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Irish 06-15-2015 01:33 PM

I don't know if this is the proper place to post this but I have a question. Everyone talks about when they are at the gas pumps , they laugh at people because they get such great mileage. I have been riding for many years & can't think of one time that I worried about my mileage. I ride because I love it , not to save money. I know if my bike isn't running correctly by the amount of fuel that it uses but I don't worry about the mileage! I like to save money but not badly enough to worry about a few cents. What's the big deal?:shrug: Irish:thanks:

wheelbender6 06-15-2015 08:43 PM

People buy scooters for different reasons. I ride for fun and to add some variety to my commuting routine. Low operating costs are icing on the cake.

bull 06-16-2015 09:26 AM

Irish, I could not care less about how many mpg my scooter gets vs a bike, car, truck or suv. However, every time the price of fuel climbs inevitably some other motorist looks at how little I spend and they start wanting to discuss.

I personally enjoy riding on two wheels and the freedom it offers including being able to lane split, and the time it saves me in stalled traffic. Quick short hops to do some shopping, etc. I have ridden my test scooter over 50 miles one way from home to pickup something free from CL. Just wish I had a reliable tow cart for it so it could haul more bulky items. It hauls me plus about 30kg of groceries easily in the three storage areas while still maintaining a respectable road speed.

Irish 06-16-2015 10:42 AM

As I have previously stated , I have a 2006 Sportster 1200 w/ Trike kit! I'm sure that I don't get anyplace close to the Mileage that MOST scooters get but it's what I want! When I lived in N.H. , I used to dragrace (street & dragstrip ) a lot & I'm used to having power. Just because you have it doesn't mean that you have to use it but I like knowing that it's there. I have a game leg & at least I'm riding:clap::tup: Irish

P.S. Just my $.02!

kz1000st 06-16-2015 04:25 PM

I only notice fuel mileage as an indication of engine tune. It also tells me when my belt needs changing. The savings overall feels good too. It's like getting a small raise in pay for the season since I have a few extra bucks in my pocket.

rks 06-17-2015 08:48 AM

It may be hard for some to understand, but there are those of us that just plain like numbers, and don't mind keeping accurate records. This doesn't mean I worry about my mileage, but as KZ said, use it to monitor overall drivetrain condition.(which seems to be improving, even though the belt has 6k miles on it, and the original spark plug has more than 6.7k) So far my average this year is up 2.9 mpg over last years tuning or replacement parts needed at this time.

Maybe in my case, it's just that old habits are hard to break. There was a time when I would pump more than 15000 gallons of fuel a year, into my truck. An increase of just .2 of a mile per gallon, would be a savings of $1100 to $1500 by years end. At today's price, the savings would be at least 50% more than that. Those savings over years and years, helped me to be able to retire at 62.

Ebuddy 06-17-2015 10:28 AM

I'm in agreement with everyone. I find it extremely fun and it's interesting to me to track my mileage. I also use the mileage (and wear & tear) "savings" over our other car to create a positive ROI such that every couple of years I can justify to "The Boss" why it's OK for me to get a new scooter. ;-)

Irish 06-17-2015 11:02 AM

Even tho my bike doesn't get the mileage that a lot of people get , it sure is better than my wifes Chrysler Pacifica!:clap: Irish:lmao:

Irish 06-22-2015 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by bull (Post 531629)
Irish, I could not care less about how many mpg my scooter gets vs a bike, car, truck or suv. However, every time the price of fuel climbs inevitably some other motorist looks at how little I spend and they start wanting to discuss.

I personally enjoy riding on two wheels and the freedom it offers including being able to lane split, and the time it saves me in stalled traffic. Quick short hops to do some shopping, etc. I have ridden my test scooter over 50 miles one way from home to pickup something free from CL. Just wish I had a reliable tow cart for it so it could haul more bulky items. It hauls me plus about 30kg of groceries easily in the three storage areas while still maintaining a respectable road speed.

Don't try lane splitting with a Trike! With a two wheeler , I always rode toward the center of the road. When I first started riding my Trike , I realized that my left rear wheel was almost in the oncoming lane. Old habits die hard! You also have to allow for the outer wheel when going by something!:shrug: Irish:D

crawford 06-26-2015 10:33 PM

It is for fun 2 wheels or my case 3 wheels just plain nice to be with friends who also cruse.

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