Thread: break in ??????
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Old 02-02-2013, 10:47 PM   #1
prodigit   prodigit is offline
Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: Miami, FL
Posts: 390
I generally have an issue with going top speed from the getgo.
Many websites actually promote waiting with going full speed, at least until you have 25 or 50 miles on the bike (some even say 100 miles).
The reason is, that the cylinder walls are still not filed off. When going WOT @ full speed, you heat up the engine quite a lot, and might even burn oil.
You could also chip off chips off the cylinder walls, nothing worse than chips of metal in your engine block, while the cylinder walls have grooves in them!

I've had one bike like this! The groove causes me to change the oil much sooner, because of too high carbon concentration in the oil.

For that reason I do agree with going wot, but just not at full speed. Instead, just short bursts of WOT, climbing to a certain speed, and engine brake.

But that would be my reasoning on not to go WOT, I'm more than willing to hear another side of the conversation, on how it could benefit engine break in.

My method resulted in clean oil at every oil change.
The first 2 oilchanges I had the regular metal flakes (glister), but after 500 miles, the oil looks as good as new when changed).

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