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Old 06-08-2014, 05:52 AM   #10
bnc   bnc is offline
Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 49
Yes, I see where he addressed you and used the same words as in the title to this post.

You are right. He does not seem to understand the difference between a voltage source having a capacity to deliver 200 CCA or 14 CCA and what it actually delivers which is dependent on the load.

For example, both a 12 volt battery capable of delivering 14 CCA and one capable of delivering 200 CCA will deliver the same current to a 12 ohm resistor. From Ohm's law, I=V/R = 12 volts/12 ohms = 1 ampere.

If a .2 ohm resistor is connected to the 12 volt, 200 CCA battery, it will deliver, I = V/R = 12 volts/ .2 ohm = 60 amperes but if it is connected to the battery only capable of 12 volts and 14 CCA; the battery will not be able to supply 60 amperes. Engineers typically will model a lower capacity battery as having a higher internal resistance so that a load that draws current beyond its capacity will cause the output voltage to drop.

I think he is also very confused about what a voltage regulator does. The voltage regulator usually has about six diodes (rectifiers) that convert three phase AC to DC but that DC cannot be used to run the bike because the AC and DC voltages both increase linearly with rpm. For example, at 1,000 rpm the DC might be 13 volts but at 2,000 rpm it might be 26 volts, and at 3,000 rpm it might be 39 volts. The regulator makes sure that 13 to 39 volts DC is "regulated" down to a more less constant 13-14 volts DC to charge the battery, run lights, etc.

This is easily verified with an multimeter with AC ranges. One test of the alternator is to disconnect the voltage regulator and measure the AC output of the alternator at some fixed rpm. I have one bike where the spec at 4,000 rpm is 60 volts AC. You don't want to convert 60 volts AC to 60 volts DC and charge the battery with it.
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