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Old 07-18-2017, 10:22 AM   #10
sc00ter   sc00ter is offline
Join Date: May 2017
Location: Norfolk, VA
Posts: 597
Check the batteries voltage in the morning and see if the voltage is low. I know its a new battery but if its dis-charging for some reason you will need to find out whats causing it. I had a old car (60 Impala) and I had to put a quick disconnect on the battery when the car was off. Had a parasitic drain. Ended up junking the car so I never found out what the problem was. Now, if the voltage is correct and it just wont turn over, hence needing to kick it, I would guess the carb is slowly flooding out over night. Could also be the petcock is not fully shutting off thats causing flooding. Last thing is to see what voltage the stator is putting out. Could be weak and not properly recharging the battery. Double check the connections to the battery for tightness and cleanliness. Finally, find the main ground on the scooter if possible and check that connection just like the battery connections. The fact that you said you pulled the carb and it started working makes me think its carb related. Float issue or petcock seeping when turned off.
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