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Old 07-28-2014, 10:10 AM   #2
seamus26   seamus26 is offline
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Originally Posted by nwscooterboy View Post
Thanks! Yes, changing the oil is top priority this week. I still have the cheap Chinese battery that came with it...I read somewhere that your body can be strong enough to turn over/crank the engine but it could still be weak enough to not make it fire? Can't remember the exact wording...
I've had cars where that can happen, but if you crank and crank and crank and THEN it starts, it's probably not the battery. As you are cranking you are running the battery down. If it doesn't spark right away, it's sure not to spark at all after puling juice from it. If you really wanted to test it, hook it to a battery charger on maybe a 12 amp setting and see if it starts cold any better.

Personally, a cold start issue like that sounds to me like more of a carb issue. If you have some spare time, pull the carb out and clean it up really well, blow the jets out and everything, and see if it makes a difference.

Hey, look what that idiot said!
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