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Old 04-04-2013, 09:19 PM   #6
prodigit   prodigit is offline
Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: Miami, FL
Posts: 390
But innovation is constantly happening.
Years ago, there where no chinese scoots on the US market, and getting one required you to go to China.
I'm quite sure that the chinese scoot market is pushing down sales for brand scoots; causing them to halt inflation.

So where before you had the option to get either a car, motorcycle, or a cross bike, now you can choose between much cheaper or different forms of transportation, including Segway, electric moped, motorized bicycle, scooter, motorized skate boards, etc...

For cars the same,
It won't take long before the first Chinese cars will hit the US market.
They probably will go for just under $9k, and will sell like hotcakes (know that they go for half that price on the Asian markets).
A lot of initial debate on how 'unsafe' they are to true american cars, but let me tell you something:
A 1996 corvette is less safe than a chinese car of today.

So, eventhough the original cars and scooters and motorcycles go up in price, there'll always be some kind of invention that will become available to us 10 years from now, that'll save us a buttload of money!

Perhaps soon, in a good 10 to 20 years, smart cars will be seen as luxury vehicles, all replaced by upstanding death cages (coffins), with wheels and a window.

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