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Old 06-16-2017, 09:32 PM   #14
sc00ter   sc00ter is offline
Join Date: May 2017
Location: Norfolk, VA
Posts: 547
Experiment! Lighter rollers will make it accelerate faster but if to light will not fully engage the top end, heavier rollers will engage the top end but may be sluggish off the line. It's a balancing act that when done right will reward you with a fun riding experience. Now, to light rollers will not engage (compress) the torque spring and to heavy will cause the torque spring to compress too early making it bog off the line. Note that all bogs are NOT always transmission related as a poorly tuned carb can cause the same symptoms as a poorly tuned transmission and vise versa. I chased my tail in circles trying to tune out a bog in my transmission on mid range roll-on only to find out the float spring in my carb was messed up. That was FUN to figure out! I have it lazy now because if I suspect a carb issue, I just swap a known running carb off a friends scooter and go for a ride. Have also swapped out transmissions before since we all run pretty much the same set-ups now. You just need to find a good balancing point with gram weight. We use tuning rollers for setting up. Not uncommon for us to swap out rollers and sometimes springs up to 10 different times before finding the best setting! Impact gun off, torque wrench back on over and over and over and over..... And its still HOT when doing it! Worth it in the long run.
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