Thread: battery dead?
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Old 11-20-2013, 11:25 PM   #1
skuttadawg   skuttadawg is offline
Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 127
If it blew the fuse you may have a bad voltage regulator also called rectifier . NEVER by pass a fuse except when troubleshooting . A fuse it much cheaper than replacing fried parts . Did you use tap or distilled water ? Yes there is a diff as tap has chlorine , fluoride and other chemicals where distilled is pure water . Electrical stuff wears out just like mechanical parts do . Brand new copper wires are a pretty golden color but old wires can get blackened since they get full of tiny holes from resistance . You should only hook up a charger to a cool battery so it will hold the charge better that one that is warm from use . Once it looses its zep and ability to get charged and hold it you need a new one . If you can find a battery that has a few more amps and fits you should be good . I always replace car batteries a step or two of what the manufacturer suggests

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