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Old 08-02-2013, 05:24 PM   #1
ckizer   ckizer is offline
Join Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 38
Yes they are terrible! I notice they are worse in rural areas where people don't use computers or CL for everything. I found deals on East and West coast, but come to the midwest where the economy sucks people value there old scooter with upgrades for almost a thousand dollars. Some guy was furious when I told everyone who was looking at his scooter that they could get the same thing online brand new for $30 cheeper if they wanted to put it together.

It really makes me angry. I worked for ebay (which owns craiglist, on kijiji, the european craiglist. We were starting to put a system in when you advertised something it tried to find the average price and if you tried to sell something for $1000 that we valued at only $200 the consumer would see a big alert with link to average prices. This way everyone knew what they were getting in too.

Often I email people on craiglist and post a link to target or walmart where the new item is cheeper or same price. I can't stand jerks who try to screw people over.

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