I finished the build. It's awesome, and it's the only 207 MPH 150cc scooter in the world.
Sorry I don't have pictures or any sort of proof but you have to trust me.
I installed an Allison 671 blower, a 400HP Nitros kit,, and something called a Dodge Hyper Turbo.
The bike is so fast that it diapered! I tried to adjust rollers but the bike was gone before I could roll to a stop.
I know!!
Well, I can only say that as I find the pieces, I will keep posting.
I'm not F/n around
Just drinkin' homemade shine, puttin' homemade parts together,and hoping that some folks will see how REALLY easy it is to make custom stuff.
Actually I still have the bike. It didn't disintegrate into soooooo fast space,
BUT I did make a change in plans... go figure.
I'm thinking a custom body!
My last custom was a frame job (naked)
So i'm thinking a Philippine type body.
Told ya! The ideas will change.
Yeah, no pictures YET. They will come. Or am I a Troll???
NOT Love ya!, I'll post it up!
.Respect for ScootDawG