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taz001 06-10-2014 10:14 AM

"Jumping off"* your scooter
Have you ever successfully started your scooter with the help of another fully charged battery because yours was dead/low("jumping off"*) wirhout damage? This is a yes or no answer question fellas. Either you have or haven't. Not "yea, but I'd never do it again 'cause (enter name here) says it'd damge it..........etc.

Everything about "jumping off"* a scooter is "opinion" based on experience. You own the scooter, do what you feel comfortable with. My experiences have shown me that "jumping off"* a scooter is perfectly safe, given some caveats. 1) Be extreamly careful to observe polairity. If you reverse the leads, POOF! up in smoke could go your scooter. It surely would take out the charging system. 2) Don't "jump off"* your scooter from a running car. The charging system on a car is capable of producing surges that could damage your scooter's charging system. 3) Never, Never, Never jump off a scooter with a gas leak...........BAD juju that. My experiences have shown me that all instances of damage to a scooter when "jumping off"* are caused by operator error. My experiences have shown me that a scooter can very easily be damaged while "jumping off"* if done incorrectly. My experiences have shown me that if a scooter has a short, or other wiring defect, "jumping off"* will let out all the magic smoke that makes the scooter run correctly necessitating extensive repairs. Yes, I've "jumped off"* my scooter successfully without damage and will continue to do so with, as always, extreme caution.

*Definition(for all the trolls): "jumping off" - the act of assisting the dead or low battery to start your scooter with another fully charged battery.

bandito2 06-10-2014 02:02 PM

Yes, several times actually while in the process of getting a couple different Reflex scooters into running order. All from my pick up truck with its engine off.
No problems while doing it that way.:tup:

bnc 06-10-2014 04:05 PM

Yes, but now I use a portable jump pack due to the convenience. I carry it in the car and have used it to help other motorists.

kz1000st 06-10-2014 04:36 PM

Yes and No. Last year when I repaired my scooter after letting it sit for a year I couldn't wait for the battery to recharge. I have a 2-10-50 Amp charger so I set the switch to 10 amps, the battery is 9, and spun away. It fired up and I was happy to shut it off, knowing it ran, and plug in my Die Hard battery maintainer to fully recharge the battery.

Madathlon 06-10-2014 06:54 PM

The question isnt fully fair. I have jumped started my scooter before. But not from a car or truck, but from an spare scooter battery. I have learned over the years that it smarter to switch out a low for a good battery then to jump them from a car.

Scooter battery are relatively cheap and keeping a charged one is easy enough.

That or just charge the dead battery with a 4-6amp 12V charge over night.

Madathlon 06-10-2014 06:54 PM

The question isnt fully fair. I have jumped started my scooter before. But not from a car or truck, but from an spare scooter battery. I have learned over the years that it smarter to switch out a low for a good battery then to jump them from a car.

Scooter battery are relatively cheap and keeping a charged one is easy enough.

That or just charge the dead battery with a 4-6amp 12V charge over night.

rks 06-12-2014 06:33 AM

No, I have never 'jumped off' my scoot, with or without damage. If I should find that my battery had insufficient power to 'off' the engine, I would use the 'kick off' method. It usually takes just one kick to 'off' my scooter engine...and after all, that is exactly why scooters are made with a 'kick off' backup the 'electric off' system. As stated above, the use of a battery maintainer, really helps to avoid this my vote is NO....Bob

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