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Old 01-27-2013, 07:27 AM   #1
danno711   danno711 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2012
Location: Houston TX
Posts: 37

Originally Posted by qwertydude View Post
When you're sophisticated only the finest coffee picked from endangered animal poop will do!!
It really makes me wonder why someone decided to do this in the first place?

I can only come up with one possible explanation ....

An elephant accidentally got his nose into a bunch of coffee beans and ate them.

I have a hunch it was someone who sells coffee beans for a living. He had an elephant on his
property, which is not all that unusual in certain parts of the world. This coffee person
realized and became very upset after he noticed one of the elephants ate a bunch of coffee beans.

He realized how much money he he came up with a plan to get his money back.

He was just going to wait 24 hours or so and then position himself with a bucket behind the elephant.

He probably thought to clean them off at first, but then a huge idea, a light bulb moment went off in his head.....Elephants are revered in that part of the world. They're a very special animal. What a great idea it would to be to sell coffee beans that have been "blessed" by the revered elephant!


I'm sure its a delicacy to people in that culture.


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