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50cc 01-26-2013 07:38 AM

Few suggestions for the new platform
Hi guys,

would you please consider increasing the time tolerance for the appearance of the 'Last edited by .. at ..' message to like 30 minutes or so? Frequently I edit my posts minutes after posting to include additional info, etc. or just to fix my poor English so this message immediately appears on the bottom and irritates a lot.

Also, please think about one or two extra themes to choose from or decrease the intensity of the grey background (make it lighter) so the text is a bit easier to read.

And both these things + a mobile version of the forum (or an Android app) will be like Christmas for me. :tup:

Thanks and keep up the great work!


loncindawg 01-26-2013 01:44 PM

It won't accept a mere "+1" either. It indicates that it's too short.


I also find, after I've finished writing, that I've been automatically logged out.

50cc 01-26-2013 01:51 PM

Oh, and it would be also great to hyperlink the logo in the header to the index page.

scootnwinn 01-26-2013 02:12 PM

Are we voting? Yes to all of this

Except mike the admin said the tapatalk app should work for this site that's an android app right. He mentioned he could help you get it set up...

50cc 01-26-2013 02:14 PM

Yeah, but Tapatalk itself costs money.

Admin 01-26-2013 03:39 PM

Thanks for all the feedback :tup:

A lot of this is just default settings that need to be adjusted. I've just been so busy with getting everything set up and working correctly that some of the minor things have to be put on the back burner. It will definitely all be worked out though.

As fot Tapatalk, yes that's what we use. I believe it only costs $2 or $3, right? And then you can use it with any forum that is listed with them.

I'll change the 'minimum character' setting now, along with linking the logo to the index.

Thanks guys :tup:

beachbum 01-26-2013 03:49 PM

Along with editing the post content, sometimes I would like to change the title of the post, would you be able to enable that on this new forum too. So, far I haven't been able to change this.

scootnwinn 01-26-2013 03:57 PM

It would be cool to offer levels of dawgness that we could purchase, that would add additional storage for our albums maybe come with a nice logo'd sticker hat and t-shirt...

I know it is a lot to do all at once I am happy to help in any way you could use some help and I think you will find many other talented and helpful people in the ranks.

prodigit 01-26-2013 04:48 PM

I personally would like to see easier access to usercp and newest thread.
But I know these forums are not custom made, but are using a template.
Perhaps this template does not allow for a lot of modification?

teddy554 01-26-2013 04:56 PM

There is a newest thread at the top its called new post . I to would like more storage for pictures in the album also

inuyasha 01-26-2013 05:01 PM

Im with the rest more photo storage
Take care and ride safely
Yours Hank

prodigit 01-26-2013 05:54 PM

Perhaps the greatest feat, this forum is missing, is a 'block user' or 'hide user post' button.
I'd immediately know how to use it!

scootnwinn 01-26-2013 05:59 PM

There is a ignore user function in the user control panel

inuyasha 01-26-2013 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by prodigit (Post 514608)
Perhaps the greatest feat, this forum is missing, is a 'block user' or 'hide user post' button.
I'd immediately know how to use it!

There is a way though i have no use for it
Go to user cp look for the edit ignore list link in the panel on your left click that and go from there
Take care and ride safely dear friend
Yours Hank

terrilee 01-26-2013 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by teddy554 (Post 514580)
There is a newest thread at the top its called new post .

new post button will oly get you the newest posts since last time you logged in, i think
just to the right of that is 'quick links'
in there you will find todays posts
that will give you all the posts made today

scootnwinn 01-27-2013 01:20 PM

How about a way to comment on people's pics in their albums that we find exceptional

inuyasha 01-27-2013 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by scootnwinn (Post 514750)
How about a way to comment on people's pics in their albums that we find exceptional

Hi Rob
There already is a way once you view the photo at the bottom is the posting box
I posted on one of your photos just now btw
Take care and ride safely dear friend
Yours Hank

scootnwinn 01-27-2013 02:22 PM

Thanks Hank I new it was a great idea ;)

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