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Admin 02-11-2013 06:36 PM

Wanted to bring you all up to date..
Just wanted to let you guys know what's going on.

Turns out Proboards (where the old forum is hosted) is not standing by their word. It's really no surprise to me, as being around different forums on the 'net for a long time now, even before I knew about ScootDawg, I've read all the horror stories and complaints about them and their "CEO", Patrick Clinger. The info is out there if you search for it.

An email I received directly from Mr. Clinger, word for word:


A proper transfer of ownership of the admin account can be done on our Support Forum, after which we can assign the account to you if Lee wants it to be yours.


Patrick Clinger
ProBoards, Inc.
Lee (former Admin of ScootDawg) created a thread in their support forums today, explaining that he gives and wants me to have the Admin account since he is no longer able to carry on his duties as Admin. It's all posted there (or atleast until Proboards deletes it). But no surprise, lying Patrick is not following through and has said he will not be transfering the Admin account now.

I'm a man of my word, and held up my end of the deal by deleting any posts that weren't made here on the new forum (what they requested I do). However, little Patrick is far from a man of his word, and has since changed his policy to suit his needs in this case (how convenient?).

This is the most underhanded, slimey, dirty free-forum "company" out there. This hasn't only happened to me either, he's ripped off a lot of people over the years. They've deleted forums without warning or reason. They hold your database for ransom if you choose to ever leave them, they let spam run rampant since they make money from it, and now they pick and choose Admins even if the original Admin verifies who they want to follow in their footsteps.

I would strongly suggest that everyone have nothing to do with any Proboards-run forums anymore. I would even suggest deleting any accounts you have on any Proboards forum. If a company is this sneaky, this corrupt, who knows what else they're doing with your personal info.

I've been a member of ScootDawg for 2 years now, and although I didn't post often, I saw a lot of problems with the old forum. I saw a lot of people complaining about the spam, and complaining how no one is even running it anymore, that it was abandoned. I saw a need to change it for the better. I have a lot of experience with forums, so I talked with Lee for a long, long time, and we finally came to an agreement. I stepped up to the plate, bought a VB forum license, bought webhosting, and spent many hours setting up, designing, and preparing a new home for the members of ScootDawg.

As for this forum, it's here to stay. It's here for you guys, the members. It's run by a fellow scooter enthusiast, for scooter enthusiasts. It's your choice what to use, but I've given my honest opinion and suggestions. The platform here is more secure, has less ads, zero spam, and has a ton more features. Oh and, we weed out the drama. It's your choice ultimately, but I personally would love to have all of you. I've received a ton of support over the past couple weeks in private messages, emails, etc. There are some really great, caring people here, and ones I would consider 'friends' even in the short time of knowing them. You all know who you are.

In closing, I just want to say Thank You to everyone again, and sorry for any stress this mess has caused any of you. It never should have came to this, but it did, and we're moving forward. I hope you'll stick around and enjoy the ride with us. :cheers:

Thanks guys, take care.



scootnwinn 02-11-2013 07:06 PM

I'm with you I am going to start moving my posts over now and you have my full support. I know you have a lot invested in this and I also have friends that run forums I know this is not something that normally brings you financial gain and that the most you can hope for is to provide a service to people who love to do what you enjoy. What a mess It looks like its over now it is unfortunate that they chose to do what they did.

Admin 02-11-2013 07:15 PM

Thanks Rob, I appreciate the support! It means a lot, friend.

inuyasha 02-11-2013 07:19 PM

Hi Mike
Just glad its been decided once and for all, even i f i dont agree with the decision that was made
Thanks once again for the brand new digs
Take care and ride safely dear friend
Yours Hank

amac1680 02-11-2013 08:09 PM

"if you build it......."
It's up to the members now, let's rock and roll.

Be Big,

Guest_3 02-11-2013 08:13 PM


deleting any accounts you have on any Proboards forum.
I did it yesterday.

Admin 02-11-2013 11:03 PM

Thanks guys. And yes, it's up to the members now.. we can make this a great scooter forum if everyone pulls together. The infrastructure is here, let's use it! :tup:

99owned 02-11-2013 11:29 PM

I'm in! I like vBulletin a lot anyways. :D

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