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Lola Rides 02-10-2013 12:47 PM

Hello fellow scooteristas

My name is Lola, and I ride a Vespa LX150. I am a filmmaker and videographer, and I am getting ready to take a trip to South America on a Vespa. I am looking for advice on the Vespa and equipment that I need to take along. I have done a lot of 200 or 300 mile trips on my Vespa, but this one will be a lot longer.

Guest_3 02-10-2013 12:57 PM

Lola, Welcome to ScootDawg

Admin 02-10-2013 12:58 PM

Very cool, and welcome to the forum Lola!

I'm sure many would love to be able to make a trip like that!

Good luck! :tup:

inuyasha 02-10-2013 01:02 PM

Hi Lola
Welcome aboard
Pleased to meet you
Take care and ride safely
Yours Hank

amac1680 02-10-2013 01:14 PM

Welcome Lola . Always nice to have a neighbor join.

Be Big,

Guest_3 02-10-2013 01:15 PM

Lola, Are you doing this trip by yourself ??.

scootnwinn 02-10-2013 04:00 PM

You certainly have chosen a fine machine to do it with. Do be careful if you do it alone. I am certain it will be a cool movie.

MEAN_MOTOFINO 02-11-2013 03:05 PM

Sorry I have no advice for you on the Vespa. But I would like to Welcome you to the Elite Scoot Dawg forum and I have to say that ride sounds like it will be fun as HE\\! lol I wish you luck on your journey.

Yours Truly,
Mean Machine

Mclovin 03-29-2013 06:07 AM

The best thing you can do from a safety, language, culture, photography, writing, and joie de vivre standpoint is to take me. (I'm actually serious, I think.) I've done some long trips, too.

If not me, then take a Pit Posse tire repair kit, available on Amazon. Also (from experience in Honduras), malaria pills. Take Motorcycle Diaries - written when Che Guevara was still an agreeable chap - and get a good dose of Cartier-Bresson before you go.

Good luck.

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