune system. We mess with nature so we pay the price. Some cultures and religions refer to this as 'Playing God'
Anyway back to your OP. I would have to concur that the Y Chromosome is somehow instrumental in color vision just as it is other in other inherent traits in male vs female. The odd trait that we do share is that both men and women carry both Testosterone and Progesterone..each at a proper level to keep our male/female traits. Androgen while a type of testosterone is found in both but higher so in males. Studies I've read have shown that too much male hormone Androgen causes Acne and can be seen notably more in thin girls with a 12 yo boyish figure..for they suffer Acne worse than the average human.
So again..back to your Op...bear with me..I get lost in thought at times. Attraction for human males and females also comes from the eyes in how they are used when engaging in conversation. Possibly why we all have different eye color as only one color may not attract everyone? Not sure. Medman the Moderator is a PA...he will come along soon I hope...and correct either of our discrepancies..explaining it backed by his in depth knowledge.:tup:

Payneib 01-30-2013 09:14 PM

I totally agree with you that "playing god" is having a detrimental effect on evolution, both of our species and others. WRT the on going human evolution, there's more than one "type" of evolution (that I know of). One is due to change of surroundings. This means that either due to migration, or climate change, or the introduction of a predator, or some other external influence, one (or more) aspect of a species becomes non-viable, and one (or more) aspect of a species becomes advantageous. This means some individuals will die out, while others will flourish. This won't happen to us while we're bulldozing rainforests, rounding up native people's into reserves etc and laying down nice big swathes of concrete to live in. While we control our surroundings, our surroundings won't control us. (I don't mean to cause any offence there: it just seems more likely that an indigenous people, living a "natural, prehistoric" lifestyle would be more likely to evolve than a modern western people in a fabricated environment)

The other form of evolution being mutation. Mutations happen all the time. It just so happens that occasionally some of them "work" better and enable a species to thrive, expand, and destroy other species through competition for resources. How will humanity evolve with modern medicine "rectifying" all mutations? How do we know that the next great evolutionary step for our species is being surgically removed and treated with steroid cream?! Lol

But this "playing god" theory is a double edged sword. Yes, viruses and bacteria are evolving faster and faster to survive our treatments, but look at the 1918-1920 Spanish Flu pandemic compared to SARS: one killed around 50 million people worldwide, more than WW1, where as the other is supposed to be the scariest thing out of China since the GY6 engine, and only killed 774. So yes, "bugs" are evolving in reaction to external influence, but not nearly fast enough to realistically cull the host population (us).

And because we as a species evolved the ability of speech and communication, the OP of this thread no longer needs to survive in a green jungle looking for a sexy red arse, he can just tell a prospective mate, "I want to be on you" and see what she says. Also, as its wait we could deem a negative mutation (no offence ment) in terms of evolution, he would die out sharpish, but due to our species "playing god", we now have a valuable contributor to our little scooter society who hasn't been eaten by a tiger (orange cat in a green jungle!).

But of course I could be wrong!

BigGuy 01-30-2013 09:26 PM

Would someone please pass the crack pipe? ;-)

terrilee 01-30-2013 09:27 PM

i like reading you 2 guys
your intelligent people, and i like to b around that.
when in rome..............?

scootnwinn 01-30-2013 09:28 PM

I think it is something far stronger than crack

Payneib 01-30-2013 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by BigGuy (Post 515704)
Would someone please pass the crack pipe? ;-)

Hey! I thought I did well to get two mentions of the OP, AND a scooter reference in there! Lol

EDIT: Also, if I made a joke about "what you put in your peace pipe": would that be considered comedy or racism around here? I never really know how to pitch it in a new group! Lol ;)

inuyasha 01-30-2013 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by BigGuy (Post 515704)
Would someone please pass the crack pipe? ;-)

Hi Rich
I know what you mean LOL it brings to mind this old ditty
Do enjoy
Take care and ride safely dear friend
Yours Hank

terrilee 01-30-2013 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by Payneib (Post 515708)
Hey! I thought I did well to get two mentions of the OP, AND a scooter reference in there! Lol

EDIT: Also, if I made a joke about "what you put in your peace pipe": would that be considered comedy or racism around here? I never really know how to pitch it in a new group! Lol ;)

im 1 of 2 natives in here, i think there's only 2
since u asked , i have nooo problem at all
as long as in good taste
thank you for asking

inuyasha 01-30-2013 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by terrilee (Post 515711)
im 1 of 2 natives in here, i think there's only 2
since u asked , i have nooo problem at all
as long as in good taste

Hi Terri
Theres native american blood in my family tree as well, Glenn aka carasdad who is native american too has know for quite a while now so you can include my daughter Lissa aka derbi as one as well
She wouldnt mind either if it was in good taste
Take care and ride safely dear friend
Yours Hank

Payneib 01-30-2013 09:51 PM

Well that was pretty much the entire joke anyway, so in glad it didn't cause offence! Lol

spandi 01-30-2013 10:11 PM

Stronger that crack?...Naah, this is more like the consciousness expending thread, so...Ooh THE COLORS!

carasdad 01-30-2013 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by Payneib (Post 515702)
I totally agree with you that "playing god" is having a detrimental effect on evolution, both of our species and others. WRT the on going human evolution, there's more than one "type" of evolution (that I know of). One is due to change of surroundings. This means that either due to migration, or climate change, or the introduction of a predator, or some other external influence, one (or more) aspect of a species becomes non-viable, and one (or more) aspect of a species becomes advantageous. This means some individuals will die out, while others will flourish. This won't happen to us while we're bulldozing rainforests, rounding up native people's into reserves etc and laying down nice big swathes of concrete to live in. While we control our surroundings, our surroundings won't control us. (I don't mean to cause any offence there: it just seems more likely that an indigenous people, living a "natural, prehistoric" lifestyle would be more likely to evolve than a modern western people in a fabricated environment)

The other form of evolution being mutation. Mutations happen all the time. It just so happens that occasionally some of them "work" better and enable a species to thrive, expand, and destroy other species through competition for resources. How will humanity evolve with modern medicine "rectifying" all mutations? How do we know that the next great evolutionary step for our species is being surgically removed and treated with steroid cream?! Lol

But this "playing god" theory is a double edged sword. Yes, viruses and bacteria are evolving faster and faster to survive our treatments, but look at the 1918-1920 Spanish Flu pandemic compared to SARS: one killed around 50 million people worldwide, more than WW1, where as the other is supposed to be the scariest thing out of China since the GY6 engine, and only killed 774. So yes, "bugs" are evolving in reaction to external influence, but not nearly fast enough to realistically cull the host population (us).

And because we as a species evolved the ability of speech and communication, the OP of this thread no longer needs to survive in a green jungle looking for a sexy red arse, he can just tell a prospective mate, "I want to be on you" and see what she says. Also, as its wait we could deem a negative mutation (no offence ment) in terms of evolution, he would die out sharpish, but due to our species "playing god", we now have a valuable contributor to our little scooter society who hasn't been eaten by a tiger (orange cat in a green jungle!).

But of course I could be wrong!

+5..Excellent write up. Pass the crack pipe and all the other comments I do not understand. I think intelligent and insightful conversations are good...they get peoples minds clicking and get them out of the mundane habitual mode of thinking we all end up falling into.. Anyway..I could be more from me. *Tears up MENSA card and wishes like hell his mother would have played "Shake the baby" in a very aggressive manner with him so he can be accepted by society*... :(

inuyasha 01-30-2013 10:29 PM


Originally Posted by spandi (Post 515715)
Stronger that crack?...Naah, this is more like the consciousness expending thread, so...DUDE THE COLORS!

Ooh the colors
Good one my friend
Heres another, and one of my favorite shows btw
Take care and ride safely dear friend
Yours Hank

spandi 01-30-2013 10:48 PM

Congratulations Hank. It's official, all our Brit posters now Love you.:clap:
P.S. what was I thinking? you're right. (went back and revised the title.)

BigGuy 01-30-2013 11:54 PM


Originally Posted by carasdad (Post 515716)
+5..Excellent write up. Pass the crack pipe and all the other comments I do not understand. I think intelligent and insightful conversations are good...they get peoples minds clicking and get them out of the mundane habitual mode of thinking we all end up falling into.. Anyway..I could be more from me. *Tears up MENSA card and wishes like hell his mother would have played "Shake the baby" in a very aggressive manner with him so he can be accepted by society*... :(

The comments are made in jest, or at least mine was... what good if life if you can't have some fun?


inuyasha 01-30-2013 11:56 PM


Originally Posted by BigGuy (Post 515733)
The comments are made in jest, or at least mine was... what good if life if you can't have some fun?


Hi Rich
Well said my friend, well said
Take care and ride safely
Yours Hank

carasdad 01-30-2013 11:59 PM


Originally Posted by BigGuy (Post 515733)
The comments are made in jest, or at least mine was... what good if life if you can't have some fun?


Just as mine was in jest..:nod:

scootnwinn 01-31-2013 12:07 AM

I got it Glen I'm with you the whole tearing up you I'm smart card and wishing you were stupid

scootnwinn 01-31-2013 12:08 AM

I'm sure you will regret it after.the drugs wear off

MEAN_MOTOFINO 01-31-2013 12:10 AM

If COLORS are such a big deal for this BIG GUY , can he not just set his computer to black and white or something ?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:shrug::no::shrug::nuts::bs: :hehe::yay::yay:

inuyasha 01-31-2013 12:11 AM


Originally Posted by scootnwinn (Post 515741)
I'm sure you will regret it after.the drugs wear off

Hi Rob
Aint that the truth lmao lol
Take care and ride safely dear friend
Yours Hank

spandi 01-31-2013 12:22 AM


Originally Posted by BigGuy (Post 515733)
The comments are made in jest, or at least mine was... what good if life if you can't have some fun?


So you're saying you need the crayon in the brain? (all in fun too)

BigGuy 01-31-2013 01:11 AM


Originally Posted by MEAN_MACHINE_MOTOFINO (Post 515742)
If COLORS are such a big deal for this BIG GUY , can he not just set his computer to black and white or something ?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm sure he can do whatever he wants to do, but when one reads the posts he makes, one finds out that it is not a problem for this BIG GUY! It is was a suggestion for the 1 in 10 other men that read the board and don't know how to compensate or correct it!

Now on to the next topic! When using an exclamation point, using just one makes the same statement as 20! Example!


jarlaxle 02-02-2013 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by terrilee (Post 515705)
i like reading you 2 guys
your intelligent people, and i like to b around that.
when in rome..............?

You got that song stuck in my head. ARRRRRRRRRRGH!

At least it's a good song. :tup:

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