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carasdad 01-28-2013 09:11 AM

E-15 Gas Warning....
Unreal abuse of power.

Who is the Gov to dictate what fuel I must use? If you listen closely in the even says the Gov is doing it to make themselves more money. Bet ya 10 dozen Doughnuts they are not using it for their vehicles. Such as the 'Mandatory health care plan' That they are opting out of...yet it is mandated for us. 28th Amendment says.."Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the Senators and/or Representatives; and, Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators and/or Representatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of the United States" Furthermore.. VERY FEW Americans know that members of Congress can retire with the same pay after only one term....that they don't pay into Social Security....that they specifically exempted themselves from many of the laws they have passed (such as being exempt from any fear of prosecution for sexual harassment) while ordinary citizens must live under those laws. The latest is to exempt themselves from the Healthcare Reform that is being forced on all of its forms. When does this form of Democracy actually become Democracy? If forced to use E-15 destroying your engine...who foots the $2,000-$3,000 repair bill? You do...and now for the rest of your vehicles also have no warranty so you foot the other repair bills as well...even if there is a recall for engineering flaws in will be excluded from that recall. >:(

lykos23 01-28-2013 09:23 AM

Faux News. Don't care. :/

carasdad 01-28-2013 09:33 AM


Originally Posted by lykos23 (Post 515044)
Faux News. Don't care. :/

I see..will you care when your scoot and car engines are dead?... As for my comment on it...that is not faux news. I don't mind that you are long as you don't..
Because laws are only words written on paper....words that change on a whim.....and are interpreted differently daily by politicians...lawyers....judges...and policemen. Anyone who has total faith in the system.....and believes that all laws are applied equally....despite race...religion...or economic a damn fool.....:lmao:

lykos23 01-28-2013 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by carasdad (Post 515046)
I see..will you care when your scoot and car engines are dead?... As for my comment on it...that is not faux news. I don't mind that you are long as you don't..
Because laws are only words written on paper....words that change on a whim.....and are interpreted differently daily by politicians...lawyers....judges...and policemen. Anyone who has total faith in the system.....and believes that all laws are applied equally....despite race...religion...or economic a damn fool.....:lmao:


I boycott faux news because Chicagoland Faux News refuses to report on the outbreak of brain cancer near McCullumn lake (1 minute from my house) due to the illegal dumping of vinyl chloride. One of my friends is dying a slow death, but faux news doesn't care. So Faux News can just suck the fattest part of my ass. Not to mention the arseloads of misinformation they publish regarding world affairs.

Maybe you could find the same report on TheYoungTurks or Russia Today?

EDIT: Even CBS news is better than faux news:

terrilee 01-28-2013 09:55 AM

getting a lil political guys

but fox is a republican , total right wing show.

but since we are getting a LIL political , ill make a statement

WE the citizens of the US need to get a "term of Limits" placed on all political offices and get rid of all the 'perks', as noted above.

once POLS realize that they cant get a job that gives them BETTER health care
than the average person. once they get a pay CUT, once they dont get 3-4 months of vacation time a year.
and once they realize that maybe things would change.
MY god we have senators & congressmen, who by being in bed
with lobbyists now actually have more power then the PRES

BUT unfortunate this can never happen
cause the only people who can make the change,
are the people are the people i'm talking about
THINK they will give up all their perks? for us?
dont hold your Fing breath


carasdad 01-28-2013 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by lykos23 (Post 515048)

I boycott faux news because Chicagoland Faux News refuses to report on the outbreak of brain cancer near McCullumn lake (1 minute from my house) due to the illegal dumping of vinyl chloride. One of my friends is dying a slow death, but faux news doesn't care. So Faux News can just suck the fattest part of my ass. Not to mention the arseloads of misinformation they publish regarding world affairs.

Maybe you could find the same report on TheYoungTurks or Russia Today?

EDIT: Even CBS news is better than faux news:

Hey bud...sorry to hear about your friend...and doubtful it will make the news. I myself got 2 letters from the USMC Headquarters showing I was exposed to 3,200 time the EPA allowable limit for Benzene...Toluene.. Lead...Mercury..Cadmium...Zinc and Ethylene Oxide in my drinking water. OF COURSE it never made the news. The letter merely stated it was for informational purposes only and that no law suits would be entertained. It went on to describe all the related Illnesses the VA had reported to them. i.e. SIDS...Spontaneous Abortion...Skin,Liver and Pancreatic Cancers...Brain stem Tumors..Seizure Disorders..Loss of sight and many others. Oddly I began having almost daily seizures 2 years after my retirement from the Military. Went to the VA and their Toxicology studies show me at 30 TIMES the normal blood values. They refuse to allow me to claim it as Service Connected where I can be financially compensated....even though the letter I was sent proves it. Instead...I am going to get a free lifetime supply of Klonapin and Neurontin for the seizures along with a 'free' annual physical. That is ALL I get? Not to bore you with my life's issues but I no longer can drive a car by law due to frequent seizures despite the meds. Riding my Scoot is no safer..but at least a collision risk would not take the lives of others...just mine. Stubborn I am and I refuse to be reduced to walking or riding a bicycle everywhere I go..>:(

lykos23 01-28-2013 10:22 AM


Originally Posted by terrilee (Post 515054)
getting a lil political guys

but fox is a republican , total right wing show.

but since we are getting a LIL political , ill make a statement

WE the citizens of the US need to get a "term of Limits" placed on all political offices and get rid of all the 'perks', as noted above.

once POLS realize that they cant get a job that gives them BETTER health care
than the average person. once they get a pay CUT, once they dont get 3-4 months of vacation time a year.
and once they realize that maybe things would change.
MY god we have senators & congressmen, who by being in bed
with lobbyists now actually have more power then the PRES

BUT unfortunate this can never happen
cause the only people who can make the change,
are the people are the people i'm talking about
THINK they will give up all their perks? for us?
dont hold your Fing breath


Thanks Terril, very well said.

lykos23 01-28-2013 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by carasdad (Post 515060)
Hey bud...sorry to hear about your friend...and doubtful it will make the news. I myself got 2 letters from the USMC Headquarters showing I was exposed to 3,200 time the EPA allowable limit for Benzene...Toluene.. Lead...Mercury..Cadmium...Zinc and Ethylene Oxide in my drinking water. OF COURSE it never made the news. The letter merely stated it was for informational purposes only and that no law suits would be entertained. It went on to describe all the related Illnesses the VA had reported to them. i.e. SIDS...Spontaneous Abortion...Skin,Liver and Pancreatic Cancers...Brain stem Tumors..Seizure Disorders..Loss of sight and many others. Oddly I began having almost daily seizures 2 years after my retirement from the Military. Went to the VA and their Toxicology studies show me at 30 TIMES the normal blood values. They refuse to allow me to claim it as Service Connected where I can be financially compensated....even though the letter I was sent proves it. Instead...I am going to get a free lifetime supply of Klonapin and Neurontin for the seizures along with a 'free' annual physical. That is ALL I get? Not to bore you with my life's issues but I no longer can drive a car by law due to frequent seizures despite the meds. Riding my Scoot is no safer..but at least a collision risk would not take the lives of others...just mine. Stubborn I am and I refuse to be reduced to walking or riding a bicycle everywhere I go..>:(

That's very sad to hear, Caras. I wish it weren't so common of a story... My grandfather died from emphysema and lung cancer due to exposure to chemicals during his time in the navy. And Bryan Freund is no longer allowed to drive his beloved harley because of the frequency of his seizures. So far his lawsuit is going nowhere, many of the people shown in the video have already died.

On a side note... I was exposed to asbestos during my time as a carpenter :/ What is it with these occupational hazards?

terrilee 01-28-2013 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by lykos23 (Post 515064)
What is it with these occupational hazards?

a person a company develops a product, lets say asbestos, so it get rushed into production and soon EVERYONE is using the wonder product,

But then 20 years later, they find what it REALLY does to a human body.
My hubs was exposed to all kinds of stuff when in the SF.
wont ever know tho, he died in a training exercise on Ft Brag.
hmmmm thought he broke all the rules and told me he was going to Croatia
hmmmmmmmm curious kitty knows the truth

carasdad 01-28-2013 10:48 AM


Originally Posted by lykos23 (Post 515064)

On a side note... I was exposed to asbestos during my time as a carpenter :/ What is it with these occupational hazards?

It is all about lets accomplish our task....move our corporation up the ladder to the Fortune 500 world...and those that worked to make it they sucked up massive amounts of toxins. They are secondary *Holds keys to his Lamborghini* I am wealthy now and Blue Collar workers are a dime a dozen...just as those scumbag people in poverty....
Oddly nowhere is it written in any Dictionary any of the above...when you look up the word 'Success' I did try a law suit...but the world as we know it is run on money....and they had more money for an Attorney than I did. So after approximately $2,500 in Attorney fees I had to give up....and that is what they count on. Corporations and other entities can spend billions on Attorney fees...then get it back later due to tax laws in their favor.>:( Not driving a car I make the best of it..pretend I am wealthy and have a Chauffeur...:shrug:
@terrilee...VERY well put...thank you..

inuyasha 01-28-2013 12:45 PM

Hi Glenn
I view most of what the media portrays with a grain of salt
censorship_press_obey2 by inuyasha50, on Flickr
Take care and ride safely
Yours Hank

scootnwinn 01-28-2013 12:55 PM

They are all lying for certain the only difference is the why...

spandi 01-28-2013 02:00 PM

Just go scootin' in the backwoods of West Virginia were they make their very own "High Performance gas additive"

carasdad 01-28-2013 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by spandi (Post 515107)
Just go scootin' in the backwoods of West Virginia were they make their very own "High Performance gas additive"

+5 :tup: spandi...that'll do it sir...yer engine won't knock...but yer knees sure will with each step you attempt to take after a double shot of that stuff...:nod:

spandi 01-28-2013 02:37 PM


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