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Old 01-28-2013, 10:25 AM   #7
lykos23   lykos23 is offline
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Originally Posted by carasdad View Post
Hey bud...sorry to hear about your friend...and doubtful it will make the news. I myself got 2 letters from the USMC Headquarters showing I was exposed to 3,200 time the EPA allowable limit for Benzene...Toluene.. Lead...Mercury..Cadmium...Zinc and Ethylene Oxide in my drinking water. OF COURSE it never made the news. The letter merely stated it was for informational purposes only and that no law suits would be entertained. It went on to describe all the related Illnesses the VA had reported to them. i.e. SIDS...Spontaneous Abortion...Skin,Liver and Pancreatic Cancers...Brain stem Tumors..Seizure Disorders..Loss of sight and many others. Oddly I began having almost daily seizures 2 years after my retirement from the Military. Went to the VA and their Toxicology studies show me at 30 TIMES the normal blood values. They refuse to allow me to claim it as Service Connected where I can be financially compensated....even though the letter I was sent proves it. Instead...I am going to get a free lifetime supply of Klonapin and Neurontin for the seizures along with a 'free' annual physical. That is ALL I get? Not to bore you with my life's issues but I no longer can drive a car by law due to frequent seizures despite the meds. Riding my Scoot is no safer..but at least a collision risk would not take the lives of others...just mine. Stubborn I am and I refuse to be reduced to walking or riding a bicycle everywhere I go..
That's very sad to hear, Caras. I wish it weren't so common of a story... My grandfather died from emphysema and lung cancer due to exposure to chemicals during his time in the navy. And Bryan Freund is no longer allowed to drive his beloved harley because of the frequency of his seizures. So far his lawsuit is going nowhere, many of the people shown in the video have already died.

On a side note... I was exposed to asbestos during my time as a carpenter :/ What is it with these occupational hazards?
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