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scootnwinn 01-26-2013 12:52 PM

I protest the use of CATS!
I see numerous pictures of cats in the top of the main page. This is just wrong we are scootdawg! Scooters and dogs only. Ok I feel better now :nod:

Are you guys with me or not

lykos23 01-26-2013 01:01 PM

I think it should be scooter related stuff only. Maybe cats on scooters? Okay.

inuyasha 01-26-2013 01:05 PM

Hi Rob
Sorry but i dont agree with ya
Im dog person myself ,Heres my Basenji Inuyasha
InuYasha's Birthday 022 by inuyasha50, on Flickr
But there are many other members here who have cats birds etc as pets and i think they should be allowed to share them with us it they like
Who are we to deny them
Take care and ride safely dear friend
Yours Hank

spandi 01-26-2013 01:07 PM

Piggers and Kitty Bitty?...You can't be serious.

inuyasha 01-26-2013 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by spandi (Post 514513)
Piggers?...You can't be serious.

I know can you believe that, Piggers has been around the dawg pound longer then most of the other members have
Take care and ride safely dear friend
Yours Hank

terrilee 01-26-2013 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by inuyasha (Post 514514)
I know can you believe that, Piggers has been around the dawg pound longer then most of the other members have
Take care and ride safely dear friend
Yours Hank

thanks hankers
yeppers piggers has been here awhile, huh?
i love seeing pics of your lil doggie, even tho if he's a yapper
he gotta go :lmao:

the guys are sorta right,
they get to post pics of the things they love, why cant i?
i posted pics of "Chrissy" also

loncindawg 01-26-2013 01:32 PM

I found a kitten on our property last July. It still had its eyes closed. I was able to confirm that it had been abandoned by its mother, so I went online and got smart on cats, then proceeded to bottle-feed it around the clock for around six weeks. Now, at almost seven months, he's grown to be a big, beautiful, chill, but slightly nutso - in a good way - cat. He follows me everywhere like a dog. Now, I'm not a cat guy. I've wanted to have a Plott for years, but hey, he was abandoned.

Sometimes he sleeps on my parked scooter. He crawls under the cover and onto the seat to avoid the cold wind. Maybe that means something.

Anyway, I've been wanting to start a thread: "What kinds of pets do dawgs have?" It would be interesting, but surely divisive. Hell, I'll bet folks here wouldn't agree on the best kind of air to put in tires.

Maybe someone will decide to ask.

terrilee 01-26-2013 01:44 PM


all my cats except Piggers, Snuggle Bunny & Kitty kitty Bitty bitty
have all been rescues.

i have 6 kids now, im my life, ive rescued 75-80 ?
most i dont keep, just get 'em back to health and trust people again,
then find 'em a good home


50cc 01-26-2013 01:50 PM

I say let us all unite!

Viva la revolucion!

terrilee 01-26-2013 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by 50cc (Post 514520)
I say let us all unite!

Viva la revolucion!


i used to watch that show
and as long as the dog 1/2 aint a yapper
im game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

scootnwinn 01-26-2013 02:07 PM

I was kidding I hope this doesn't get out of hand. I do recognize the cat's right to exist. Not in my yard or near my chickens but exist sure. Just thought I would add a little fun...

The solution to the reduction of the frequency of the cat pics is to upload dog and scooter pics into our albums now get to work

spandi 01-26-2013 02:27 PM

My cat is named Bruce. When he showed up in my yard he weighted all of 4 pounds and looked pretty beat up, thirsty, hungry, and obviously abandoned. I got him cleaned up and took him to the vet. That was 4 years ago and you'll be happy to know he now looks like a big Orange furry Orson Wells, but unbelievably affectionate and sweet.

terrilee 01-26-2013 02:29 PM

oh yea
post the 8 u r allowed
dogs , cats, pigs, wives, yourself, pretty scenery
if i had 2 cats id posted 2 but i have 6 :ugh:

Lefty 01-26-2013 02:31 PM

Lets keep the bad feelings on the other SD ok, which by the way I just read. Does not take a genius to know why this thread was started.

terrilee 01-26-2013 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by spandi (Post 514529)
My cat is named Bruce. When he showed up in my yard he weighted all of 4 pounds and looked pretty beat up, thirsty, hungry, and obviously abandoned. I got him cleaned up and took him to the vet. That was 4 years ago and you'll be happy to know he now looks like a big Orange furry Orson Wells, but unbelievably affectionate and sweet.

for sure
animals aint stupid
my rescues and any animal
know how close they were to dying. and you took 'em in
and made 'em better and loved 'em.
they know where their bread is buttered.
sometimes they leave ya, but i doubt it

loncindawg 01-26-2013 02:33 PM

Very cool of you, spandi. I've never heard of a rescued dog or cat that didn't turn out to be a great companion.

spandi 01-26-2013 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by loncindawg (Post 514534)
Very cool of you, spandi. I've never heard of a rescued dog or cat that didn't turn out to be a great companion.

Thanks, and you're right. He constantly wants affection and will extend his paw to surprised strangers to "shake hands"

scootnwinn 01-26-2013 03:44 PM

We have a little dog my wife saved, all her litter mates have died and we unfortunately saw three of them hit by cars while trying to find food from garbage cans set out for pick-up. My wife found her wandering around on the highway we live near. She is such a needy little animal and I am happy we gave her a home she so craves attention and nearly wags herself to pieces when you pet her. It makes me sad that people don't take care of their animals and get them spayed or neutered...

Lefty, this discussion and playful banter is reason the post was made. I love all animals and though we don't have cats now, all of us are allergic to them, I have known a few I like. I started this thread because the site of cats on a scooter site struck me as strange (not saying unpleasant those pictures are so good they almost look like stock photos) and I thought this could be a fun thread to follow obviously my objection is feigned and I hope people will fill their huge ;) albums with as much variety as they like.

inuyasha 01-26-2013 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by terrilee (Post 514516)
thanks hankers
yeppers piggers has been here awhile, huh?
i love seeing pics of your lil doggie, even tho if he's a yapper
he gotta go :lmao:

the guys are sorta right,
they get to post pics of the things they love, why cant i?
i posted pics of "Chrissy" also

Hi Terri
Basenjis don’t bark. That doesn’t mean they can’t; they will, on occasion, give a single “woof.” It certainly doesn’t mean they are silent either! They yodel, chortle, whine, squeal, and have their own trademarked Basenji “baroo.” Why bark when you have so many other choices?
My Inuyasha is pretty quiet 99.9% of the time
Take care and ride safely dear friend
Yours Hank

scootnwinn 01-26-2013 04:17 PM

My Blue Heeler Oso makes some interesting (scary) sounds too but rarely barks in the traditional sense.

inuyasha 01-26-2013 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by scootnwinn (Post 514561)
My Blue Heeler Oso makes some interesting (scary) sounds too but rarely barks in the traditional sense.

Hi Rob
An ACD:tup: they are wonderful hounds and great companions, congratulations
Take care and ride safely dear friend
Yours Hank

scootnwinn 01-26-2013 04:37 PM

Yes they are he is one smart cookie. It was funny it took a while before he accepted that anyone besides myself was allowed to let him in the house. My wife would call him in and he would sit and wait to make she sure had the proper "clearance & rank". I would have to go to the door and tell him she can let you in its ok. He also refuses to eat table scraps. People food is for people and he asserts his dogness by refusing to eat anything but dog food. Apparently dog treats are for sissy dogs he refuses those as well as if to say "I don't don't have to be bribed to do my job, food and lodging is sufficient" He is all business and follows me at a perfect heel, to my left and 1 or 2 steps behind me. He herds chickens well but, I hope to get him some sheep or goats to care for soon. He doesn't like taking pictures but I'll see if I have one somewhere

terrilee 01-26-2013 06:11 PM


Originally Posted by inuyasha (Post 514560)
Hi Terri
Basenjis don’t bark. That doesn’t mean they can’t; they will, on occasion, give a single “woof.” It certainly doesn’t mean they are silent either! They yodel, chortle, whine, squeal, and have their own trademarked Basenji “baroo.” Why bark when you have so many other choices?
My Inuyasha is pretty quiet 99.9% of the time
Take care and ride safely dear friend
Yours Hank

well ok if thats all the noise they make thats cute
and i fully understand any pet,thats left alone will cry
but these , well the guys says it stops after a few
so that would ok

i have 4 neighbors
all of 'em have yappers
yap yap yap YAP YAP YAP all day long
if not the one set then the other all day

ozarkman 01-26-2013 07:36 PM

This is not that kind of forum
Axe the cats and anything else that doesn't have 2 or 3 wheels and a motor.

inuyasha 01-26-2013 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by ozarkman (Post 514634)
Axe the cats and anything else that doesn't have 2 or 3 wheels and a motor.

I dont agree
This is the general discussion section:yay: no scooter topics here so what should we be talking about then:clap::tup:
And theres much more to me then just scoots, some of us like to share more of our rich and fufilling lives then to just always talk about nothing but scoots with our friends
Take care and ride safely
Yours Hank

terrilee 01-26-2013 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by ozarkman (Post 514634)
Axe the cats and anything else that doesn't have 2 or 3 wheels and a motor.

wow dude,
108 post in 5 years?
do you really think you get a vote at all????

loncindawg 01-26-2013 08:15 PM

I think someone is putting up more cat pics in response to this. They're definitely coming up more often. None are mine, by the way. I'll burden you with those later, but my scoot will be the focus.

terrilee 01-26-2013 08:20 PM

i put up 6 pics my 6 kids sorry they are my kids

larrball 01-26-2013 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by Lefty (Post 514532)
Lets keep the bad feelings on the other SD ok, which by the way I just read. Does not take a genius to know why this thread was started.

So your going Kermit the frog this form ed?.
Nothing wrong with an all carb-er-ator diet.

The best in the left, or is that the left is best.. anyway

Lefty's, the scooter tuners, carb'$ best friend. :)

$-but we think he run'$ a bit rich ..0$

inuyasha 01-26-2013 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by terrilee (Post 514642)
i put up 6 pics my 6 kids sorry they are my kids

Hi Terri
Imo there no need to apoligize, i throughly enjoyed seeing your cats:tup:
Take care and ride safely dear friend
Yours Hank

inuyasha 01-26-2013 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by larrball (Post 514645)
So your going Kermit the frog this form ed?.
Nothing wrong with an all carb-er-ator diet.

The best in the left, or is that the left is best.. anyway

Lefty's, the scooter tuners, carb's best friend. :)

(but we think he's a bit rich)

Hi Larry
:nuts:>D LMAO
You is crazy:s
Take care and ride safely dear friend
Yours Hank

scootnwinn 01-26-2013 08:31 PM

I was actually not being critical of your kids just encouraging others to post their own. Remember the solution is pic adding to our albums not taking snuggle/terri's down

larrball 01-26-2013 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by inuyasha (Post 514648)
Hi Larry
:nuts:>D LMAO
You is crazy:s
Take care and ride safely dear friend
Yours Hank

Yes i am Hank,
Lefty is one we want on the team. ;)
Lefty knows his carb's.

inuyasha 01-26-2013 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by larrball (Post 514653)
Yes i am Hank,
Lefty is one we want on the team. ;)

Hi Larry
I agree 100%
Hes very knowledgable about scoots and a good friend as well:yay::tup:
Take care and ride safley dear friend
Yours Hank

terrilee 01-26-2013 08:45 PM

im not sure what gonna happen legally with this site
but yea Lefty is one of the few i listen to what he says.

ozarkman 01-26-2013 11:40 PM

Hey Dude! What is your real name?

Originally Posted by terrilee (Post 514636)
wow dude,
108 post in 5 years?
do you really think you get a vote at all????

“Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something.”

Plato quotes (Ancient Greek Philosopher 428 BC-348 BC)

Yeah 108 posts in 5 years!

larrball 01-27-2013 01:22 AM


Originally Posted by ozarkman (Post 514685)
“Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something.”

Plato quotes (Ancient Greek Philosopher 428 BC-348 BC)

Yeah 108 posts in 5 years!

So that's how you win... Darn! I was at a loss many years ago. :ugh:

eagle150 01-27-2013 01:32 AM

Hey, DOGS are mighty fine! Need some pix of the poochies too. I'd post some, but all I have is CATS too... Just the "luck of the draw" so to speak. Like "Snugglebunny" the missus and I ended up the "target-abode" of these sad little urchins. If they'd have been dogs, they'd have gotten homes with us too. But... All were cats.

As a result of my unmatched skills at failing to become the next Donald Trump, we've lived in a "Jeff Foxworthy-style" trailer park for the last 25 years. The locals are always up for a free DOG if one shows up, but... We seem to be the only Red-Necks who have a "Jones" for CATS.

Good thing for the cats... LOL!

(You may be a Red-Neck if; the only huntin' dog you can afford, is a CAT...)

There is a Dumpster nearby, and as they say: "If you feed them, they will come..." HeHeHe... It's just a case of "If you want a free DOG, you have to go to the pound. If you want a free CAT, just open the front door..."

Simple "supply and demand"... BIG supply of CATS... LITTLE demand. Geez... I'd hate to have to make a living selling cats.

Somebody PLEEZE post some doggie pix to make the pooch enthusiasts happy... Hmmm... I could post pix of my scoot; after five seasons, it's sort of a dog... LOL Naw, probably wouldn't do. No scooters in this section.

Ride safe, toss Fido a bone... Toss Fluffy a mouse... (er, make that some tuna; don't want to offend MOUSE enthusiasts...)

Betty & Leo (tongue-in-cheek) in Texas

larrball 01-27-2013 02:05 AM

Will this work for now leo?

Lefty 01-27-2013 03:05 AM

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