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Guest_2 01-29-2013 09:10 PM

Editting Threads
I see that according to the posting rules on each page that a member can edit his/her own posts. However, there does not seem to be a way to do it on older threads. It does show on a new thread. Please advise.

MEAN_MOTOFINO 01-29-2013 09:12 PM

Hmm.... I just now noticed some of my posts do not have the option to edit either.... thats weird.

If you can edit it, it will be to the left of the "quote" button at the bottom of your post.

inuyasha 01-29-2013 09:18 PM

Hi Jim
I just noticed thats as well there seems to be a time sensitive limit as to how long you have to edit a posting
I would like to see that lifted if possible
Take care and ride safely dear friend
Yours Hank

Admin 01-29-2013 09:18 PM

I believe there's a time limit on editing, not sure what the default limit is though. This is basically to prevent people from changing their post, in which it wouldn't make sense in a thread afterwards. It's more for thread starters than replyers.

EDIT: seems it's set at about 1 day.. I'll increase it.


inuyasha 01-29-2013 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by Admin (Post 515408)
I believe there's a time limit on editing, not sure what the default limit is though. This is basically to prevent people from changing their post, in which it wouldn't make sense in a thread afterwards. It's more for thread starters than replyers.

EDIT: seems it's set at about 1 day.. I'll increase it.


Hi Mike
The problem is during the move certain bits of content didnt make the move over properly
For example the you tube links in my older postings dont show up properly, they show code instead of the link or embedded video, some photos i uploaded are the same
It would be nice if i could when i have time correct those type of posts but with things as they are now i dont even get the option
Any thing that you could do to help rectify the matter is deeply appreciated
Take care and ride safely dear friend
Yours Hank

Admin 01-29-2013 09:25 PM

No problem, I set it to 2 months, but I'll remove it.

inuyasha 01-29-2013 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by Admin (Post 515410)
No problem, I set it to 2 months, but I'll remove it.

Hi Mike
Thanks ever so much
Take care and ride safely dear friend
Yours Hank

MEAN_MOTOFINO 01-29-2013 09:28 PM

Thank you for altering the time period of which we can modify our posts! :clap::yay::clap:

Guest_2 01-29-2013 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by Admin (Post 515408)
I believe there's a time limit on editing, not sure what the default limit is though. This is basically to prevent people from changing their post, in which it wouldn't make sense in a thread afterwards. It's more for thread starters than replyers.

EDIT: seems it's set at about 1 day.. I'll increase it.


I just went back on the ScootDawgPB site and did some looking at some of my posts and replys that were written a very long time ago when I first became a member and everyone of them has a modify or delete buttom. Editing this reply I see that it can be deleted, however, the original post can be edited but not deleted

Admin 01-29-2013 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by rapidjim (Post 515413)
I just went back on the ScootDawgPB site and did some looking at some of my posts and replys that were written a very long time ago when I first became a member and everyone of them has a modify or delete buttom.

Yep, it's a simple setting.

Guest_2 01-29-2013 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by Admin (Post 515415)
Yep, it's a simple setting.

So by your settings, if the author of a thread wanted to delete it he could not do it?

terrilee 01-29-2013 09:49 PM

dont think so jim
once someone answer it
u can delete your posts, but not the whole thread

duh i dink

scootnwinn 01-29-2013 09:53 PM

Only any forum I have been in can delete threads

Guest_2 01-29-2013 09:53 PM


Originally Posted by terrilee (Post 515418)
dont think so
once someone answer it
u can delete your posts, but not the whole thread

duh i dink

This forum does not allow deletion or editing of old posts you have written.

Guest_2 01-29-2013 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by scootnwinn (Post 515420)
Only any forum I have been in can delete threads

True for complete threads. I was talking about threads and replys written by the member who wrote them.

Admin 01-29-2013 09:55 PM

Absolutely wrong. Editing and deletion of posts is allowed.

scootnwinn 01-29-2013 10:01 PM

I just deleted mine

terrilee 01-29-2013 10:02 PM

so if i started a thread, i can now go delete the 'entire' thread even other peoples 'posts' on that thread?
im sure that how PRO B works but this aint dat lmsao:lmao:

scootnwinn 01-29-2013 10:02 PM

Were you thinking of deleting yours rapid jim?

Did you leak classified information?

Admin 01-29-2013 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by terrilee (Post 515426)
so if i started a thread, i can now go delete the 'entire' thread even other peoples 'posts' on that thread?
im sure that how PRO B works but this aint dat lmsao:lmao:

No, of course not, you can't delete entire threads.

Guest_2 01-29-2013 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by Admin (Post 515423)
Absolutely wrong. Editing and deletion of posts is allowed.

Yes and no. If you go back aways in your posts, the edit function is now there but not the delete. There seems to be a cut off point for the author to delete his postings. Just an observation.

scootnwinn 01-29-2013 10:05 PM

You can delete your posts no one elses even if you start the thread. Never seen it any other way in 10 years of foruming

scootnwinn 01-29-2013 10:06 PM

You have to click edit to see the delete button

scootnwinn 01-29-2013 10:08 PM

You guys all realize people rarely look past the first page of any sub forum

Guest_2 01-29-2013 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by scootnwinn (Post 515431)
You have to click edit to see the delete button

True on recent posts but there is a cut off. Example: I went back to an old post of mine, I could edit it but not delete it. Newer posts have both options.

Admin 01-29-2013 10:10 PM


Yes and no. If you go back aways in your posts, the edit function is now there but not the delete. There seems to be a cut off point for the author to delete his postings. Just an observation.

I really don't think that's the case, I think the delete option is always there.

Guest_2 01-29-2013 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by scootnwinn (Post 515432)
You guys all realize people rarely look past the first page of any sub forum

May be true to a point, however, I will give you an example. John Doe calls me for information about how to do something on a trike. I refer him to the forum and thread.

I can't find it now so I will ask here, is there a way to bookmark old threads? I remember seeing the question asked but can't find it.

scootnwinn 01-29-2013 10:15 PM

If you try to delete the first post in the thread you can't but any other are fair game back as far as November. Don't know why you would want to delete something that old unless you were being petty

inuyasha 01-29-2013 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by scootnwinn (Post 515432)
You guys all realize people rarely look past the first page of any sub forum

Hi Rob
Well they should take the time to read the whole thread if they are going to reply as to how they can make an intelligent and pertinant response if they didnt is beyond me
I always read the whole thread in question before adding any further replies
Its just good form imho
Take care and ride safely dear friend
Yours Hank

Guest_2 01-29-2013 10:23 PM


Originally Posted by scootnwinn (Post 515437)
If you try to delete the first post in the thread you can't but any other are fair game back as far as November. Don't know why you would want to delete something that old unless you were being petty

Nevermind. I was asked the question from someone who didn't want to start a pissing contest. Seems I did. It was an observation that older posts could not be deleted like on other boards. I will just drop it.

Still waiting on an answer to my bookmark question.

Lefty 01-29-2013 10:32 PM

Also May I add on a continueation of Inuyasha is If you want to put up a VIDEO there is no way to YOUTUBE option. It just puts the link.

Also how about SPELL CHECK and or PREVIEW before you commit.

scootnwinn 01-29-2013 10:32 PM

Hank I said most.. I really meant they don't look too far into things or seach the forum. Most just post new questions despite there being an answer on page three of the sub forum they asked in. Meaning all the wonderful information here is most likely used only 1% of the time. I'm not sure that I could tell you what is on say page 102 of the 50cc forum. I bet its similar to page 64. There is a huge amount of redundancy hers which is useful but rarely used...

inuyasha 01-29-2013 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by Lefty (Post 515440)
Also May I add on a continueation of Inuyasha is If you want to put up a VIDEO there is no way to YOUTUBE option. It just puts the link.

Also how about SPELL CHECK and or PREVIEW before you commit.

Hi Lefty
Are you using the advanced editor it offers the option of previewing your post before commiting
Take care and ride safely dear friend
Yours Hank

scootnwinn 01-29-2013 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by Lefty (Post 515440)
Also May I add on a continueation of Inyuasha is If you want to put up a VIDEO NO there is no way to YOUTUBE option. It just puts the link.

Also how about SPELL CHECK and or PREVIEW before you commit.

When you post a youtube link it automatically puts in the show the player. Also the preview post option is only in advanced editor if you don't use quick reply or chose go advanced. In user cp there are options for what when you reply

Admin 01-29-2013 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by Lefty (Post 515440)
Also May I add on a continueation of Inuyasha is If you want to put up a VIDEO there is no way to YOUTUBE option. It just puts the link.

Not true, it embeds the video into the post.

Guest_2 01-29-2013 10:40 PM

I did find where the question of bookmarks was raised, but no reply to the question.

inuyasha 01-29-2013 10:42 PM


Originally Posted by rapidjim (Post 515433)
True on recent posts but there is a cut off. Example: I went back to an old post of mine, I could edit it but not delete it. Newer posts have both options.

I see what you mean i went back to some of my first postings ever and theres no option to delete only edit
Take care and ride safely derar friend
Yours Hank

Admin 01-29-2013 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by rapidjim (Post 515445)
I did find where the question of bookmarks was raised, but no reply to the question.

UserCP >> Subscribed Threads

Guest_2 01-29-2013 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by inuyasha (Post 515447)
I see what you mean i went back to some of my first postings ever and theres no option to delete only edit
Take care and ride safely derar friend
Yours Hank

Thank you I was beginning to think I lost my mind or didn't know how.

Be Blessed Hank my Friend

Guest_2 01-29-2013 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by Admin (Post 515448)
UserCP >> Subscribed Threads

Thank You. That does show what threads you are subscribed to but not how to bookmark (subscribe) to a thread. I did find out how by playing a bit. To subscribe (bookmarks) is under thread tools above the first post, for those that don't know how to do it.

Now for the long task of subscribing ( bookmarking) some of my old information and how to threads.

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