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Old 03-10-2014, 10:03 AM   #11
cheapeto   cheapeto is offline
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Location: York PA
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[i DO NOT wish to rethink my sig, i stand by it 100%...if you have read my sig CORRECTLY it says "upgraded" so if you put them naked side to side with a upgraded gy6, its a different story plus there are more gy6 in the streets than brand name scoots in the us...]

Hey man, I meant no disrespect to your sig. I should have typed a bit more.

When I was in VoTech school back in the early 70's, my shop was welding/fabricating. When I first removed the covers from my brand new scooter (before 300 miles) to figure out the gas feeding issue it had, the welds jumped out at me as being *unpassable in my shop class*. I see porisity, I see unfinished welds, I see slag in some, I see splatter painted over, areas where weld should be just a spec maybe.
All things I'd fail with (in vo-tech) if it was a required weldment.
Never meant to upset you man, but I know what I know, and I spent YEARS fabricating, before I started to build and erect/start up web printing presses.
Think what you will man, I'm finished with this thread.