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kz1000st 08-02-2015 10:46 AM

First Valve Adjustment
I finally had to adjust the valves on my CF Moto this morning. Holy Cow could it be any easier! I had seen the videos of how to adjust the valves with the engine running on a CN-250 many times and it's true. You just move the adjuster until you feel resistance and move back the other way 1 mark, then tighten it down. It must have taken all of three minutes after I got the seat off to do the job. My GY6 is a good three hour job for me with all the plastic removal and re-installation plus all the shim checking and adjustment. Honda doesn't look so silly to me anymore. What a great system.

rks 08-03-2015 05:26 PM

It is nice when things workout well, and designed to be easily serviced. At least on my gy6, the intake valve is accessible from the top with only the seat bucket removed, and I can get to the exhaust valve, from the bottom, after removing the splash guard under the fuel tank.

Simple maintenance items on the BMW's are a different deal (although the valves are easy to get to), other items are well get to the battery, or air filter, it requires removal of 4 side covers, the seat, next clamp and remove two fuel lines, disconnect wiring to fuel pump, and then remove the fuel tank. Now you can check or change your battery, or air filter. If it's the fuel filter that needs attention, you still need to drain the tank, and remove 6 bolts that hold the fuel pump/filter unit, up in the tank. Not a job to be done on the shoulder of the road.

So, when you can do a routine maintenance on an item, in 10 or 15 is sweet.

kz1000st 08-06-2015 09:49 PM

I got in a 100 mile ride last night with the 250 to that Bike Night. Holy Cow, it's never run that good before. I did a couple of good Sportbike roads and the throttle response was better than ever. It's good to get more familiar with your stuff and know how it works. I'll be sure to keep this in mind as the years roll by. We've been together three years so far. Many more to come.

rks 08-07-2015 06:36 AM

God bless ya....100 miles on a scooter in a day. I imagine your 250 rides better than my 150, but even so, that's still a long way. I made a 111 mile trip on one of my motorcycles last week, (with only one stop) and needed to take an Aleve when I got home. My old back won't take the longer jaunts like it used to. Scoot rides are usually 40 miles or less (round trip)

Glad to hear your Moto appreciated the attention you gave it, nothing quite so satisfing as a well tuned engine just purring least to me there isn't.

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