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Old 03-06-2013, 02:18 PM   #50
prodigit   prodigit is offline
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Location: Miami, FL
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Originally Posted by tdsj View Post
K got my computer back up and running now. Thanks. Glad to see it wont take too much since 5 quarts was 15 or 16 dollars lol. I'll be doing my first change at 100km unless you think I should do it sooner? I think I remember someone saying that they don't even put real oil in there before I buy it. As of right now I'm immobilized do to the winter storm that just hit the central area. Had a tarp over it. came back home yesterday and the snow hand got heavy enough to pull the tarp towards the seat and my entire front end was covered in snow. and I was out of extra bungee cords so i ran inside grabbed a broom brushed the snow off and ripped apart some rca cables for the dvd player and strung it through extra holes on the tarp lol. And while I'm here figured I'd ask you guys another question. My eye sight is terrible. And on my zuma and a couple other scooters the headlights SUCKED lol. I haven't driven this thing at night yet. As you know the scooter comes with this type of bulb minus the nipple on it

I was curious if I might gain some light by adding 2 of the following lights to the scooter. I know the LED ones would fit and work. But I'm not sure if the zenon lamp at 35w would cause either melting to the assembly/housing or if it would be and over load for the wiring.
Generally LEDS are a bad idea.
If you have a Zuma, the max you can put in there are 35W lights. You've got 2 of them, so they should give you maximum visibility on any scooter available!

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