Thread: Use your Head!
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Old 06-15-2017, 09:33 AM   #2
sc00ter   sc00ter is offline
Join Date: May 2017
Location: Norfolk, VA
Posts: 547
People can be cheap! Simple as that. My hatred for working on stuff is strong BUT I know how to do it. I also get this. Example: Some dummy on a trashed scooter wants me to look at theirs. I've seen them beat this poor thing up in the past. I tell them what I think it is (rear clutch is shot) and tell them the website with the how-to and I even may just have the part they can have for free. They go "You dont wanna do it? I'll pay you." and I go "Not worth my time, sorry. Take it to the shop down the street." They come back later and say "Shop wants $200!" so I reply "I charge $400, sorry. Not worth my time." Now I will help my friend work on his Honda Metro this weekend for around 3 hours for free. He does not trash his bike and he will help, not just drop it off and hide. I also had this one guy want me to show him how to work on scooters. I know he just wanted to case out my garage. Drunk bum. I told him about the course at the community college and he goes "I dont have time for school." I'm like "I dont have time teach, sorry." I think the new scooter shop in town is starting free clinics. Transmission CVT 101 was one of their upcoming courses. The local bicycle shops have done clinics forever. Good for the scooter shop to give back.
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