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Admin 01-25-2013 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by tvnacman (Post 514190)
gee I'm in Queens and yourself ?


A Mets fan huh? Ugh. Oh well. :shrug:

I'm upstate a bit, originally from Rockland, now in Orange for the past 25 years. :cheers:

wutzthedeal 01-25-2013 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by Lefty (Post 514165)
Well for all those genius computer guys, I started my career as a PROGRAMMER writing software for mainframes and then pcs, as well as security software for both.
All you have to do is find the loophole in the software to get around anything. You can only do and think of so many ways that someone can get around it. Miss a few and it is found and there goes that part of the checks in the software. That is why all your current security software is always being updatee. They can only update once it is britched to plug the hole or holes.
I am retired now but I started back in 1969 programming, the going lanugage then was RPG, BAL and COBOL and Fortran, then the pcs hit then your Script,Basic,GUIs using C and C++. Gui programmers were a dime a dozen coming out of college and they still are. Many companies used to get VISAs for Chinese and India programmers and bring them over and house them like cattle working for peanuts. So with your 22 years you still have to lot to learn.

I don't care what programming you learned starting in 1969. That has nothing to do with what people can do having only your e-mail address, and as a matter of fact, they CANNOT get access to your computer having only your e-mail address unless you execute malicious code through an attachment, which almost everybody is smart enough not to do. Having your e-mail address gives a hacker NO POWER over your computer. A lot to learn? I think you have a lot to learn about computing and security in 2013. Let's bring it into the 21st century, eh?

tvnacman 01-25-2013 04:25 PM

I'm no sports fan , for a date I would go to shea . If I went with friends it would be Yankee stadium . I have not been to either ball field since before they were rebuilt .

Do you ride ?


wutzthedeal 01-25-2013 04:28 PM

And yes I'm a hawk on people spreading false fear; just last night on Facebook I was sharing this friendly reminder: "If you see a post that you might want to re-post but you don't know if it's legit, all you have to do is highlight a couple sentences in the post, right click, and choose "Search Google for..." (for Chrome; similar for other browsers) and if it's a scam/incorrect, it'll pop up on hoaxslayer or, typically. But, it's important to actually click on the result, because occasionally they are "true," or "partially true." Most of the ones I see that I bother to check on turn out to be false, especially ones that involve personal safety, government, or facebook policies. It's a quick, easy way to make sure you aren't furthering anger, fear, or panic for no reason. THIS post is one you should re-post! :)"

If you guys need further reason not to worry; here you go. My e-mail address is Get into my computer. Have at it. :nuts:

Admin 01-25-2013 04:30 PM

Ah ok, cool. Yea I'm a bigger football fan than baseball, but the Yanks are my team. :) Haven't been to the new house either yet.

I do ride, but right now I'm scooter-less. Looking to get another in the spring time/summer. Right now I have a few ATVs, a dirtbike, and a sled.

Nice to meet ya!

Lefty 01-25-2013 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by Admin (Post 514179)
Lefty can you post your name & address too, just so we know who you are? Can't ever be too careful these days, ya know?

And yes, my name is Mike... no mystery at all. It's all been stated. :tup:

I sent an email to Lee (Dawg), so I'm sure he'll post when he gets a chance. Hopefully that will calm down all you conspiracy theorists. :s

And by the way, the 'forum' is not registered with Godaddy, the domain is.. two different things. ;)

Sorry I do not give out my name and address to people I do not know. Shit for all I know someone will come and ring my doorbell and blow me away I am a Disabled Nam Vet and let me tell you bullets hurt:ugh:

You say it is not registered with Godaddy, do you want me to put up the Registration info from Godaddy? I am asking because it has personal stuff like your address email your registered it under etc.. Or maybe you want me to send it to you.

But anywhos I am done with this and I WANT TO THANK ALL YOU GOOD FOLKS that are thanking me for just trying to look out for the folks on here.

Lets hope I am still alive and well after this, IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN(HAHA).

tvnacman 01-25-2013 04:57 PM

Same here , I would imagine your power sports are Chinese make . I have a decent amount of parts on hand here in Queens . I work in Manhattan , keep it in mind . I don't know any places to get parts in the tri state area . If you know of parts local let me know .


Admin 01-25-2013 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by Lefty (Post 514201)
Sorry I do not give out my name and address to people I do not know. Shit for all I know someone will come and ring my doorbell and blow me away I am a Disabled Nam Vet and let me tell you bullets hurt:ugh:

You say it is not registered with Godaddy, do you want me to put up the Registration info from Godaddy? I am asking because it has personal stuff like your address email your registered it under etc.. Or maybe you want me to send it to you.

But anywhos I am done with this and I WANT TO THANK ALL YOU GOOD FOLKS that are thanking me for just trying to look out for the folks on here.

Lets hope I am still alive and well after this, IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN(HAHA).

Oh, but you're sending other people all my info? I'd hate for someone to 'blow' me away too, you'd probably be responsible for that. Well, atleast it's documented now. :hehe:

I don't think you quite understand how the internet works.. like I said, the domain IS registered with GoDaddy, the forum is not. Just correcting your wording a bit. :cheers:

Admin 01-25-2013 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by tvnacman (Post 514206)
Same here , I would imagine your power sports are Chinese make . I have a decent amount of parts on hand here in Queens . I work in Manhattan , keep it in mind . I don't know any places to get parts in the tri state area . If you know of parts local let me know .


Actually they're Japanese, but I'll definitely keep you in mind, thanks. I have a couple friends with chinese makes.

tvnacman 01-25-2013 05:14 PM

Are you guys doing your own repairs ? If you get frustrated or stumped pick up the phone , that is why it is there .


Admin 01-25-2013 05:24 PM

Yea I do all my own repairs for the most part.

Thanks, appreciate it! :tup:

Lefty 01-25-2013 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by Admin (Post 514209)
Oh, but you're sending other people all my info? I'd hate for someone to 'blow' me away too, you'd probably be responsible for that. Well, atleast it's documented now. :hehe:

I don't think you quite understand how the internet works.. like I said, the domain IS registered with GoDaddy, the forum is not. Just correcting your wording a bit. :cheers:


The domain IS registered with GoDaddy the forum is not
WOW!! What a revelation that is:lmao:

NO BIG SECRECT just go to it is all there for the BILLIONS OF INTERNET NON SAVEY PEOPLE to see:lmao:. You might think your smart but remember there is always someone smarter and you and it will bite you in the butt.

Guest_2 01-25-2013 05:32 PM

ALL I want to say is good job Mike (Admin)

Admin 01-25-2013 05:51 PM

Thanks! :tup:

Lefty, I really don't understand you. You must be smarter.

For the third time.. yes, the domain IS registered with GoDaddy.. no one ever claimed it wasn't and no one ever said it was a secret. lmao

I need a drink.

Lefty 01-25-2013 05:58 PM

That is good that you do not understand me keeps you on your toes, gets the juices flowing in the brain and that is how new and wonderfull things happen. Lets forget about it and I will join you in that drink, DEAL?

teddy554 01-25-2013 06:12 PM

I am just happy we actually have someone running the forum fulltime now and not a part time person, medman did good but we needed a full time admin or mod

Guest_1 01-25-2013 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by scootnwinn (Post 514138)
Whatever, the dude doesn't have a spare 5 minutes in the last 48 hours, but has time for phone calls...

@winn yea medman (doug) is extremely busy, his in in the medical prof. 3/4 of his staff is off with the flu. i guess it was more important to take care of patients, then deal with a 'forum'


Originally Posted by wutzthedeal (Post 514155)
Whoa, Nelly. Having your e-mail address in no way gives hackers access to your computer. That is absolutely false. I've worked on computers and networks for 22 years and while I may know jack shid about scooters, I know computers.

Having your e-mail address will allow a so-inclined person to send you junk mail, or, to sign you up to receive a bunch of junk mail you don't want. This is why e-mail services have spam filters. On Yahoo! Mail, for example, you don't have to ever read spam. You just click "empty" on the spam folder or just set it up to automatically empty spam. Yes, some will still get through, but when you click on them as spam, the e-mail service's spam

@ ADMIN-EVERYONE--all i know is i got a ton of spam the 1st day.
its a LOT less today, but its still GUCCI BAGS , bicycles, dresses the kind of stuff, that was spaming the pro board site. still DO NOT believe it was coincidence , but i know less about computers than scooters. i know not to open spam, hell i dont even open mail from names i dont know, Mike-that is why i asked you to identify urself

and DAMIT i forgot to change color and font again.

Oh by the way anyone who cares--Lee was made a offer he couldnt turn it down, so he sold SD

teddy554 01-25-2013 06:18 PM

Glad he did cause he sure wasnt doing nothing for it

Lefty 01-25-2013 06:25 PM

Well if SD was sold then I APOLOGIZE TO ALL for causeing a RUCKUS.

MIKE I specially Apologize to you "PEACE".

Guest_1 01-25-2013 06:27 PM

i hope it wasnt taken as causing a ruckus
i hope it is taken for what it was

looking out for the members


millsc 01-25-2013 06:31 PM

I like the new site much better now that im used to it provides more options :cheers:

Admin 01-25-2013 06:52 PM

No worries Lefty :tup:

inuyasha 01-25-2013 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by Lefty (Post 514241)
Well if SD was sold then I APOLOGIZE TO ALL for causeing a RUCKUS.

MIKE I specially Apologize to you "PEACE".

Hi Lefty
Thats quite all right make all the RUCKUS'S you want just make sure from now on that they are these>D:yay::clap:
Take care and ride safely dear friend
Yours Hank

spandi 01-25-2013 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by Lefty (Post 514241)
Well if SD was sold then I APOLOGIZE TO ALL for causeing a RUCKUS.

MIKE I specially Apologize to you "PEACE".

That's ok lefty, (at least you were looking out for your fellow Dawgs, so thanks.) What's the old saying? "Better to have ammunition and not need it, than to need ammunition and not have it.... and now with my paranoia in full bloom, I will drink "mass quantities" and proceed to watch Dr Strange love.

terrilee 01-25-2013 09:10 PM

OK, What happened is this.

Lee has allowed another person to transfer all the content of this forum to the other place. When they did that the forum was converted to a read only forum and the link to the other place was posted.

As you might guess PB did not like that. They have disabled the Admin account and the forum is now back open for posting.

Admin 01-25-2013 09:38 PM

First of all, no, the old forum will not be used anymore. Lee and I have an agreement, and I've dumped a lot of money into this venture to give you a better forum.

Everyone complained how the old forum was neglected, had tons of spam, etc, and I gave you all a new home. We are now on this forum, period.

medman1952 01-25-2013 11:28 PM

I am late to the party, I didn't even now about the party until after I got to work this morning and got a call from JR.

Seems the story is true, Lee allowed the admin here to transfer all the Dawg stuff to this Dawg house.

Admin 01-25-2013 11:32 PM

Glad you've made it Medman! :tup:

terrilee 01-26-2013 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by Admin (Post 514315)
First of all, no, the old forum will not be used anymore. Lee and I have an agreement, and I've dumped a lot of money into this venture to give you a better forum.

Everyone complained how the old forum was neglected, had tons of spam, etc, and I gave you all a new home. We are now on this forum, period.

the real only bad thing about the original site
there was ONLY one mod
who has his own site, plus a professional job
he couldnt be everywhere at once
doug even explained that lee wouldnt authorize new mods
to get rid of spam and do other mod jobs

now not sure about mike, maybe this is his only job
maybe this is all he does and can stay on top of it at all times
maybe not

when u goggle scootdawg, you get the original site listed 1st, this one is way down the line. so noobs will go there 1st
so if you really care about helping noobs--you should also help there

scootnwinn 01-26-2013 10:00 AM

Google will adjust quickly. If the folks on the other site really cared they would have left it the way it was a couple days ago. Hopefully Mike will name additional mods when he needs help.

Guest_2 01-26-2013 10:01 AM

Glad to see you made it to the Party Medman!!!!!!

cheapeto 01-26-2013 10:40 AM

I've been through so many forum changes since I taught myself how to use a computer in 99, so I'm a pilgram by most cyberian standards.....but this was the quickest change over I as a member ever went through.
The last site conversion (I was a member at) was down almost 2 weeks, lost all my pics, saved messages, PM's, karma points/bones.
Some have just blinked out and was gone, no notice, just gone.
I think you have done a great job folks!! Thank you.

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