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Old 04-05-2013, 04:58 AM   #11
prodigit   prodigit is offline
Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: Miami, FL
Posts: 390
The average CEO doesn't make millions a year. There are plenty who do, but if you count the amount of companies, and CEO's spread out over USA, there are A LOT!
Many ceo's are CEO's of small companies of 3 to 5 people. Because of tax reasons they keep their wage below $250k, and invest the rest of their money (in retirement, or company stocks and bonds); so that they won't have to pay too much on taxes.

The word 'overqualified' should not exist. 80% of people are qualified to learn and do just about any job out there, including being a CEO.
Being a CEO requires less than what people think it does.
So is being a manager.
It sounds all so big, but in reality, I've seen companies run with CEO's and managers with less intelligence or talents then myself, and I'm not a CEO or manager.

The 'you know me, so you give me a good job, and the rest of the world can go on the crapper'-kind of mentality is completely wrong!
The 'select few' gaining lots of money, and spend a lot of company money to go on luscious dinings, expensive vacations, buy large houses and expensive cars, for doing less than the person cleaning the toilets; I think is completely wrong.

The guy who got hired as a manager for $30k/yr, and promoted to a CEO for $200k/yr, hires another manager for $28k/yr; who when he gets promoted, hires another manager for $26k/yr; and the cycle goes on; leaving more and more money in the pockets of the top 10 (or top 5) of the company.

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