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Guest_1 01-24-2013 10:47 AM

how to on this site
does anyone know how to change the way this crap site works???
if you click on a thread, it goes to the last post, so if you wanna read the OP question, ya have to scroll down (?) to the bottom, then to follow the convo, you have to scroll up.
who designed this a 11 yr old?

lovemy2strokes 01-24-2013 10:57 AM

I agree new platform is horrible, nice pink writing tho!

Guest_1 01-24-2013 11:01 AM

thats the one nice thing, but its Fed up also,
cant leave a certain font, color as your default, gotta change it every time.
and ive tried adding a signature line pic, 14 times, it just wont do it.

and im goona rate everyone as BAD and see how fast i can get people kicked off.
naw but that is a real possibilty

lovemy2strokes 01-24-2013 11:10 AM

Ha that woud be funny, next week no ones left because were all bad.

scootnwinn 01-24-2013 11:16 AM

The feed back option is disabled it seems...

Change your thread option in the Edit options portion of you control panel...

scootnwinn 01-24-2013 11:17 AM

You can rate the thread but not the posts...

teddy554 01-24-2013 11:23 AM

you can change how the thread is in order or revers in order and the got a couple of more options go to user cp then to edit option go down the page until you see thread display options they give you of linear oldest first,linear newest first,threaded, hybrid you want to choice linear oldest first and save at the bottom of the page

Guest_1 01-24-2013 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by teddy554 (Post 513688)
you can change how the thread is in order or revers in order and the got a couple of more options go to user cp then to edit option go down the page until you see thread display options they give you of linear oldest first,linear newest first,threaded, hybrid you want to choice linear oldest first and save at the bottom of the page

thanks, now does anyone know how to keep a font and color as a default?
also dang that one guy for not telling us how to get a pic on our sign line

eagle150 01-25-2013 01:29 PM

A little past eleven... LOL!

Originally Posted by snugglebunny (Post 513659)
does anyone know how to change the way this crap site works???
if you click on a thread, it goes to the last post, so if you wanna read the OP question, ya have to scroll down (?) to the bottom, then to follow the convo, you have to scroll up.
who designed this a 11 yr old?

Well, gotta admit it... I designed Reb "Daisy", along with the original ScootDawg character, and co-designed Doug's "Rebel" on the Cushman Eagle for ScooterRebels, and the "Professor" and the owl on his site. Most folks like the adolescent innocence of the characters, but I am 67, not 11. Been an art/creative director for more than 40 years.

For what it's worth, I like the new ScootDawg character. Pretty sweet!

Ride safe, and play nice...

Leo in Texas

Guest_1 01-25-2013 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by eagle150 (Post 514120)
Well, gotta admit it... I designed Reb "Daisy", along with the original ScootDawg character, and co-designed Doug's "Rebel" on the Cushman Eagle for ScooterRebels, and the "Professor" and the owl on his site. Most folks like the adolescent innocence of the characters, but I am 67, not 11. Been an art/creative director for more than 40 years.

For what it's worth, I like the new ScootDawg character. Pretty sweet!

Ride safe, and play nice...

Leo in Texas

you old rebellious prof dawg.

hows the misses?


carasdad 01-25-2013 06:06 PM

How do we...???
How do we...??? Put emoticons...smileys the text of our messages here? It only seems to allow it for the subject line...hmm...

lykos23 01-25-2013 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by carasdad (Post 514229)
How do we...??? Put emoticons...smileys the text of our messages here? It only seems to allow it for the subject line...hmm...

USER CP > EDIT OPTIONS > Bottom of page. (Message Editor Interface)

carasdad 01-25-2013 06:18 PM


eagle150 01-25-2013 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by snugglebunny (Post 514140)
you old rebellious prof dawg.

hows the misses?


Yup... I'm a "rebelious old prof. dawg..." HeHeHe... The missus is OK, but old age is taking a toll on both of us. Trouble with our vision mainly. We're still alive and kickin' though.

This getting old "ain't for the young..." or the faint-hearted. Whomever coined the term "Golden Years" ought to be boiled in Geritol... LOL!

I see by the ads above, you can still get a scoot like mine for under $800! What a bargain... When I was little nipper, back in the fifties, a Cushman Eagle or Vespa cost that much even back then! THAT is about $8,000 in todays "dead Benjamins".

If the Chinese EVER figure out how to make a car that will pass US requirements, we're in BIG trouble...

Ride safe!


terrilee 01-25-2013 09:55 PM

you do know who snugglebunny is , correct?:hehe:

spandi 01-25-2013 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by terrilee (Post 514328)
you do know who snugglebunny is , correct?:hehe:

I've known for quite some time, in fact I was dropping little "read between the lines" hints on some of your postings.

terrilee 01-25-2013 10:12 PM

& the bun bun knew that
didnt wanna 'confirm' anything


spandi 01-25-2013 10:16 PM

That's why I did what I did. I figured you didn't want to spill the beans....or let the rabbit outta' the hat.

scootnwinn 01-25-2013 10:17 PM

Do you? You are creeping me out lady seriously strange. Do you talk to yourself?

terrilee 01-25-2013 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by spandi (Post 514337)
That's why I did what I did. I figured you didn't want to spill the beans....or let the rabbit outta' the hat.

:clap::clap::clap::clap::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::y ay::yay::yay::yay::yay:

spandi 01-25-2013 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by terrilee (Post 514339)
:clap::clap::clap::clap::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::y ay::yay::yay::yay::yay:

Aww Thanks!

eagle150 01-26-2013 02:41 AM

Ahh... Nope! Since the bunny knows about my missus, I know she must be someone I know from ScooterRebels.

My guess is it's you... Maybe?

It's been a while since I've been on ScootDawg. I've sorta lost touch.


eagle150 01-26-2013 08:44 AM

Well, dog my cats!

It is YOU! HeHeHe... Give the kitties a hug and an extra mouse for Betty and me... AND, don't freeze yer' bunny-tail off riding in the cold!

Stay safe,

Betty & Leo in Texas

terrilee 01-26-2013 08:49 AM

yea leo its me
and yea she still does 67 mph

& i agree, getting old is not for the young
its hell

take care

eagle150 01-26-2013 08:57 AM


I always get a hoot out of your fast scoot! It's gotta be the quickest Chinese 150 around. I once got "Lil' Bubba" up to near 70, but it was down a STEEP freeway ramp. Doggone tach was near 11 grand! Backed off QUICK.

Scooters go MUCH better DOWNHILL than WE do... LOL!

Stay warm!


terrilee 01-26-2013 09:28 AM


ask betty if you guys would take care of Chrissy for the next so many months.
you could take a nice, easy drive up to here, take her home.
get her all nice and tuned up for when i get out.


inuyasha 01-26-2013 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by terrilee (Post 514448)

ask betty if you guys would take care of Chrissy for the next so many months.
you could take a nice, easy drive up to here, take her home.
get her all nice and tuned up for when i get out.


Hi Terri
Going to miss you very much when that happens
Take care and ride safely dear friend
Yours Hank

terrilee 01-26-2013 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by inuyasha (Post 514451)
Hi Terri
Going to miss you very much when that happens
Take care and ride safely dear friend
Yours Hank

me 2 hank
some of you guys are the best
some suck, but hey thats life
not everyone is gonna like me, or my opinions
the best friends are the ones you
can argue with, fight with, etc
and still be friends

scootnwinn 01-26-2013 10:19 AM

Its easier to argue with you if there is only one of you. I have nothing generally against yoy snuggle/left/lee. I always let you know when I specifically disagree with you. Like I would with anyone else. Hope you aren't holding a grudge because your whole name change hi I'm back thing seems creepy to me. I wish you had just said hey it's me bunny I'm going to go by the name terrilee now...

Anyway hope I am on the list of folks you can argue with and still be friends

spandi 01-26-2013 10:24 AM

As Hank would say "Play nice" BTW, we ALL have our little quirks don't we?

terrilee 01-26-2013 10:28 AM

jesuse god
ill tell u one more time
im not this lefty person
i have 2 handles
terrilee on all the good sites
snugglebunny on DAWG, because some people{hmm wonder who} complained to EARL
when i came here, just like you, it was as SB
then when i was told i could use Terrilee
i did,

if you take the time to notice, there hasnt been a SB post in
many hours.
so w/e carry on young man, carry on

spandi 01-26-2013 10:31 AM

Hey, "scootbunny" might not be a bad handle.

terrilee 01-26-2013 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by spandi (Post 514472)
Hey, "scootbunny" might not be a bad handle.

geez , please no,
now some ppl will say i have 23 handles :s

scootnwinn 01-26-2013 10:37 AM

Hey I know we all have quirks I was being nice.

inuyasha 01-26-2013 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by spandi (Post 514470)
As Hank would say "Play nice" BTW, we ALL have our little quirks don't we?

Take care and ride safely dear friend
Yours Hank

spandi 01-26-2013 10:41 AM

Ok Hank, I'll start playing my old Slim Whitman albums.

inuyasha 01-26-2013 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by spandi (Post 514477)
Ok Hank, I'll start playing my old Slim Whitman albums.

Slims the man:tup::yay:
Take care and ride safely dearest friend
Yours Hank

spandi 01-26-2013 10:59 AM


Originally Posted by inuyasha (Post 514475)
Take care and ride safely dear friend
Yours Hank

spandi 01-26-2013 11:01 AM

Yep, and Slim has 100% success rating on Martians!

terrilee 01-26-2013 11:04 AM

im sure this is only me, but
does it bother anyone else that there is no clock
on the top of the page?

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