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Old 03-25-2020, 11:01 PM   #9
sc00ter   sc00ter is offline
Join Date: May 2017
Location: Norfolk, VA
Posts: 561
What case gasket are you referring to? The gasket that goes between the case and the cover to the transmission/vairator and clutch assembly? If its that gasket, we never use them. Heck, I've ran with no transmission cover at all for a week while I was trying to figure out a clutch issue. If your referring to the gasket that goes between the reduction/gear box cover to keep the ATF fluid in, we've re-used ripped ones many times. As long as there is no leak youre fine.

Now, what I forgot last time. If you had a soft seize and the belt slipped on the variator-there is a chance the belt either got jammed (usually it turns sideways and wedges someplace horrible) or it put excess stress on the V-slides/rollers/clutch assembly and broke something. Again, keep us posted. I have faith it can be fixed on the cheap with either OEM used parts or pattern replacements.
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