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scootnwinn 01-27-2013 02:52 PM

Many members aren't on all the time and are posting at the old forum I set my profile text to this

which is 1300 and some odd advertisements for this place. If you like the new site and all that is being done and are not in support of proboards owning your thoughts old and new you may consider doing the same. Just saying

:nod: :nod:

terrilee 01-27-2013 03:05 PM


now im NOT a lawyer, but i think they do.
when u signed the TOS agreement, it was in there,
but for real, how many actually read TOS or w/e name they give it.

hope it gets settled civilly, depends on how much each side wants to bend.

scootnwinn 01-27-2013 03:28 PM

The CEO of proboard clearly admitted he didn't own the posts we have licensed him to use them:

Further, the postings on this site are not owned by the forum admin - they have zero right to sell them to a third party. They are owned by the person who posted the message. When a person makes a post on a ProBoards forum, they specifically license ProBoards to use that content on the ProBoards forum.

We own our own thoughts, by their own admission, and proboards would like to think they can keep them.

We are able to collectively, if he wants to be a jerk, revoke that license and en-masse delete or threaten to delete our posts which is not all that difficult and also our accounts. He won't like that at all so if we actually like the new board and the idea of meaningful and constant moderation this can be done. Things can be done. I am not a lawyer but I do make sure none are never needed at work ;)

macktheknife 01-27-2013 03:42 PM

Funny you had no problem with them owning your thoughts and such back then when it was the only SD? Why now? Also see you still posting there so if you don't want them to have your info the easiest way to do that is just delete the posts one by one and then the account.

Also you made it clear that the admin DID not have the right to sell them to anyone by the TOS post you just put up.

So if you own the posts then the admin there had no right to sell them nor did the owner here have the right to buy what did not belong to him and only you? Did you give anyone permission to buy your posts?

Seems like lawyers will be involved.

scootnwinn 01-27-2013 03:50 PM

You misunderstand I protest them not allowing us have an upgrade. As I said over there I will post wherever I want and my loyalties are to the friends I have made on here not the owners. Proboards never owned my thoughts but they are acting like they do now. They were given license to use them by me and you all licenses are revokable. I will go where my friends end up and if I chose to I will go to 2 places. I am a member of many forums and will continue to be.

Are you on their payroll why would you support them. The forum needed change we all admit it, notice would have been nice but it is what it is. Nothing funny about it

inuyasha 01-27-2013 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by scootnwinn (Post 514791)
You misunderstand I protest them not allowing us have an upgrade. As I said over there I will post wherever I want and my loyalties are to the friends I have made on here not the owners. Proboards never owned my thoughts but they are acting like they do now. They were given license to use them by me and you all licenses are revokable. I will go where my friends end up and if I chose to I will go to 2 places. I am a member of many forums and will continue to be.

Are you on their payroll why would you support them. The forum needed change we all admit it, notice would have been nice but it is what it is. Nothing funny about it

Hi Rob
Couldnt have said it better then that:tup::clap:
Take care and ride safely dear friend
Yours Hank

macktheknife 01-27-2013 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by scootnwinn (Post 514791)
You misunderstand I protest them not allowing us have an upgrade. As I said over there I will post wherever I want and my loyalties are to the friends I have made on here not the owners. Proboards never owned my thoughts but they are acting like they do now. They were given license to use them by me and you all licenses are revokable. I will go where my friends end up and if I chose to I will go to 2 places. I am a member of many forums and will continue to be.

Are you on their payroll why would you support them. The forum needed change we all admit it, notice would have been nice but it is what it is. Nothing funny about it

Why haven't you protested these people buying the same thoughts? Did you give them permission to buy them? BTW Proboards didn't sell anything the admin did and did he ask your permission to sell your thoughts?

macktheknife 01-27-2013 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by inuyasha (Post 514792)
Hi Rob
Couldnt have said it better then that:tup::clap:
Take care and ride safely dear friend
Yours Hank

Again Proboard didn't sell anything, didn't because they knew they didn't have the right but the admin who signed the TOS did and he knew by the very rules that everyone signs on that forum he didn't have the right or authority to sell them.

So who was in the wrong? Proboards didn't do anything wrong, one day the forum was locked and sent here by the very person who knew he didn't have permission to do so.

The TOS is easy to understand.

inuyasha 01-27-2013 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by macktheknife (Post 514795)
Again Proboard didn't sell anything, didn't because they knew they didn't have the right but the admin who signed the TOS did and he knew by the very rules that everyone signs on that forum he didn't have the right or authority to sell them.

So who was in the wrong? Proboards didn't do anything wrong, one day the forum was locked and sent here by the very person who knew he didn't have permission to do so.

The TOS is easy to understand.

Hi Mack
So the admin has no rights on where he wants to host his site? once you sign with one service you cannot leave and move your forum to another hosting service that offers you more features?
Seem to me thats just strong arm tactics better suited to orginized crime sydicates then a reputable buisness
Im been on many forums where they decided a change to a different service was the best choice and they made the move with out any of the name calling and unsavory behaviour that this one brought up so i am amazed on all of the hub bub caused by this one
Take care and ride safely dear friend
Yours Hank

amac1680 01-27-2013 04:15 PM

Legally it will be interesting.
It will end in a settlement. Who settles no one knows, yet.

In the end there will only be one SD. But which one.....

Be Big,

macktheknife 01-27-2013 04:17 PM

Hank one certainly has the right to build any site they want but even by Scootnwinns own admission doesn't have the right to copy or sell anyone's material that doesn't belong to them.

Proboards doesn't own the material, the admin doesn't own the material only the people who posted do.

If you go to the bank and get a account you read the TOA and sign that you will follow the rules set forth, if you don't then they close your account but they also have to abide by rules and if they decide to sell they have to let you know, you just don't show up at the bank one morning and someone else owns it?

Lee not only had no right to sell or move anything any where without permission by the owners of the material nor the owners of the software it was on, it's very easy to understand.

The only strong arming is being done by the very people who signed the TOS and broke the rules that they willfully and openly signed just like the TOS you signed. If you don't like the TOS you have the right to not join. No one strong armed you to join SD and you woke up one morning to a new SD that someone sold without permission. You don't own it you can't sell it.

scootnwinn 01-27-2013 04:24 PM

No I did not give them permission to move it here. Am I mad he volnteered to do something to improve scootdawg and move it here? Now that is just a silly question isn't it? I did not give my permission in advace but he has it now. He'll keep it as long as it is deserved. If probards waits too long it won't matter as many never make it past page 1 in any board.

scootnwinn 01-27-2013 04:27 PM

Mack you still have the right to delete your posts here. Why do you have such an issue with this are you being paid for your support. I think not so what are you gaining here? If you support the move you get an upgrade. Most forums I'm on get one every 2 or less years. Not scootdawg we deserve it

scootnwinn 01-27-2013 04:30 PM

I really wasn't opening a debate I was just suggesting something you should do if you like the change if you don't do nothing and let corporate america control your fate

macktheknife 01-27-2013 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by scootnwinn (Post 514804)
Mack you still have the right to delete your posts here. Why do you have such an issue with this are you being paid for your support. I think not so what are you gaining here? If you support the move you get an upgrade. Most forums I'm on get one every 2 or less years. Not scootdawg we deserve it

The admin on a Proboards forum ism the only one who can upgrade the forum and Lee was the admin, take a look at what he could ,have done to Scootdawg if he had chose to do so?

This is the new Beta layout of Proboards that 49ccscoot has:

They have new android phone service along with other new features but the reason you didn't get any of that is because Lee the admin didn't do it so you'll have to ask him why he didn't give you something you think you deserved for free?

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