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Old 02-28-2016, 07:01 AM   #1
Harlequinn   Harlequinn is offline
Join Date: Feb 2016
Location: Las Vegas, NV
Posts: 12
150cc Schwinn Newport 150.. the search for the disconnected ground wire...

So... i have 2 R/Rs on my 150cc Schwinn. i believe one isnt grounded...

So.. Assembling the Schwinn, i decided to turn it on so i had the correct blinker in the correct slot. (wouldnt want to signal a left going right)
And as i was moving the wires into place, it shifted one of the two the r/rs and it just ever so lightly hit the frame and sparked...
Being a ballzy, and slight curious one, i tapped the other regulator to the frame.. and nothing..
Tapped the initial one, and again sparked. Turned the scooter off.... tapped again, and no spark.

Somewhere... there is a wire.. that should be grounded.. that isnt..

would it be a wire that follows that R/R? or one that comes right off the Stator..

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