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Old 07-25-2019, 07:28 PM   #6
Roscoe   Roscoe is offline
Join Date: Nov 2016
Location: N. of Texas and S. of Kansas
Posts: 252
I've never had a brand new one but if I did get one. From what I've learned be sure to check the oil and top it off, drive it a bit then change it. Some recommend changing the gear lube also. Go over the wiring carefully and make sure it's tight and secure it with zip ties where needed. After running it a while check the valve clearances... of course the tire pressures. If you can get it 100% gasoline will help keep fuel problems from occurring. Check the vacuum lines, hell check all the lines! Fuel, vacuum, emissions, make sure all the bolts are tight. I really ought to be doing this on my own scooter instead of telling you to do it. You might want to order a spare belt, a good kevlar one. If you do the original will last forever, if you don't ... well you've heard of Murphy's law. If the new scooter doesn't have fuel filter I'd put an inline one in, just to be safe. I guess what it amounts to is start at the front and work your way to the back, check all the critical nuts and bolts and drain plugs to make sure they are tight. Break in ? I never had anything new to break in but there is lots of advice on how to do that, I'd follow what the manual says and be sure to not let it over heat during break in. Enjoy your new scooter, be careful and ride safe. Oh yeah, one more thing, be sure you secure your new scooter. They do get stolen, the engines are popular and a shiny new one would be tempting.
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