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Houndguy 08-28-2013 10:34 AM

The bloom is off the rose
:shrug: Maybe it's the heat and the rain here in Florida. I've had to ride out in 90 degree (mid to high 30's C) days with humidity that is so bad it makes me ill.

I've had no desire to ride. No desire to take the bike out. I've rode pretty much every day since I got my bike over 3 years ago.

My question for you I :nuts: or is the bloom off the rose? Do you ever lose the desire to ride?

techie610 08-28-2013 10:43 AM

Coo Coo :P
JK I don't enjoy riding in miserable terms either..
Heat doesn't matter to me, but moisture in the air...? Hate it.

inuyasha 08-28-2013 01:56 PM

Never for me riding is like breathing
Take care and ride safely my friend
Yours Hank

amac1680 08-28-2013 02:59 PM

Dude it freaking hot there !
I run north in the summer. I love my florida home but we are in the dog days with no end in site till thanksgiving.

Nothing wrong with you, you'll scoot soon. You're just "over heated" !

Be Big,

wheelbender6 08-28-2013 06:54 PM

When it is really hot outside, it can be cooler to take the scoot (than the car) for short errands. It takes a car a long time to get cool after it has been roasting in the midday sun.

Gimpdog 08-29-2013 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by inuyasha (Post 522670)
Never for me riding is like breathing...
Take care and ride safely my friend
Yours Hank

But if you can't breathe in the hot high humidity, then I guess you can't go riding. How's that for twisting things around, LOL

I walked outside this morning in N Carolina, and could barely breathe... Gasp!!!!

spandi 08-29-2013 02:45 PM

This is probably cheaper then a motorcycle air conditioning unit.

(I personally like the Cool58's features)

jct842 08-29-2013 02:56 PM

I just started back riding after 2 months recouping from the dog incident. When it gets much over body temp I can't ride long as the wind actually burns my skin. The faster you go the worse it gets. This last week in the low 90's have been tolerable for short trips. I also can not stand high humidity.

I have in the past thought of placing one of those solid state thermal coolers in a helmet. they run off 12volts dc and require a heat sink. they will cool around up to 30 degrees less than ambiant temps when working properly. So even dropping the inside of the helmet 10 degrees would sure feel good.

tinstar 09-14-2013 03:11 AM

I love to ride, but my riding is recreational and I'm pretty much a fair weather rider these days. I hate the heat and humidity we have in Virginia in the Summer, and I don't do much riding. I can't take freezing weather anymore either. When I was young, nothing bothered me and I have ridden with ice forming around me when I lived in the mountains of NC. I used my bike for cheap transportation to college, work, and pleasure. Now that I'm 60 and retired, I just love to ride in Fall like temps. Had a great ride today and the average temp was 72 degrees. It was great!

Bob Shaw 09-29-2013 08:06 PM

I'm in Georgia in the summer and Florida for the winter, and I can tell you, I don't see a lot of bikes on the road when it's real hot, and humid) outside, here in Georgia. It's started to cool-off a little now and there are bikes everywhere. So, apparently, you are not alone. A mesh armored jacket helps when you are riding but gets hot real quick when you stop on a hot sunny day. Keep the faith, you've got some excellent riding weather coming-up.

thumper650 09-30-2013 10:28 PM

I ride my scooter to work every day. Occasionally I conisder the alternative, but then remembering how much I hate being squished onto an MBTA bus, the scooter wins.
Even when it's raining I feel better when I pass by the crowded bus.

scootnwinn 09-30-2013 11:27 PM

I stop for nothing but ice. I ride all but about 10 days a year from -6 to 106. All in the same all weather suit. It is strange but riding with out gear in the heat is a hotter experience than with gear. I'm with Hank riding is like breathing for me too...

Irish 07-03-2015 12:56 PM

The absolute worst thing about riding in the heat in Florida is the traffic lights! Not only are you on a SLOW roast in your body but my engine is air cooled (2006 Sportster 1200 W/trike kit)& all I can think of is how hot my engine must be getting! It's a 5speed & most of the time you can't get out of 3rd & still be legal!:shrug::tdown: Irish
P.S. I probably didn't say it but the lights seem to take forever to change!:s

blueboy5000 07-05-2015 06:21 AM

I prefer to ride, and do so for the four entire months a year we don't have ice. I also never ride in the rain, not because one shouldn't, but because I got pneumonia doing so when I was younger.

novaraptor 07-06-2015 11:14 AM

Sadly, the high humidity makes my solution virtually unusable in Florida. I use the Kooltie neck cooler and always wear heat out tshirts under my mesh jacket. Occasionally I soak the heat out, then wring it out. Keeps things pretty cool for the ride home. I just ordered a HyperKewl evap vest to try out for the rest of the summer.. Evap works very well in the desert...

kz1000st 07-06-2015 01:35 PM

The next time I'm looking out the window at two feet of snow and 5 degrees I'll think of your problem.

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