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Old 03-03-2013, 07:13 PM   #21
prodigit   prodigit is offline
Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: Miami, FL
Posts: 390
The VIP is slower because its heavier.
You get the same results with an ATM by not opening the throttle all the way. In fact, if anything, the ATM will last longer when ridden in exactly the same circumstances and environment, because of it's lighter weight.

Tell your cousin to up the idle screw a bit. Not a problem of the bike, just a bad setup that's the same on any chinese scoot.

1- The atm has steel wheels instead of alloy wheels,
2- It has 10in tires, instead of 12
3- It's much simpler in build and much smaller, meaning less material is used to build it.
4- It has a single incandescent headlight, instead of a twin halogen bulb..
5- Steel instead of aluminum exhaust
And the list goes on...

Correction on the above:
Seemingly they have a similar model in VIP as the ATM. So it really depends on what kind of VIP you're talking about.
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