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bull 06-10-2015 08:28 AM

US State Dept Seeks To Muzzle Free Speech
It seems that the US State Department is proposing new rules that would in effect deny the 1st Amendment rights as it relates to sharing / posting or discussing firearms. This is most likely a first step in muzzling all 1st Amendment rights, and we ALL should take notice and fight it, even if you don't care about firearms. Reasoning what will be the next thing they muzzle?

Here is an article with links to the proposed legislation.

wheelbender6 06-10-2015 06:56 PM

This thread has identified you as divergent. The men in the black suits will arrive soon to take you to a "re-education camp".

bull 06-11-2015 06:43 AM

Funny, but partially true.

I and my brothers and sisters in arms have already been placed on a terrorist watch list according to homeland (in)security and fbi according to published papers back in 2009.

Irish 06-11-2015 11:08 AM

That's why , since I moved to Florida , I haven't registered any of my firearms! When ISIS gets here , I'll at least get a few of them. My father was a Conn. State Cop & he said that if you don't have a Handgun in your house , you're crazy! If something happens & you call 911 , by the time they get there , it's already happened!:tup: Irish:yay:

bull 06-12-2015 02:45 AM

I don't think you need to worry so much about ISIS as you do our elected representatives in Washington passing 1000 page laws without ever reading them or allowing the public to know what is in them. That I personally find a bigger threat to our freedom.

Remember what Nancy Pelosi said about Obamacare? "We have to pass the bill [ObamaCare] so that you can find out what's in it."

This has become the norm in Washington. Such as the latest example; the 800-page Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) - President Barack Obama's secretive trade deal.

The deal's text is kept hidden in a secret room within the U.S. Capitol, unavailable to the American public.

only members of Congress - and select staff - are allowed to read the deal's text. But they are NOT allowed to discuss or talk about the contents of the deal outside of the secret room.

Irish 06-12-2015 11:18 AM

I'm not going to discuss politics because the quickest way to start an argument is to discuss politics or religion! I think that the O'Bama regime is the worst thing that ever happened to this country! I'm not a Disabled Vet so that we could give it all away! That's just MY opinion! By the way , I'm an Independent.:shrug: Irish:taunt:

bull 06-13-2015 08:23 AM

As a brother in arms, I accept your position of not discussing, but if things are not discussed everywhere then how are those that don't realize their freedoms are being destroyed one by one learn of it or how to stop it?

Besides a good open discussion that is well moderated sometimes yields some fantastic ideas.

Irish 08-18-2015 10:48 AM

There are very few people that are more into political things then I am but there are other sites for that. This is a scooter(motorcycle) site not a political one! Try Numbersusa for example.:clap::hmm::tdown: Irish:scoot::nuts:

wheelbender6 08-19-2015 09:52 PM

I think that we can talk about government intrusion into our lives without blaming it on one party or the other. But, like Irish, I don't post here about political issues. Like Oprah said, you lose half your audience upon declaring your support for one party or one candidate.

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