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Jellofingers 03-26-2013 04:07 AM

Not going to believe this
There I was riding along on my 50cc Kiat MD50QT-3 on the island of Maui... BAM!!!!! I was hit dead center on the left side (I am talking a grill in my face as I turned my head to the left) by a Toyota Tacoma 4x4. Can you believe it, it sent me flying 13 feet from where I was into a parking lot to some credit union. I am working with their insurance company now to get the claim underway, SNAG!!!! I need an estimate for repair and I can use one from online. This is a 2011 Kiat 50cc, they want to know how much the scooter is worth before the accident and how much it would take to fix. I have a vid on youtube.
the scooter was in good condition, ran strong (4050 miles on the odometer) and had just a little paint bubbleing and the seat had minor damage before the accident. Now panels are broke all over the scooter and the front and rear tires are angled to the right (/) to suggest frame damage. there is about 2 inches of play in the steering as well. the headlight harness was ripped off and the taillight lense was crushed along with the trunk. my exhaust is hanging by a partial bolt from the tailpipe and my aircleaner was smashed. if anyone can assist on an estimate, I would be so happy. I lost my job and I have a new born on the way, I need to get a new scooter with the settlement to get my job back. yup, these are dire times indeed.

millsc 03-26-2013 08:58 AM

try to get 1000 dollars and buy a new one, part the old one out

qwertydude 03-26-2013 09:30 AM

What kind of idiotic insurance is this? If you flew 13 feet your scooter is totalled. I've known insurance companies write off motorcycles for as little as a bent footpeg. Any frame damage for motorcycles is instant writeoff because getting a frame straightened by a certified motorcycle shop generally costs more than a new bike. Basically just give them the OTD price of a new 50cc scooter of similar build, ie new Chinese scooter. Insurance companies usually pad a little in there to keep you from suing.

There is no fixing bent motorcycle frames, same goes for scooters.

teddy554 03-26-2013 02:40 PM

yeah they just need to give you the money to buy any new 50cc scooter in my opinion.

scootnwinn 03-26-2013 03:24 PM

I agree new scoot I worked in a shop and I can say with certainty unless you build a jig for it there is no way any shop can straighten a frame. Of course the jig building would cost more than the bike and even if they went through all this no shop wants to hold the liability for certifying it straight...

Jellofingers 03-27-2013 04:48 PM

Thanks Guys, I was thinking the same thing, however here on the Hawaii side of life these guys take forever to get things done, The accident was on the 13th and yet today, they haven't done anything, looks like I may have to lawyer up. Thanks for the input, I will update with results just for morbid curiosity sake if you want to find out what happens. In addition, I went a bought a fixer upper 2008 CIP GTR 50 for $300.00. the engine is in good shape, but the electrical is unlike anything I have ever seen before... I swear there are more splices and electrical tape that I have ever seen. Anyone know a good place to find complete wiring harnesses for a good price. I dare not go on the economy here on Maui, everything is jacked up in price.

Jellofingers 03-30-2013 06:06 AM

Stranger things have happened, I took the wiring harness off my Kait 2011 Chinese Scooter (which was totaled) and used it on my 2008 CPI GTR which had no headlights, brake lights, horn, or turn signals, but it ran. It took some doing with the Kiat wiring for the electrical, but I now have all the lights and the original wiring harness from the CPI GTR runs the engine side of things. How Bizarre is that?

Jellofingers 04-02-2013 04:42 PM

As it turned out, I settled for $700 because traffic law states that if you are riding a scooter and you are to the far right outside the right lane marking that it would be a hard case to win. The far right edge isn't designated for traffic, rather it is a leeway, or bumper zone if you will and wasn't intended for scooter traffic. So I was told from the lawyer that when you ride, stay to the far right of the right lane so if you get hit you will have a concrete case against the aggressor (if you survive the impact).

sbcwinn 05-15-2013 03:42 PM

Just curious... what did you wind up buying?

qwertydude 05-16-2013 10:06 AM

Is this your defense lawyer telling you this? The fact is you got hit from behind. If you were walking in the outside of the lane because your car broke down would you have no right to sue for being hit?

Basically if this is the insurance lawyer he's probably trying to rip you off, if this is your lawyer, he's not a very good one. Fact is you got hit, being outside the lane means the motorist who hit you must have been travelling outside the lane also so you still have a case against the driver.

From what I've seen motorcyclists almost always win their cases when it comes to accidents unless they're the ones who actually casued the accident directly. You riding your motorcycle outside the lane may have been wrong, but you still got hit and it sounds like from behind. That's almost an open and shut case and on top of that it means the driver had to have been outside the designated lane too which is even worse for him because he's the one that caused the accident. Unless you're leaving something out like you wandered back into the lane in front of the driver.

techie610 05-16-2013 11:44 AM

I think he meant he had gotten T-Boned, as we say it..
They hit him with their grill, square on the left side.

Either way, you are correct in that either the insurance Co. is absolutely screwing you, or the lawyer isn't trying. I had a public defender that could do better than that.

The way I see it, is:
1) they owe you a new scoot, because it is completely totaled.
2) any medi treatment what-so-ever is to be covered. even if you buy advil for a headache.
and (3) a small settlement for general purpose. Just in case you need help for other than above.

thumper650 05-17-2013 12:21 AM

You need a really sleazy lawyer and sue the crap out of them.

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