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danno711 01-29-2013 09:37 AM

Can you relate to this?

scootnwinn 01-29-2013 09:39 AM

That is very cool yes I can relate

spandi 01-29-2013 09:53 AM

You'll never know embarrassment until you're in line at a gas station (where everyone else is paying $60 bucks) and you hand the attendant your $3.72.

jarlaxle 01-29-2013 10:00 AM

I once used the phrase, "I need $300 on pump 18."

danno711 01-29-2013 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by spandi (Post 515257)
You'll never know embarrassment until you're in line at a gas station (where everyone else is paying $60 bucks) and you hand the attendant your $3.72.

I dunno....I'd think I'll have a great big smile on my face! :nod:

terrilee 01-29-2013 10:12 AM

i have a .9 gal tank
and rarely let it fall below 1/2 before i fill up again
{scared of running out somewhere in the sticks , i guess}
so gas is $3,54 here
so when i top up, and pay < $2.00
thats always a convo starter
met quite a few good looking guys that way :tup:

carasdad 01-29-2013 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by terrilee (Post 515265)
i have a .9 gal tank
and rarely let it fall below 1/2 before i fill up again
{scared of running out somewhere in the sticks , i guess}
so gas is $3,54 here
so when i top up, and pay < $2.00
thats always a convo starter
met quite a few good looking guys that way :tup:

Oh my girl..met a few men that way? Unfair..I should be able to meet a few ladies that way...:nod: It is though as you say...a conversation starter. Just like you I always fill up at about 1/2 tank. One day at the Marathon station in town...I looked at the price of gas..did the math in my head for the cost of 1/2 gallon. Told the gal I needed $2.30 on pump 4....she gave me an odd look..tried to see out the window at the pump...then asked me.."Huh?..what the hell...did you push your lawnmower up here?".... :lmao:

lovemy2strokes 01-29-2013 12:19 PM

I keep a hand full of change in every one of my scooters just in case I need to fill up and lost/forgot my cash. 1.50$ can get me anywhere in St Louis on my little scoots. I always feel strange when I give them 3$ and have to come back for my change so I usually buy a pop with the left over also.

lykos23 01-29-2013 12:58 PM

That's pretty funny. I've barely owned my scooter a month and I have yet to even attend a gas station pump, but I've driven up there to buy HEET before :P.

I relate more to this commercial:

scootnwinn 01-29-2013 01:03 PM

Can you translate? for all we know he said Godzilla will get you, you ugly American...

carasdad 01-29-2013 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by lykos23 (Post 515308)
That's pretty funny. I've barely owned my scooter a month and I have yet to even attend a gas station pump, but I've drove up there to buy HEET before :P.

I relate more to this commercial:

Your gonna love your first gas station visit. You will fill your tank...walk a Slurpee and a Chilli for it all with total cost under 5 bux. Then walk outside and see the guy with the SUV...nozzle still in his tank...eyes rolled back as he mutters such things as "Daughters College fund...poof!...down payment on my new Bass Boat...poof!...Scheduled vacation in Vegas...cancelled...all so the CEO of BP oil company can buy a new Lamborghini Countach"....

terrilee 01-29-2013 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by carasdad (Post 515296)
Oh my girl..met a few men that way? Unfair..I should be able to meet a few ladies that way...:nod: It is though as you say...a conversation starter. Just like you I always fill up at about 1/2 tank. One day at the Marathon station in town...I looked at the price of gas..did the math in my head for the cost of 1/2 gallon. Told the gal I needed $2.30 on pump 4....she gave me an odd look..tried to see out the window at the pump...then asked me.."Huh?..what the hell...did you push your lawnmower up here?".... :lmao:

u can meet women that way?
as long as they dont have a ring on, say something, anything.
"nice scoot' or " wow nice/car/scoot/truck" NO BODY PARTS :nuts:
or 'damn your fine'
lotta girls , want u to say hi 1st, esp us older girls

and hey im old, as long as he aint to ugly, lmsao:ugh:
ill speak to anyone, till well, u know.........

:lmao::lmao: yea babe i done did push mineine lawnmower up hereya. thanks :lmao::lmao:

lykos23 01-29-2013 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by carasdad (Post 515316)
Your gonna love your first gas station visit. You will fill your tank...walk a Slurpee and a Chilli for it all with total cost under 5 bux. Then walk outside and see the guy with the SUV...nozzle still in his tank...eyes rolled back as he mutters such things as "Daughters College fund...poof!...down payment on my new Bass Boat...poof!...Scheduled vacation in Vegas...cancelled...all so the CEO of BP oil company can buy a new Lamborghini Countach"....

LOL too true. I think I'll end up spending more money on gas for my weed whacker than I will for my scooter if things keep going the way they are.


Originally Posted by scootnwinn (Post 515311)
Can you translate? for all we know he said Godzilla will get you, you ugly American...

You seem to be a lot better than me at Japanese. I had no idea it said that... No wonder the zook sales did so poorly...

carasdad 01-29-2013 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by terrilee (Post 515317)
u can meet women that way?
as long as they dont have a ring on, say something, anything.
"nice scoot' or " wow nice/car/scoot/truck" NO BODY PARTS :nuts:
or 'damn your fine'
lotta girls , want u to say hi 1st, esp us older girls

and hey im old, as long as he aint to ugly, lmsao:ugh:
ill speak to anyone, till well, u know.........

:lmao::lmao: yea babe i done did push mineine lawnmower up hereya. thanks :lmao::lmao:

terrilee...anyway you could give us men lessons on 'Lady Speak'... Cause I really messed up when she asked if I brought my lawnmower up there.:no: I told her "Yes...I brought my lawnmower..mind turning around so I can see your 'backyard'...<--- Epic Fail....:nuts:

inuyasha 01-29-2013 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by spandi (Post 515257)
You'll never know embarrassment until you're in line at a gas station (where everyone else is paying $60 bucks) and you hand the attendant your $3.72.

I dont, I love it when the person in front of me spends 70 or 80 dollars and i then slap down the spare change in my pocket while proudly declaring " "
"Fill Her Up"
To see the look on their faces is priceless:yay::clap::tup:
Take care and ride safely dear friend
Yours Hank

spandi 01-29-2013 01:44 PM

Hank that was posted with tongue ever so firmly planted in cheek

inuyasha 01-29-2013 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by spandi (Post 515325)
Hank that was posted with tongue ever so firmly planted in cheek

I knew :hehe:
But it gave me the perfect opening for my post:clap::yay:
You make a great straight man :lmao:
Take care and ride safely dear friend
Yours Hank

carasdad 01-29-2013 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by inuyasha (Post 515322)
I dont, I love it when the person in front of me spends 70 or 80 dollars and i then slap down the spare change in my pocket while proudly declaring " "
"Fill Her Up"
To see the look on their faces is priceless:yay::clap::tup:
Take care and ride safely dear friend
Yours Hank true. Also when I see the gas stations "Have a Penny..leave a Penny..need a Penny...take a Penny" box on the counter..I look at it and think.."Dang there's almost a 1/4 tanks worth of gas in that thing"...:yay:

richardthescooter1 01-29-2013 03:27 PM

Your right Hank, I throw my spare change in a jar (gas money for scoot) they can have their cars, give me am scoot

terrilee 01-29-2013 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by carasdad (Post 515320)
terrilee...anyway you could give us men lessons on 'Lady Speak'... Cause I really messed up when she asked if I brought my lawnmower up there.:no: I told her "Yes...I brought my lawnmower..mind turning around so I can see your 'backyard'...<--- Epic Fail....:nuts:

yes you are correct !!!!!!!!!!!!!
that was
wrong, wrong, wrong
you know better?:ugh:

and wait aint you married???

carasdad 01-29-2013 07:24 PM

Not married....but been there..done that...:ugh:

terrilee 01-29-2013 09:47 PM

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh single ic :nuts:

well sure i can teach ya,

"come on up and see me some time big boy "

ive taught 100's of classes, lmsao

MEAN_MOTOFINO 01-29-2013 09:52 PM


qwertydude 01-29-2013 11:47 PM

It was even more impressive back in the day of $1 gas. Give the guy a dollar fill up you tank. I'm sure there are some real old timers here who used to ride Cubs back in the day who can remember doing the same thing with a quarter.

inuyasha 01-29-2013 11:57 PM


Originally Posted by qwertydude (Post 515461)
It was even more impressive back in the day of $1 gas. Give the guy a dollar fill up you tank. I'm sure there are some real old timers here who used to ride Cubs back in the day who can remember doing the same thing with a quarter.

Gas was $0.60 agallon when i got my first street legal motorbike i was 16
Take care and ride safely dear friend
Yours Hank

carasdad 01-29-2013 11:59 PM


Originally Posted by qwertydude (Post 515461)
It was even more impressive back in the day of $1 gas. Give the guy a dollar fill up you tank. I'm sure there are some real old timers here who used to ride Cubs back in the day who can remember doing the same thing with a quarter.

Remember when gas stations shut down for a day or so...or left one pump working as the others were being replaced...because gas went up to $1.05. The old pumps were only designed to go up to 99 cents. So while the other pumps were being replaced...the working one was set at 53 cents per gallon and they used a calculator when you went in to find the actual cost..:lmao: oh the good old days..ride my mini bike with a one quart tank to the gas station(on the road and cops did not even stop or bother me) myself..exposing my age on this fill my one quart tank cost me about...8 cents..:yay:

scootnwinn 01-30-2013 12:15 AM

Wow your old

The day after I got my first car gas went up to $1.01 for the first time...

spandi 01-30-2013 12:22 AM

I can remember my old man going to the local gas station when I was a kid and spending a whopping 29 cents a gallon.

carasdad 01-30-2013 12:26 AM


Originally Posted by scootnwinn (Post 515465)
Wow your old

The day after I got my first car gas went up to $1.01 for the first time...

Rob..hey now...I was a kid with a mini was like 1972 and gas was 25-30 cents per gallon. Smoked were 3 packs for a buck...and a can Coke cost you a quarter...a Snickers bar was a quarter as well.
But me old?...Not all..ya see I can remember when..when...hang on...oh yeah I can remember when.. Never wasn't that important..:hmm:

scootnwinn 01-30-2013 12:35 AM

Hey being old is better than the alternative right?

medman1952 01-30-2013 12:35 AM

In my home town when I was a kid, you could buy gas for 26 cents a gallon forever, and when we went to Texas, in Gila Bend Arizona they usually had gas wars that would rive it down to 17 cents a gallon. I'm old. It was commonplace to pull in and get full service and ask for a buck or two worths of gas and get you oil check and air in your tires.

I had an uncle that had a station in Texas and if you wanted an oil change there was no labor charge at his station, you just paid for the oil and the filter.

Admin 01-30-2013 01:32 AM


Originally Posted by medman1952 (Post 515473)
In my home town when I was a kid, you could buy gas for 26 cents a gallon forever, and when we went to Texas, in Gila Bend Arizona they usually had gas wars that would rive it down to 17 cents a gallon. I'm old. It was commonplace to pull in and get full service and ask for a buck or two worths of gas and get you oil check and air in your tires.

I had an uncle that had a station in Texas and if you wanted an oil change there was no labor charge at his station, you just paid for the oil and the filter.

Wow, that's a far cry from today's norm! You can't even get AIR for 17 cents now! lmao :no:

scootnwinn 01-30-2013 01:45 AM

There is a new air station in my town that takes credit cards $1 for 2 tires built in pressure gauge...

inuyasha 01-30-2013 01:47 AM


Originally Posted by scootnwinn (Post 515480)
There is a new air station in my town that takes credit cards $1 for 2 tires built in pressure gauge...

Hi Rob
Yikes:ugh:>:( air is still free at most stations here:yay:
Take care and reide safely dear friend
Yours Hank

scootnwinn 01-30-2013 01:50 AM

You can still get it for free here that gas station is for the tourists though

danno711 01-30-2013 06:45 AM

Currently, I use about $26 of gas a week traveling to and from work.
With the Burgman, I'm going to estimate that will drop to about $3.51 :yay:

That's about 90 a month in savings.....:yay:

About $1100 a year in savings.....:yay:

This bike should pay for itself in just over 2 years!!! :yay::yay::yay::yay:

blueboy5000 01-30-2013 07:30 AM

My first date with my wife I drove her all around the local towns on my Kymco Yup 50.

Three months later she bought a Roketa and the rest is history.

danno711 01-30-2013 08:50 AM

Opps...I've just re read my own post.....I'll need about $12 in gas a week not
$3.51 . I guess I hadn't had my coffee yet. :hehe:

That will save me $56 a month and $672 a year......comparing what it now cost me.

Plus it will be a whole lot more fun traveling to and from work :yay:

scootnwinn 01-30-2013 09:22 AM

You just paid for your gear...

spandi 01-30-2013 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by blueboy5000 (Post 515507)
My first date with my wife I drove her all around the local towns on my Kymco Yup 50.

Three months later she bought a Roketa and the rest is history.

Ah the course of true love! (at least for scooters.)

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