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Old 03-14-2013, 05:06 PM   #11
prodigit   prodigit is offline
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Originally Posted by scootnwinn View Post
Sorry can't resist...

Motorcycling seems inherently unsafe but any vehicular travel is...

Many people wreck motorcycles at great speeds and finish races...

Lets continue this debate in thread we aren't high jacking...
You seem to forget a few things:

An accident is an accident, and happens without the rider being able to do much about it in many cases.

Let's analyze your responses here:
"Says who? I ride mine safely"
Never ridden in between cars in traffic? Never zipped between cars what is safe for a scooter, but impossible for a car?

"You said always, bad idea, I'm sure a 5 min googling can show that is not always the case"
You're nitpicking. Over 99% of cases a cager is protected while a scootard is not.

No one will force her to ride like an idiot zipping dangerously in traffic
And no one will prevent her from doing it neither, yet it happens all the time!

Higher speeds can result in greater injury however more power can also result in the ability to move out of the way I think it's a wash. Once again no matter how fast a bike can go it will only go as fast as the rider wishes.. No one forces you to ride like an idiot based on engine size
This I think is the greatest baloney I've ever heard; the age old debate about 'power to move out of the way'.
No longer valid in this day and age!
More power to move out of the way, results in a heavier motor, heavier bike, less nimbleness to zigzag between trouble, and you seem to forget that the FIRST and PRIMARY solution to getting out of trouble, aside from riding around it, is to use the brakes (which work better on a small bike, than on a big one), not the accelerator!

Sorry this is just a mess of opinion not based in fact, a head on collision would likely be fatal... in any vehicle at highway speed. I have known more people who survived crashes at highway speeds (non-head-on type) than those who were killed. All of them wore helmets some of them were zipping through traffic on liter bikes...

So are your 'Opinions'. Highway accident does not mean head on collision, In fact, that would almost be impossible on the highway, as there is a wall dividing oncoming traffic! More than likely an accident on the highway means sliding, rolling, or someone riding over you; not head on collision!
Now if a rider lost steering on the highway, a scootard would fall off, while a cager would still be protected by his cage.
Again, you're nitpicking, one moment you're on the complete extreme of the spectrum of safety, then you're on the complete other zigzagging with 1000cc bikes on the highway... Isn't it more possible (obvious to me) that a new rider will not do these things on the highway, but might scoot between cars in the city (rather than the other way around)?

Every thing is prone to accidents in a drivers blind spot DON'T RIDE THERE EVER NO MATTER WHAT SIZE BIKE/CAR OR WHATEVER YOU ARE IN!!
1- No need for the caps, and
2- Still, it doesn't take away getting hit by someone's blind spot puts you in a lot more danger as a scootard, than a cager.

Maybe I have been in one motrocycle accident where this was not true. If the rider bails and misses all the hard parts he may just brush himself off and ride home
Again, nitpicking with unlikely scenario's.

"Also, let's not forget scooter stability is way lower than a car's. Sometimes"

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