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Old 03-08-2013, 08:51 AM   #1
amac1680   amac1680 is offline
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Originally Posted by Flyingwrench View Post
Amac, I just read your article with some interest. I used to live in China and I was able to travel to many cities and tour many factories. I have to say that without exception, the Chinese have never cloned anything. Cloning is making a product an exact duplicate of an original. The Chinese ALWAYS take a product and reduce it to the lowest state that it can exist and still look like an original. They are the exact opposite of the Japanese who will take a product and try to improve upon it. Usually they have success. And quite often they lead the industry with their new creations. They take pride in their work. The Chinese are only in it for the money - - PERIOD> They are light years away from true craftsmanship. I will successfully argue this point with anyone. Until a person has lived there and done business for a number of years they cannot begin to know what lengths a Chinese manufacturer will extend itself to create imposters in the market place.
I agree that by definition a clone is an exact duplicate. The term has been used to describe knock-offs for decades. It a matter of semantics I think we both know that.

I don't think I ever suggested that the chineese are in it for anything other than money. As a trader I was in the buisness of selling catalyst to the Chinese, I understand. Im happy that you agree that the scooter is overpriced. That's due both to the chineese and the obscene markup made by many drop shippers.

This was a review and didn't intend it to be a English lesson so I used the term clone, just as its used elsewhere. My bad.

It also wasn't a referendum on how china does buisness. That would be a great thread, I have a feeling that being we both have done buisness with them we will see it the same.

Have an outstanding day !

Be Big,
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