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Old 02-10-2013, 09:38 PM   #7
prodigit   prodigit is offline
Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: Miami, FL
Posts: 390
We're talking about brasil, that aside from the cities, has very few networks available.
Like, try getting your bike fixed in the rainforest.. LOL....
Though most of Brasil is rain forest, there's more than 30% farmlands, and wasteland, where aside from a few cows, you won't see much mechanical.

If I where to choose a bike, it would be one that will stand the road abuse.
A Vespa scoot comes close to $4k. If I where you, I'd get a cross bike (motorcycle) for that price.
It'll well outlive your vespa, with road abuse and dust flying around everywhere.

I don't know if Brasil is tough on traffic laws, but if you can get away with a much cheaper dirt bike, I'd do that... Dirt bikes are the same as cross bikes, but don't have lights or mounts for tags etc...
They're much cheaper too... The choice is yours.. Just suggesting a possibility you might not have thought about...
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