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Guest_2 01-31-2013 11:09 PM

Signature Block

For some reason my signature block was all deleted except for the last line. Can you shed some light on this?

MEAN_MOTOFINO 01-31-2013 11:47 PM

hey :yay:

Guest_2 02-01-2013 12:11 AM

:yay:hey MMM

Admin 02-01-2013 12:16 AM

didn't you ask to have your banner/sponsorship removed?

Guest_2 02-01-2013 12:18 AM


Originally Posted by Admin (Post 515895)
didn't you ask to have your banner/sponsorship removed?

Not from my signature block. Just the sponsorship rotating banner. My signature block has nothing to do with that area.

Admin 02-01-2013 12:20 AM

Isn't it doing the same? Advertising your business? What's the difference? I thought that's what you wanted, my bad..

Guest_2 02-01-2013 12:21 AM


Originally Posted by Admin (Post 515895)
didn't you ask to have your banner/sponsorship removed?

Yes I asked to have it removed from the rotating sponsorship/banner area. I did not ask to have it removed from my signature block. I am surprised that as ADMIN you can change people's personal signature.

Guest_2 02-01-2013 12:22 AM


Originally Posted by Admin (Post 515897)
Isn't it doing the same? Advertising your business? What's the difference? I thought that's what you wanted, my bad..

Hmmm seems we have a miscommunication here, the difference being my signature block is not a sponsor block.

Admin 02-01-2013 12:24 AM

lol That surprises you? An Admin of any forum can do anything on that forum (not that they do). That's how they, well, Admin.

Admin 02-01-2013 12:26 AM

Well it's still advertising, and if you didn't want to be 'associated' with the site, then I wouldn't think you'd want to be associated with it in any way. What's the difference if it's at the top, or in your posts?

I don't care either way, you can add it again if you wish, but it's kind of hypocritical.

Guest_2 02-01-2013 12:27 AM

I fixed it.

If you go back and re read my PM to you, you might see where I feel there is a difference. I also never said i didn't want to be associated with the site as a member. I have a lot of friends that use this site.

scootnwinn 02-01-2013 12:29 AM


Originally Posted by Admin (Post 515901)
Well it's still advertising, and if you didn't want to be 'associated' with the site, then I wouldn't think you'd want to be associated with it in any way. What's the difference if it's at the top, or in your posts?

I don't care either way, you can add it again if you wish, but it's kind of hypocritical.


jrryan 02-01-2013 08:26 AM

So you probably won't like my signature either? Also on the changing people's profile, as a admin on a forum I also know the admin can change anything on anyone's profile but unless someone is doing something that is totally off base I wouldn't bother it without giving them the chance to change it first upon my asking them to with my reason for such a request.

Just seems like the right thing to do.

jrryan 02-01-2013 08:27 AM


Originally Posted by scootnwinn (Post 515903)


fugaziiv 02-01-2013 11:44 AM

Jim, JR, - Yeah, he changed mine too. Seems Admin wants to make a point to those of us that are a little banner wary until the whole "two active Scootdawgs" issue is resolved. Seems a bit shortsighted to me, but it's his playground so he makes the rules.


jrryan 02-01-2013 01:40 PM

Oh well Matt maybe he's just not in a good mood?

Admin 02-01-2013 02:10 PM

Ok let's not make a bigger deal out of this than it is. In both cases, I was asked to remove advertising banners on the forum, so I did. I take that as wherever the banner shows up. I don't think that's so far-fetched or out of line, just going by the user's request. I think anyone would agree that it is indded hypocritical though, that it can be shown in one place but not the other.

Might I also direct you to this thread on the advertising policy, made years ago..

fugaziiv 02-01-2013 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by Admin (Post 515985)
I think anyone would agree that it is indded hypocritical though, that it can be shown in one place but not the other.

Admin - This point can very effectively be argued by understanding the nature of banner advertising vs. in forum linking and company representation.

A general consumer sees a banner ad and perceives that as a financial measure of support. A company, or person relating to such, posting is (and should only be) a representational involvement. Naturally as a representational identity, we'll have our companies in our sig lines. (We could certainly make the argument about how re-targeting can change this dynamic a bit, but that is Marketing 201, and probably won't ever apply here.)

Is it a form of marketing? Sure. Does it say to the general consumer, "This company financially supports this forum"? No, it does not. Therein lies the difference.

I think the ad policy written oh so many years ago really was written to keep companies from blatantly manipulating the system for self promotion. I think you'd be hard pressed to get many forum members to say that Jim is blatantly promoting himself on the forum.

I think many would agree with this line of thought as well.

Ultimately, I would think that should this end up being the final Scootdawg, you'd want those few of us that pulled our banners for whatever reasons to get them back up there and support the forum. I don't think any of us said "Hell no, I'll never advertise on that site!", so much as for the time being we'd like to see how things play out before casting our official sign of support. You've apparently taken those banner take down requests very personally.

I'll be the first to apologize for the tone of our first few messages back and forth, as I was rather heated at the time. I know that my approach to the situation is correct however, and it was ultimately not a personal decision, rather purely business.

You also make mention that you don't think it is a big deal, but you may want to reassess that statement, because as you may have noticed, it is a big deal to several influential members of the forum.

Like I said, it's your playground... No one likes to stick around and play with a bully though.


Guest_2 02-01-2013 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by fugaziiv (Post 516001)
Admin - This point can very effectively be argued by understanding the nature of banner advertising vs. in forum linking and company representation.

A general consumer sees a banner ad and perceives that as a financial measure of support. A company, or person relating to such, posting is (and should only be) a representational involvement. Naturally as a representational identity, we'll have our companies in our sig lines. (We could certainly make the argument about how re-targeting can change this dynamic a bit, but that is Marketing 201, and probably won't ever apply here.)

Is it a form of marketing? Sure. Does it say to the general consumer, "This company financially supports this forum"? No, it does not. Therein lies the difference.

I think the ad policy written oh so many years ago really was written to keep companies from blatantly manipulating the system for self promotion. I think you'd be hard pressed to get many forum members to say that Jim is blatantly promoting himself on the forum.

I think many would agree with this line of thought as well.

Ultimately, I would think that should this end up being the final Scootdawg, you'd want those few of us that pulled our banners for whatever reasons to get them back up there and support the forum. I don't think any of us said "Hell no, I'll never advertise on that site!", so much as for the time being we'd like to see how things play out before casting our official sign of support. You've apparently taken those banner take down requests very personally.

I'll be the first to apologize for the tone of our first few messages back and forth, as I was rather heated at the time. I know that my approach to the situation is correct however, and it was ultimately not a personal decision, rather purely business.

You also make mention that you don't think it is a big deal, but you may want to reassess that statement, because as you may have noticed, it is a big deal to several influential members of the forum.

Like I said, it's your playground... No one likes to stick around and play with a bully though.


Very well written and that is what I was trying to say, but must not have used the right words.

Thanks Matt

Admin 02-01-2013 03:15 PM

We'll agree to disagree then. You see it one way, I see it another. Either way, you're getting free advertiisng on a site that I pay for out of my own pocket. If anything, this is a moral issue at the very least. Let's call it what it is.. you wanted to 'hurt' me (or the forum) by requesting to remove your FREE advertising. It doesn't hurt me at all personally, but lets agree that if you want it removed in one place, it only makes sense that you'd want it removed at the other place. Think about that. And bullying? Please.. you obviously don't know me. I'll show you some forums, where if you even MENTION your business name (let alone a link), you get banned. I think you have it pretty good here.

Now like I've said, I couldn't care less, was just pointing out the facts. I've even told Jim he could add his banner again. So this arguing is all to do about nothing.

If you feel it's morally right to do so, then please do.

fugaziiv 02-01-2013 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by Admin (Post 516009)
I'll show you some forums, where if you even MENTION your business name (let alone a link), you get banned. I think you have it pretty good here.

Fair enough. I don't and won't argue this point.


Irish 05-26-2015 11:05 AM

This sounds like "High School" Irish

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