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Irish 09-19-2015 01:06 PM

Hot Driving!
Can any Florida residents tell me if the traffic driving gets any cooler driving in the winter(?) I always worry about what the heat is doing to my air cooled engine , when stuck at the un-Godly long traffic lights in the summer! I haven't been riding in Florida in the winter(?)!:thanks: Irish:scoot::nuts:
PS I ride a 2006 Sportster 1200 w/ Trike Kit!

thumper650 09-20-2015 11:13 AM

Hey Irish,
Not a Florida resident, but my parents are snowbirds. They live about an hour south of Tampa, and from what I've learned in their area, from other residents of their building traffic gets worse in the Winter there. When I was there in Jaunary, there was lots of out of state plates everywhere.
The lights are long too! I've ridden air cooled motorcycles like your Sporty, in the heat and they are misrably hot!

Irish 09-20-2015 11:55 AM

I was a snow bird for about 7/8yrs. I just moved here for good because that 1500mi(each way! N.H.-Fla) got old! I'm 71 now & that commute takes a week to recover! I'd rather live in N.H. but my wife wanted to move to our Florida home. The heat & my Diabetes don't get along very well. Irish

Bob Shaw 10-01-2015 08:07 PM

I'm a Snowbird, in the Sebring area, and I can tell you that you should not have any heat issues from the first of December until the first of April. In fact you might even want to wear some leathers occasionally. It does get warm once in a while, but not like summer heat. Well, that's been my experience over the past several years, anyway.

Irish 10-02-2015 01:53 PM

When we were Snowbirds , we were usually here from Oct until the 1st week in May. Maybe it's just this year but it seems exceptionally hot. Also I'm used to the New England weather When in the service , I used to go to Goose Bay, Labrador for a few weeks at a time. Working outside there was cold but it didn't bother me as much as the heat does here. Of course , I didn't have Diabetes then either.:ugh: Irish:scoot::nuts:

philr 10-02-2015 02:15 PM

Irish, the best riding time of the year is beginning in North Florida. The video shows a fairly typical early December, North Florida day. (3 Dec 2014, Wednesday, 10:45 AM) I'm wearing a T-shirt, but a flannel shirt or light windbreaker would have been better.

Irish 10-04-2015 03:22 PM

Except for some Spanish moss & lighter traffic it almost looks like N.E. Maybe I live in the wrong area!:shrug::hmm: Irish:scoot::nuts:

Irish 10-09-2015 10:55 AM

In just a weeks time , the temp. has dropped 10/15 degrees. Possibly that will make a difference. It's amazing , the difference that 10/15 degrees makes! Our oldest daughter is visiting. If she came last week , she would have had "Heat Stroke!" Now she loves it here.:tup: Irish:scoot::nuts:

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