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Old 09-22-2015, 10:36 PM   #6
Shadowfire   Shadowfire is offline
Join Date: Feb 2015
Posts: 121
Well, MOST people expect their vehicles to run for 10K or more (these days... a LOT more) miles without doing anything other than "standard" maintenance as listed in the user manual. Oil changes, fluid level checks, consumables (for a bike this means belts and tires).

When the starter motor starts screeching after 3,500 miles, people will think that there is a quality problem.
When the bike as shipped has loose wiring off the pallet, causing the instrument cluster to misbehave, people will think "No, that wasn't me, that was someone assembling it incorrectly at the factory." Also, did I mention that the mechanical trip meter reset button is fubared?
When the radiator boils over at 4000 miles, even though antifreeze was changed, and bled (and has had no prior overheating issues), all because the head gasket sprang a leak, people will think "No, that wasn't me, that was a problem with the gasket or the way that the engine was put together".
When the front and rear discs start vibrating after 500 miles, people will think "Holy crap, how did the the rotors warp so soon!", not "Damn, that's what I get for not keeping up on my maintenance."
When the bike as delivered has a leak in a tire valve core causing the loss of 5 psi each day it sits, it does NOT seem to be a lack of conscientious maintenance that is the problem. Maintenance is what found the problem.
When the bike's floorboard and front panel plastic panels never lined up quite right (and there's no evidence of any collision or drop), and then you spend two hours futzing with the panels and can't line them up perfectly no matter what you try... it could be you. It could also be that someone said "Fuck it, lets just ship it that way" AND NOBODY ELSE WHO LOOKED AT IT SAW IT AS AN ISSUE.

These are all problems I've had on a 250cc Chinese scoot over the course of 6 months, on a bike which was 6 months old when I received it. I changed the tranny oil and motor oil every 1000 miles, and all fluids when I first got it.

You simply do NOT have this many problems, on one vehicle, in such a short span of time, when you buy Japanese or Taiwanese. The chinese scooters have Q.A./workmanship problems and it DOES NOT matter how much maintenance you do.

I mean, for crying out loud, we have people coming onto the forums and saying "ITS NORMAL FOR BIKE WIRING HARNESSES TO CATCH FIRE IN SOME SHORT CIRCUITS" (paraphrased). It may be "normal" for a scooter, where the engineer decided "We can put a 15A fuse on this 16 gauge wire circuit!" and then the OEM proceeds to change the 16 gauge wire over to a 24 gauge wire in the instrument cluster. But HELL NO!!! IT IS NOT NORMAL FOR BIKE WIRING HARNESSES TO CATCH FIRE IN A SHORT.
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