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Old 01-25-2013, 09:28 AM   #6
scootnwinn   scootnwinn is offline
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Here is the original thread preserved with the senseless censor attempt perpetrated on snugglebunny by danno and all the other goodies.
I'll take it down if the OP here or more than 3 other people think I should

ScootDawg Scooter Forum :: ScootDawg's Scooter Forum a.k.a. The Dawg Pound :: General Discussion(NO SCOOTER TOPICS) :: Any coffee drinkers?

Author Topic: Any coffee drinkers? (Read 141 times)
Great Big Guru Dawg

Any coffee drinkers?
« Thread Started on Jan 23, 2013, 2:51pm »
I've recently discovered the world of French Press coffee.
I've become convinced there is no better way to enjoy coffee than fresh whole bean coffee prepared using a French Press. If you're a coffee drinker, and you have never experienced Fresh Press prepared coffee, you don't know what you're missing.

French Press coffee makers are relativity inexpensive...$20-$30 will get you one at Wal Mart or Target. Whole Bean coffee is more expensive and you'll need to have a good "burr grinder" because they produce larger coffee grounds which prevents seepage through the press filter and into the coffee.

There a couple of reasons why French Press is the superior way to brew coffee. Coffee is best brewed at temperatures between 190-200
degrees. With a drip coffee maker, the water takes time to get to that temperature. Many coffee makers don't even get to that temperature.Consequently, much of your coffee is being brewed at temperatures that are much lower than what's best. Warm water instead of hot water will produce bitter tasting coffee.

Second, the coffee grounds which are fresh and not weeks even months old, remain in direct contact with the brewing water. With a drip coffee maker, the grounds are separated from the water by a paper filter.

With the French Press method,the hot water is in constant contact with the coffee grounds. This captures more of the coffee's flavor and it's essential oils. With the drip brew method, the paper filter will trapped those oils and separate the grounds from the water.

Once you've tasted it, you'll never want a cup of coffee from a drip coffee maker again.

It noticeable has a smoother taste...there's no bitterness at all.

Great Big Dawg

Re: Any coffee drinkers?
« Reply #1 on Jan 23, 2013, 3:00pm »
I love drinking coffee; I go through about a pot a day. Thanks for sharing, Danno! I'm definitely going to have to look into getting one of these. The concept is brilliant.

I use about a tablespoon of sugar with each cup and lots o' vanilla soy milk just to combat the bitterness. If this works you might've saved me from a future of diabetes! (which actually does run in my family.)

What is your favorite brand or flavor coffee bean? I've noticed there are all different kinds at the store.

Great Big Guru Dawg

Re: Any coffee drinkers?
« Reply #2 on Jan 23, 2013, 3:17pm »
been drinking folgers for about 25-30 years.
sometimes i put a 1/2 tsp of nestle quick in.
wont even think about any other coffee

Great Big Guru Dawg

Re: Any coffee drinkers?
« Reply #3 on Jan 23, 2013, 3:18pm »
I run on coffee

No_I_Havent_Had_my_coffee_yet by inuyasha50, on Flickr
Take care and ride safely dear friend
Yours Hank

Great Big Guru Dawg

Re: Any coffee drinkers?
« Reply #4 on Jan 23, 2013, 3:20pm »
I like espresso myself. It requires more specialized equipment like a special grinder but I use a Hario Ceramic hand grinder that I modified with a ball bearing support. It took me a lot of experimenting to figure out what works best for me using two different brewing methods, Moka Pot and steam powered espresso makers, similar but the steam espresso maker has better temperature control. But the way it really works is there's a difference between bitterness and acidity that many people don't understand in coffee.

People seem to be afraid of darker roasts claiming they're more bitter but darker roasts aren't any more bitter than lighter roasts when brewed properly. But one thing is lighter roasts will always be more acidic, they also happen to have the most complex flavor so trying to balance the acidity with the flavor makes for a difficult french press extraction of lighter roasts. Try using the french press with different roast level coffee to see how it affects it.

Now one thing is temperature and extraction time greatly affects coffee quality. Espresso has the advantage of using a constant temperature and forcing the water through finely ground coffee at high pressure. This allows maximum flavor extraction and the controlled temperature and quick 20-30 second extraction prevents many of the bitterest compounds from being extracted as they tend to come out after the coffee extraction time of 20-30 seconds for espresso. A moka pot on the other hand extracts for a much longer time so you get more bitter espresso. And then if you want to get regular strength coffee you just mix in espresso with hot water to make an Americano, and when you do that you get full flavor coffee with the same caffeine content but much less bitter and the dark roast minimizes acidity. That's the beauty of properly made espresso. It's flexible.

I've found my favorite combination is using my Mr. Coffee ECM-160 steam powered espresso maker with finely fresh ground on the spot Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf French Roast Coffee beans. It's available at Costco in bulk amounts very inexpensively. You still need a tamper and grinder though to complete the full espresso production process. But doing so I definitely can enjoy capuccinos of much higher quality than available in Starbucks.

Great Big Guru Dawg

Re: Any coffee drinkers?
« Reply #5 on Jan 23, 2013, 3:47pm »

Jan 23, 2013, 3:00pm, Lykos wrote:
I use about a tablespoon of sugar with each cup and lots o' vanilla soy milk just to combat the bitterness. If this works you might've saved me from a future of diabetes! (which actually does run in my family.)

That's what most people do is hide the bitterness with sugar/milk/cream etc...That's not really what drinking coffee should be about

What is your favorite brand or flavor coffee bean? I've noticed there are all different kinds at the store.

This week I bought a small 1lb bag from Krogers (local store).
It's 100% Colombian..medium was $4.50

I'm really starting to spoil myself though. I found this website that sells fresh coffee beans from all around the world.
Take a look....Last week I ordered a 1lb bag from Columbia and one from Honduras....I haven't received it yet! Can't wait!
When that runs out, I'll order from another part of the world....pretty cool. The KOPI from Hawaii iS $125! lol.....don't think I'll be ordering from there any time soon! I can't imagine anyone spending $125 for a pound of coffee...but I want so bad to try it!

Great Big Guru Dawg

Posts: 797
Re: Any coffee drinkers?
« Reply #6 on Jan 23, 2013, 3:50pm »

Jan 23, 2013, 3:47pm, danno711 wrote:

Jan 23, 2013, 3:00pm, Lykos wrote:
I use about a tablespoon of sugar with each cup and lots o' vanilla soy milk just to combat the bitterness. If this works you might've saved me from a future of diabetes! (which actually does run in my family.)

That's what most people do is hide the bitterness with sugar/milk/cream etc...That's not really what drinking coffee should be about

What is your favorite brand or flavor coffee bean? I've noticed there are all different kinds at the store.

This week I bought a small 1lb bag from Krogers (local store).
It's 100% Colombian..medium was $4.50

I'm really starting to spoil myself though. I found this website that sells fresh coffee beans from all around the world.
Take a look....Last week I ordered a 1lb bag from Columbia and one from Honduras....When that runs out, I'll order from another part of the world....pretty cool. The KOPI from Hawaii iS $125! lol.....don't think I'll be ordering from there any time soon! I can't imagine anyone spending $125 for a pound of coffee...but I want so bad to try it!

sorry to hijack but
how the F do you do that
where u have the words this website in blue and it goes to that site

Great Big Guru Dawg

Re: Any coffee drinkers?
« Reply #7 on Jan 23, 2013, 3:52pm »

Jan 23, 2013, 3:50pm, snugglebunny wrote:
"sorry to hijack but
how the F do you do that
where u have the words this website in blue and it goes to that site"

I'll tell you if you take the vulgar fake word (F) out....

Great Big Guru Dawg

Re: Any coffee drinkers?
« Reply #8 on Jan 23, 2013, 3:53pm »
I like a strong coffee , I griinding just before making in the press . I dont take any sweetner . I like to add about 1 to 2oz of flavored beans to the batch of beans just for a hint . Boil stir cover for 4 min stir once more press add skim milk .
DONE !!!!!


Great Big Guru Dawg

Re: Any coffee drinkers?
« Reply #9 on Jan 23, 2013, 3:56pm »

Jan 23, 2013, 3:50pm, snugglebunny wrote:
sorry to hijack but
how the F do you do that
where u have the words this website in blue and it goes to that site

Jan 23, 2013, 3:52pm, danno711 wrote:
I'll tell you if you take the vulgar fake word (F) out....

sorry NO ONE tells me how to talk
at least i dont spell the word out
i really think its one of my constitutional rights
id rather not do it then cow to anyone

Great Big Guru Dawg

Re: Any coffee drinkers?
« Reply #10 on Jan 23, 2013, 3:57pm »

Jan 23, 2013, 3:53pm, tvnacman wrote:
I like a strong coffee , I griinding just before making in the press . I dont take any sweetner . I like to add about 1 to 2oz of flavored beans to the batch of beans just for a hint . Boil stir cover for 4 min stir once more press add skim milk .
DONE !!!!!


I was with ya until I read ....ADD the skim milk!

But really it's a matter of ones own taste....No one is right or wrong.

But, many have never tried French Press...They don't know what they're missing....Some may still like their store bought brand, after trying it. I know for me it was a big difference

Great Big Guru Dawg

Re: Any coffee drinkers?
« Reply #11 on Jan 23, 2013, 3:59pm »

Jan 23, 2013, 3:52pm, danno711 wrote:

I'll tell you if you take the vulgar fake word (F) out....

Jan 23, 2013, 3:56pm, snugglebunny wrote:
sorry NO ONE tells me how to talk
at least i dont spell the word out
i really think its one of my constitutional rights
id rather not do it then cow to anyone

Not a matter of anyone's Constitutional Rights, it's just a matter of being considerate of others.


Great Big Guru Dawg

Re: Any coffee drinkers?
« Reply #12 on Jan 23, 2013, 4:02pm »

Jan 23, 2013, 3:56pm, snugglebunny wrote:

sorry NO ONE tells me how to talk
at least i dont spell the word out
i really think its one of my constitutional rights
id rather not do it then cow to anyone

Jan 23, 2013, 3:59pm, danno711 wrote:
Not a matter of anyone's Constitutional Rights, it's just a matter of being considerate of others.


see YOUR mind must be in the gutter
Freak is a vulgar word!!!!!!!!!!!
thats what i meant
but u ASS U MED

you were never in the service huh?

Great Big Guru Dawg

Re: Any coffee drinkers?
« Reply #13 on Jan 23, 2013, 4:02pm »

Jan 23, 2013, 3:56pm, snugglebunny wrote:
sorry NO ONE tells me how to talk
at least i dont spell the word out
i really think its one of my constitutional rights
id rather not do it then cow to anyone

Jan 23, 2013, 3:59pm, danno711 wrote:
Not a matter of anyone's Constitutional Rights, it's just a matter of being considerate of others.


Hi Danno
Im with you
Im an old salt and can swear with the best of them but theres a time and a place for that and this isnt it
Take care and ride safely dear friend
Yours Hank

Great Big Guru Dawg

Re: Any coffee drinkers?
« Reply #14 on Jan 23, 2013, 4:03pm »

Jan 23, 2013, 3:47pm, danno711 wrote:

Jan 23, 2013, 3:00pm, Lykos wrote:
I use about a tablespoon of sugar with each cup and lots o' vanilla soy milk just to combat the bitterness. If this works you might've saved me from a future of diabetes! (which actually does run in my family.)

That's what most people do is hide the bitterness with sugar/milk/cream etc...That's not really what drinking coffee should be about

What is your favorite brand or flavor coffee bean? I've noticed there are all different kinds at the store.

This week I bought a small 1lb bag from Krogers (local store).
It's 100% Colombian..medium was $4.50

I'm really starting to spoil myself though. I found this website that sells fresh coffee beans from all around the world.
Take a look....Last week I ordered a 1lb bag from Columbia and one from Honduras....I haven't received it yet! Can't wait!
When that runs out, I'll order from another part of the world....pretty cool. The KOPI from Hawaii iS $125! lol.....don't think I'll be ordering from there any time soon! I can't imagine anyone spending $125 for a pound of coffee...but I want so bad to try it!

Kopi coffee is I believe specifically Kopi Luwak. That's the weird civet poop harvested coffee. It might be better to buy Coffee Primero Magic Cat if you want to experience what the Kopi Luwak coffee imparts as to flavor without the somewhat dubious and animal unfriendly nature associated with traditional Kopi Luwak flavor.

Plus you might not like it and would feel you wasted your money. Independent blind taste tests have judged the expensive Kopi Luwak coffee to be thinner with less body. So really I think hyper expensive cat poop coffee is just that all hype. But a lot of the hype can make people think that it has to be good because it costs so much. I always try to divorce myself from those kinds of influences and judge anything as independent from influence as possible.

Great Big Guru Dawg

Re: Any coffee drinkers?
« Reply #15 on Jan 23, 2013, 4:07pm »

Jan 23, 2013, 4:02pm, inuyasha wrote:

Jan 23, 2013, 3:59pm, danno711 wrote:

Not a matter of anyone's Constitutional Rights, it's just a matter of being considerate of others.


Hi Danno
Im with you
Im an old salt and can swear with the best of them but theres a time and a place for that and this isnt it
Take care and ride safely dear friend
Yours Hank

It's just so unnecessary....imo

Thanks Hank

Btw...Hank was my dad's name...It has a special meaning to me.

Great Big Guru Dawg

Re: Any coffee drinkers?
« Reply #16 on Jan 23, 2013, 4:10pm »

Jan 23, 2013, 4:03pm, qwertydude wrote:
Kopi coffee is I believe specifically Kopi Luwak. That's the weird civet poop harvested coffee. It might be better to buy Coffee Primero Magic Cat if you want to experience what the Kopi Luwak coffee imparts as to flavor without the somewhat dubious and animal unfriendly nature associated with traditional Kopi Luwak flavor.

Plus you might not like it and would feel you wasted your money. Independent blind taste tests have judged the expensive Kopi Luwak coffee to be thinner with less body. So really I think hyper expensive cat poop coffee is just that all hype. But a lot of the hype can make people think that it has to be good because it costs so much. I always try to divorce myself from those kinds of influences and judge anything as independent from influence as possible.

Thanks for the tip!

I can assure you, if I was ever dumb enough to spend $125 for a pound of would never have met my expectations...I'm sure I'd be disappointed I spent all that money

Do not fear mistakes. You will know failure. Continue to reach out.
- Benjamin Franklin


1983 Honda GL650I SilverWing
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