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Old 01-29-2013, 06:47 AM   #2
danno711   danno711 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2012
Location: Houston TX
Posts: 37
Originally Posted by rockynv View Post
A good cup of Espresso with it own Creama from being shot out under pressure is another special joy too.

Tried Folgers once and had to wonder if it was actually coffee.

Another treat is to visit an Arabic family for Ahuey Arabie. Can be a social event where you site around for an hour chatting while passing around a brass coffee grinder that looks like a big pepper mill with everyone taking turns spinning the crank grinding up the beans fine like baby powder. The the grinder goes of to the kitchen and emptied into a special pot where the grounds and the water are combined and brewed on the stove. No filters and everyone gets some of the grounds in their cup. Drink it black or add some Lebanese Arrack.
Rocky....I see that you're really into this. I came across this video, and it's inspiring me to give it a try. I can see doing it for a special treats.

Also if I had to do it again, I wished I'd come across his Burr Grinder rather than the Bodum I purchased. There's not so much noise in the morning, and it's not as expensive.

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