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adamussg 07-22-2014 02:59 PM

Noob Questions about BBK
Aloha. I picked up a brand new TaoTao BWS-50 and love my new scoot with the exception of one thing....Hills. My speeds are great everywhere until i get caught on a hill putt putting up em at 12-15 mph. IT drives me nuts. :) So I went ahead and purchased a BBK kit off of Ebay with the intention of upgrading the scoot. Before beginning installation, I have some questions/reservations about continuing. .. Hopefully some of u out there will be willing to take some of your time to help me out and alleve some of my worries.
I am not so concerned with top speed as much as increasing my speed up hills. Will upgrading to the bbk increase my speed up hills? Or will I still need to hit a hill at 40mph so I can maintain 20mph up the thing?
Also, When I purchased this new from the shop, They said they pulled the factory"sealed" carb off and replaced it with an adjustable one... So I'm hoping I can put the BBK on and not have to fuss with the carb much? Also, is this upgrade going to massively effect my mpg? Any help would be much appreciated. I'm a little hesitant as this scoot runs cherry....And sometimes if it ain't broke don't fix it ya know? :) Mahalo for taking the time to read this. :)

adamussg 07-22-2014 08:49 PM

Let me clarify.. I'm not looking for any advice when it comes to installation. I am more than capable mechanically to swap the parts out... just looking for some questions answered before I do the upgrade from 49 to 100. Also... I didn't just buy a 150... because here you just register mopeds/scoots as bicycles if they are under 50cc... so no insurance needed..:) Anyone out there done this swap? Can share experiences/outcome?

Bvance554 07-23-2014 12:43 AM

I agree that if it ain't broke don't fix it. My three year old scoot is still so reliable that I wouldn't want to tear into it. Pretty sure I'd make it less reliable. I would experiment with the variator and weights before I tore down the engine.

blueboy5000 07-29-2014 06:27 AM

Here's the deal with BBKs;

1) You'll have THE SAME top-end, you'll just reach it faster, you WILL NOT climb hills better or faster.

2) The 139 engine is NOT stable with a 100cc BBK, it is TOO THIN in the "jug" and prone to over-heating, GREATLY reducing longevity of engine.

3) It's not an easy job to do a BBK. In fact, I have seen only two people without engine/mechanical backgrounds succeed in installing a BBK.

4) Most BBKs are very low quality. There are good kits, like the Tadia and the Malossi, but most are serious garbage.

5) A BBK is a complete waste of time without all other mods done FIRST. A BBK will not improve your bike's performance without properly tuning the engine, carb, and CVT. Therein lies the rub; as you gain a whole lot of performance with modded ANCILLARIES. I'd do the ancillaries FIRST, then determine if you want a BBK.

mmsscooters 08-01-2014 06:02 PM

the above post is is very wrong, 2 stokes will not gain top speed but 4 strokes will, when we do a BBK the top speed is about 45mph, and climbs hills at about 35 instead of 15, especially on the zuma clone, its a heavy bike.
just make sure you are jetted correctly, if you post what size kit, cam , air filter, and other upgrades you will have ill tell you your exact jet size needed, usually for a 50mm piston (100 kit) its about a 90 jet. but that kit is actually 81.28cc

legend29 08-16-2014 09:54 PM

i had same problem with the hills and after I had BBK installed it climbs hills perfect now

dylanmcc89 08-16-2014 10:43 PM

Bbk kits scare me, I've thought about it but I might just play with the carb and intake to look for a little more power, post how it does if you do it though as I'm curious as well

Firehawk989 08-20-2014 02:28 AM

Try lighter rollers first, that made a difference back when I had a 4t scoot. BBK will definitely help your hill climbing, but you will also need to change a bunch of other things along with it for it to run properly.

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