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Houndguy 06-20-2013 12:55 PM

That biker just waved at me! What do I do!
a) Wave back.

b) Give him your lunch money.

c) Give him an obscene gesture and :scoot: at a blistering 45 mph (72 kph) away.

d) All of the above.

e) Beat up the biker and take his/her ride.

An email got me thinking. Why don't we scooterist wave back?

My reply is here:

Comment, send love/hate mail. whatever. :cheers:

richardthescooter1 06-20-2013 02:05 PM

Why of course WAVE BACK lol.

inuyasha 06-20-2013 02:42 PM

Yeah Richard has it right Wave back and smile
Theres no reason for disrespect or rudeness as we are all bikers whether we ride scoot motorcycles motorized bicycles etc, imho they are all motorbikes
Take care and ride safely
Yours Hank

sanmar 06-20-2013 03:00 PM

Wave! Wave!

chindog 06-20-2013 06:20 PM

Nice blog post! Thanks for posting the link.

lykos23 06-20-2013 09:36 PM

Every biker I see extends their arm and gives me a sideways peace sign. So that's what I've been doing back.

Guest_3 06-21-2013 09:47 AM

We are the only ones in our town that owns scooters, the other bikers always wave at us. :)

Firehawk989 06-21-2013 01:23 PM

I don't usually get the wave from people on motorcycles, but sometimes get it from scooterists. Always wave back!

spandi 06-22-2013 08:18 AM

Wave, but keep your arm low, no "Howdy Doody" waving. (ya don't wanna look like some total geek)

Guest_3 06-22-2013 10:41 AM

This is the wave we use. :)


sanmar 06-22-2013 11:32 AM

I love it! I want to get out and ride now!

Domindart 06-22-2013 12:13 PM

Give him / her one of these

ziGGYzaGG 06-22-2013 01:10 PM

Ha.. I was actually telling my wife how cool it was that scooterists in my area all seem to be in an unwritten brotberhood. I must have passed/seen 10 or more scoots out and about in the 2 hours I spent running errands. Out of those 10 or so sightings, 6 of them offered a meep or a thumbs up. 10 of 10 would be great, but we gotta start someplace.

prodigit 06-23-2013 08:55 PM

Only place I'm not waving is at the departure. For a motorcycle that means clutch work.

scootnwinn 06-23-2013 10:36 PM

I wave to everyone unless I'm holding the clutch then I just nod. Mist everyone except sportbike fanboys, wave back...

DaveC 06-24-2013 05:33 PM

I get/return waves from everyone, except scooters.
I guess my scooter trike doesn't fit in any categories

inuyasha 06-24-2013 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by DaveC (Post 521330)
I get/return waves from everyone, except scooters.
I guess my scooter trike doesn't fit in any categories

Hi Dave
Welcome aboard
Its good to see you
Take care and ride safely dear friend
Yours Hank

DaveC 06-24-2013 05:41 PM

Thanx Hank
Good to be here
Think I'll stay

God Bless you and your family

Dragonsparks 06-25-2013 08:47 AM

That's how I was brought up.
I wave to everyone, I think it's a southern thing.:nod: Like yes sir, no sir, yes mam, no mam, excuse me, please & thank you.>D Which nowa days you only hear when someone is trying to get your money.:lmao:


richardthescooter1 06-25-2013 02:04 PM

I too wave when I see motorcycle, scooters... (Awesome) Lets ride!

inuyasha 06-25-2013 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by Dragonsparks (Post 521359)
I wave to everyone, I think it's a southern thing.:nod: Like yes sir, no sir, yes mam, no mam, excuse me, please & thank you.>D Which nowa days you only hear when someone is trying to get your money.:lmao:


Hi Dave
Nothing is ever lost by courtesy. It is the cheapest of the pleasures costs nothing and conveys much. It pleases him who gives and him who receives, and thus, like mercy, it is twice blessed.
Erastus Wiman
Take care and ride safely dear friend
Yours Hank

AVGuy 07-04-2013 10:52 AM

I wave or am waved to by a lot of other bikes. Cruisers mainly, sport bikes hardly ever. Most of the other scooters around here ride them because they've lost their drivers license and don't care about the scooter lifestyle, they just use them for transportation and don't wave back.

thumper650 07-05-2013 10:29 PM

I've given up on waving. If you're on the side of the road I'll stop to offer help, but waving just isn't my thing anymore.

tinstar 07-14-2013 01:02 AM

Wave and be courteous.

Jaybird09 07-31-2013 08:09 PM

I wave at every single biker or scooter on the road... All through I find it funny that almost EVERY single biker on the road will give me the "v twin" wave back or before I get a chance to wave, but every single person on a scoot I wave at has NEVER waved back. I figure either the scoot riders around here have no idea what I am doing or are just to dumb to wave back. I think it's great that all the bikers wave (sideways peace sign, aka V-Twin wave) when I do or wave to me before I do. I've made some great friends doing so... And have even talked a guy into swapping rides! He took the scoot and I jumped on his 2010 Harley Davidson 1450cc. But I've been riding for years and can ride anything under the sun. Drive safe and remember... We are all a brotherhood on the roads! Help your fellow brothers on the road...

Honda PCX 150

ckizer 08-02-2013 07:10 PM

The reason I sometimes don't do the wave to motorcycle riders who do it to me first is guilt. I'm afraid they are going to start waving, then feel cheated when the realize I'm on a scooter instead of a motorcycle. I'd love to wave, I love being friendly and wave at people in cars, and people in yards. I just don't want the biker to feel like I think my scooter compares. Even though I chose a scooter over a motorcycle and could have bought a motorcycle. I'm guessing most drivers are cool, but often around here it's hardcore gang style bikers that wave to me, just don't want to cheat them. Any motorcycle riders weight in?

epyon96r 08-02-2013 07:21 PM

I get waves from about half the bikers around my area. Today a sport bike rider didn't wave at me, instead he did a fist pump! What does that mean???

inuyasha 08-02-2013 09:27 PM

"The bikers creed"
I ride because it is fun.
I ride because I enjoy the freedom I feel from being exposed to the elements, and the vulnerability to the danger that is intrinsic to riding.
I do not ride because it is fashionable to do so.
I ride my machine, not wear it. My machine is not a symbol of status. It exists simply for me, and me alone.
My machine is not a toy. It is an extension of my being, and I will treat it accordingly, with the same respect as I have for myself.
I strive to understand the inner-workings of my machine, from the most basic to the most complex.
I will learn everything I can about my machine, so that I am reliant upon no one but myself for its health and well being.
I strive to constantly better my skill of control over my machine. I will learn its limits, and use my skill to become one with my machine so that we may keep each other alive. I am the master, it is the servant. Working together in harmony, we will become an invincible team.
I do not fear death. I will, however, do all possible to avoid death prematurely. Fear is the enemy, not death. Fear on the highway leads to death, therefore I will not let fear be my master. I will master it.
My machines will outlive me. Therefore, they are my legacy. I will care for them for future bikers to cherish as I have cherished them, whoever they may be.
I do not ride to gain attention, respect, or fear from those that do NOT ride, nor do I wish to intimidate or annoy them. For those that do not know me, all I wish from them is to ignore me. For those that desire to know me, I will share with them the truth of myself, so that they might understand me and not fear others like me.
I will never be the aggressor on the highway. However, should others mess with me, their aggression will be dealt with in as severe manner as I can cast upon them.
I will show respect to other bikers more experienced or knowledgeable than I am. I will learn from them all I can. However, if my respect is not acknowledged or appreciated, it will end.
I will not show disrespect to other bikers less experienced or knowledgeable than I am. I will teach them what I can. However, if they show me disrespect, they will be slapped.
It will be my task to mentor new riders, that so desire, into the lifestyle of the biker, so that the breed shall continue. I shall instruct them, as I have been instructed by those before me. I shall preserve and honor traditions of bikers before me, and I will pass them on unaltered.
I will not judge other bikers on their choice of machine, their appearance, or their profession. I will judge them only on their conduct as bikers. I am proud of my accomplishments as a biker, though I will not flaunt them to others. If they ask, I will share them.
I will stand ready to help any other biker that truly needs my help.
I will never ask another biker to do for me what I can do for myself.
I am not a part-time biker. I am a biker when, and where ever I go. I am proud to be a biker, and hide my chosen lifestyle from no one. I ride because I love freedom, independence, and the movement of the ground beneath me. But most of all, I ride to better understand myself, my machine, the lands in which I ride, and to seek out and know other bikers like myself.
Whether scoot motorbike motorcycle or trike its all the same to me
Take care and ride safely
Yours Hank

scootnwinn 08-04-2013 03:04 AM

I live that Hank. Any motorcyclist who thinks I am not a real biker because I ride a scooter is given the opportunity to try to keep my tail light in sight in the mountains. I have yet to have any of them take me up on the offer...

amac1680 08-04-2013 05:56 AM


Originally Posted by Slab Hardcheese (Post 522081)
When I was on the Viva, I actually had motorcyclists pull back their arm when they realized I was on a scooter. From a distance, it could have been mistaken for a crotch rocket from the front.

I wouldn't attempt to wave at motorcyclists if I were on a scooter. Like it or not, (but you do seem to understand it) scooter riders aren't seen as equals to a motorcyclist. They most likely will not wave back. But, if a motorcyclist waves at you first, by all means, return the gesture. Don't worry about them feeling "cheated". They aren't going to dwell on it.

If a biker pulls his arm back then he suffers from a deep rooted personality flaw. Feeling inadequate is no way to go thru life and trying to compensate with a large machine is well Freudian to say the least.

You boldly point out that you wouldn't wave if you were on a scooter. Ill give you credit very few would admit to such low self esteem. Do you let others dictate how you live all aspects of your life ?

Other motorcyclist may not dwell on it but you do. You sir have made two post here both on the same topic. On a scooter site no less. It seems to rub you the wrong way. You're a sham, a wannabe screaming "look at me look at me".

Are the big boys on their big boy bikes not paying enough attention to you?

You're a very big guy on the nameless Internet from the nonsense you spew to the childish, sexist garbage in your profile, now removed. How very very big of you.

I rode HDs for forty years and have seen tons of your type.
Little man big bike.

Again the emporeor has no clothes.

Be Big,

scootnwinn 08-05-2013 12:46 AM

Dude why are you here? You must like showing off the new asshat that came with that pile of Harley. I invite you to try to keep my finely crafted Italian tail light in view on any mountain road. You ride a status symbol not a bike. Read any motorcycle magazine it will clearly tell you that Harleys are under powered, underbraked, heavy piles. Go find a Harley forum where you can learn more important things like how to properly wear your land pirate outfit...

Ban this troll already...

scootnwinn 08-05-2013 01:47 AM

I have worked in 2 different motorcycle shops, ridden more bikes than you have seen in person, rolled with real outlaw bikers (on a Japanese sportbike mind you) and I am the wrench of choice of more than one Harley rider and I believe I am qualified to say you are not a motorcyclist and your opinion does not reflect the opinion of a motorcyclist. Bottom line if your on to wheels you wave to other two wheelers. If you don't they assume you are either a snob, not in control of your bike, or ignorant.

4getful2 08-05-2013 11:29 AM

I always thought it was strange that motorcycle dudes ,for the most part don't wave at scooter dudes.
When i'm on my street bike everybody waves and i wave forward ,fifteen minutes later, when i'm on my majesty,to get some groceries and few wave's like : is it my after shave?...Do i have booger hangin' out my.....?
Oh well.

scootnwinn 08-05-2013 01:08 PM

I realized why this thread was going down hill...

No Pics

inuyasha 08-05-2013 01:55 PM

"I will not judge other bikers on their choice of machine, their appearance, or their profession. I will judge them only on their conduct as bikers".
If your a true biker thats your mindset, any thing else and your just a wannabe
Take care and ride safely
Yours Hank

buford1488 08-05-2013 08:33 PM

2 Attachment(s)
under power you say...........not mine...and yes they do stop on a dime..and yes if you wave i wave no big deal...thanks buford......

scootnwinn 08-05-2013 11:49 PM

yes under powered. Unless you have modified the engine. Yes too heavy and under braked. Don't take my word for it though go read any review in Motorcyclist magazine. Or better yet take a spin on a sportbike. Sorry I actually do wish they were better bikes. They are certainly far better than they were 10 years ago and I hear the Vrod and the XR1200 are/were decent motorcycles. I won't dispute that they are pretty... Certainly not my kind of bike though...

gy6shortyexhaust 08-22-2013 12:15 AM

alpha head nod ,

Irish 01-10-2015 04:42 PM

I have been riding (motorcycles!) since I was 15yrs old! I am now 70! I'm serious here but I have noticed that in the "old" days , everyone waved! Now , hardly anyone waves.
Sign of the times? No one sticks together anymore! No wonder that "citizens" treat us as "crap" Irish

wheelbender6 01-10-2015 05:00 PM

I have had motorcycle riders stop next to me at traffic light stops and chat a bit.

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