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Old 07-14-2013, 05:05 PM   #8
watcher64   watcher64 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: N.E. Indiana
Posts: 41
Originally Posted by tinstar View Post
Here in Virginia, it is against the law for people who have lost their license due to DUI to ride on a scooter. So, we don't have that going on here. Although, I have heard people comment that someone is riding a scooter because of losing their license, but they are not familiar with the law...and if they are doing so, they are breaking the law AGAIN!
Yeah honestly I wish they would pass that in Indiana, gives people riding scooters for "other" reasons a bad rep ..

Here recently a guy beat a DUI charge on his scooter because , he did not need a license, and they are still considered "Motorized Bicycles", so he beat it down to public intoxication .. Still does not mean he was not a menace ..

On a funnier note, a guy beat a speeding ticket on his 50cc scoot, he was going 43 and they gave him a ticket, because the law says "Capable of 25 MPH on a flat surface", he made them define a flat surface, and the road he was on had a like a 9 degree decline .. LOL
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