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Old 10-18-2013, 01:18 AM   #13
prodigit   prodigit is offline
Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: Miami, FL
Posts: 390
The bad guy pointed his gun at an unarmed civilian, that by itself is already reason enough.
Play with the sword, die by the sword; the world is rough, and people who play with fire WILL get burned, perhaps not the first time, but inevitably that time will hunt them down.

No reason they need to steal bikes. If they're hungry, steal food from a grocery shop, without anyone noticing, but don't go all personal like this. It's greed, cowardliness, and just plain dumb.
He got what he deserved; and even though I don't support killing individuals over things like this, I hope the guy, if he's still alive, will painfully remember, every day of his life, what stupidity he did that day!
That whatever bullet hit him may give him a permanent scar, he'll feel all his life, so if he's ever man enough to raise the kids he brought to this world, that he may tell them of these lessons!
That would be justice!

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