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Houndguy 04-26-2013 10:00 PM

Ticked....or Houndguy joins a motorcycle gang briefly
I worked till 7 PM tonight, an oddity to be sure, and then after work went out with friends for a non-alcoholic drink (I was riding my Kmyco 500 Xciting scooter home). I am in full ATGATT gear.

I's about 8:30 or so and about 50 Harley's pull out and start to go around me. That's fine and for a brief moment I'm following the tail rider. We pull up to a light and I go to the right to go around the slow moving group.

:oops: Next thing I know I'm in the middle of the pack. Which would not have been that bad expect for two things that pissed me off, first was at as the group was stopping at a light one of the bikes cuts in front of me making me have to stop short. At a stop light I even yelled over to a guy next to me "I feel a little out of place." He laughed.

Second was that after the light goes green on of the riders starts to direct traffic around me. Really? Okay, I get it. You don't want a scooter in your group. I can even understand if I broke some unwritten motorcycle gang law and rode with the group uninvited. Your directing traffic to go around me isn't safe. We are on a busy road Dude and I was in this lane first.

I just shake my head at the guy and the second it's safe for me to move over I do so. I blow past them without much issue muttering "assholes" under my breath.

Am I wrong to feel this way?

qwertydude 04-26-2013 11:09 PM

Nope, there are two main groups of two wheelers known for being the most poser assholes exclusive brands. Vespa and Harley. Never ride with them, they always have newbs who can't ride in groups and have the worst attitudes of bike clubs I've seen.

Houndguy 04-27-2013 07:22 AM

My original post might have been a little confusing so I want to clear it up. It's a 3 lane highway. I was in the right lane to begin with they they pulled into the center lane to go past me. I fell in behind the tail rider to go past a car and then they pulled, en mass, into the left lane. I stayed in the center lane and past most of them. As we all stopped at a light they merged into my lane.

That's when one of the group started to direct traffic around me. I was in the right groove of the center lane so the bikes could pull up side by side. The second I got chance to pull over into the right lane I did and I scoot on past them.

Hope that clears up the picture.

spandi 04-27-2013 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by qwertydude (Post 520225)
Nope, there are two main groups of two wheelers known for being the most poser assholes exclusive brands. Vespa and Harley. Never ride with them, they always have newbs who can't ride in groups and have the worst attitudes of bike clubs I've seen.

There are some exceptions to that rule, but generally YEP! :nod:

cookees 04-27-2013 09:14 PM

I understand they now have "prepackaged" attitude available at the Harley dealerships.
It's a little more expensive...and although it still breaks down, they insist that it doesn't do it as often as before.
I miss the old days when only a true gear-head rode a Harley. Chances are he could tear it apart and put it back together again. The only prerequisite for today's Harley rider is a big checkbook.

wheelbender6 04-28-2013 10:51 AM

It was fortunate that you were riding a maxi scooter. It would have been even more uncomfortable on a 150 or smaller.

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